Resolution 06450CITY OF ALANIEDA REsnLuiloN No, 64.50 DECLARING CAIIICASS OF RETURNS AND RESULT Of GENERAL MUNICIPAL SA. ECTIOCI UGLX OG MARCH WHEREAS, a General 'Municipal Election was held. In thtf City of Alow,eda on fuesday) March 12, 1.963, under and purehant ts. the provisiono of Article XIX of the Charter of said City, fct rho purpose of electing officers re fill the office of Councilman, as set forth hereinafter, Three (3) Chuncilmhn on the Council of the Ci t - of Alameda for two (2) Full terms, 4,3 3,, on the third. Tuesday in. Aprl.1, 1963) and continsXng - for four (4) years thereafter - and one (1) unexpired term commoncXna tho third Tuesday in April, 1961, and continuing for Cour (4) years thereafter - and snail a successor is electbd and qualified in each salset and WOREAdi, nomanating peti tinns mere duly And regularly presented. to, and filed in the office of the City Clerk. of the City of Alameda, in the time, form and manner prescribed by the Charter of said CR tm, nrminabing for said. offXces the f0100.11g persons, to mitt FOX PORIOCIttilelik,CILILE(Ift. Goortom co• '9(9' Howard G, Converse Robert E. De Cel le lielea Lyons Free:Gan Norman Jachens sp, (I) ilohnsou. Terry I-aCrelas, tr. Wi I. 1 am C., ) rite r NUEREAS, said nordnatiorix were entb,.red list, mdth the sOrXtbs to be filled, which list was certifitml re an filed in MSc time, form and monher requireb by said Cll.:art:am, wheroupsh an Election Proclamation, signed by the. Mayor' of the Clty of Alambda, and attested by tidne City Clerk, and csnabirinp a statement of the time of the election, she. office La be filled and the naMRS of the candidates to be voted or, as the same wore, by the Council of the City of .Alomeda, ordered th be printed and appear on the ballOs, was duly and. regoRarly issued more theta ten (10) days before said election and was published twice in the official( newspaper of said City, tte last publication thereof. heing ire'e than five (5) days before the date of said. election; and WHEREAS, there wore 110 elesSdon precincts sthin Ske City of Alameda fixed and escort- ifskod by rosslutish. of the Council. of said City and designated, fixed and established by the Board of Supervisors of the County. of Alameda, State of Cslifornle, as she election. precincts withsin the City of Alamoda for holding gerxtral Stare. and County elections - as the electron pre- cincts for holding the aforesaid Gonoral Municipal Slectich of the City of AI aheeat and MtIEREAS, all of tho ballots osed for said eTection hers proposed s to form and. con- tedits, as prescribed by law, and (1 samtple ballot was wmfileti to each voter of the City. df Alameda p9 thin the time and iv. the motmner provided by famo and. such madliog was compleimd Ao least son (19) whole date pracoding the dtte of said elehtient and. NUIGEEAS, the (ifficers of election for said election were clt,ly appoinsed and qualified, arpti wore furnished and election booths were prcvided fter each precinct as ldrcel tied i",ny law; and XXEREAS) Courci of the Gdi r;f Planlesa, aL i rxxi- resu;ar ficeLliof fol lowing amid tJestiom) ads mat odd Au`ly cadvaximd 'Ate reihros or the V,I'PS cast at ssid General Runislpal ecr ion as requi red by am, and 'ere' cp, Fel y edviced 1r the prepised, and hav'' rip tede returns ce spid caper:Ids nelore It; TREREFCRIT0 37, 17 HEREBY R9SCALR,I, DSCUENINEG AND RUICARE9 BY Tdd coaNcc, (IllY CI ALMEIDA aed said Csansil Hods, as follows: (I) Rhos said Genoral Municipal flees:ion ,,i;8S held end conducted, ane the votes cast aScreat rocs:von ane canvassed, and ths remirus there0f ascertained, deterwAnee and declared, in ali respects and 331 3/3 in the tIme, form ano manner provided by 1,8W. 1,2) fh.Et She number of votes given at each precinct to each of the ofcrasaid candi- dates was 85 fel lum0 110,270.2T 3711 22261691:211E7822312 6801 40 41102 81 40 41903 72 23 4604 E3 30 732265 60 3 0 4E06 97 726 6 14217 92 27 2/22 710 8 '20 28E0 315 2 5 6,87.6 703 22 LSI 1 76 2 5 6812 61 19 621 3 37 10 2962 6 3222 13 93, 2.8 41116 96 ' - 4)418 i 173 23 9819 81 2" 48201 95 26 4821 55 25 23822 71 31) 4,22 3 3 9 6 5223 223 35 4212 5 2 7 2 ; 4)126 217 62 46,', 66 32 41242 67 19 4643 77 55 48134 65 876 22243 63 .1 7 469 E 76 7 ) 4)47 52 232 4848 6 9 71 6E49 42 23 6,650 49 35 41251 68 24 32852 6 5 2 7 4853 32 4554 32 24 3062 2,5 23 4E62 42 39 4262) 40 27 48134 373 1 9 6668 30 321 4866 46 1 9 42167 211 4863 28 23 4869 33 23 4E70 4 9 28 L871 EE ,',C;12 41 25 61123 55 35 42.74 233 22 627 5 3)2 16 52 29 6877 43 2,, 7 6001 1 2)9 15 6302 126 26 39223 92 27 421E6 62 24 42)05 74 111 6365 61 21 )4997 56 1 7 22039 53 32 60015 27 2.8 2201 0 84 21 691 ) 116 121 63212 63 33 491 )2 724 28 i.)61)7 )1124 67 2,42227 CC N C 1- N3,15.2.8 21 C 3 2, 21 /2 P E E1 22 9 8 3 S 0 E '1 /12 32 12 22.2222 2 22 P3 20 12 312 35 27 2,9 39 26 21 2 5 36' 19 A 2 19 1 2 15 14 31 43 39 0 5 96 96 33 24 117 119 2 3 1 9 33, 2 6 33 32 15 82 59 22 22 2 7 44 279 2 3 )33 43 927 22 2) 22 52 34 16 37 411 25 71 74 30 23 65 76 17 212 36 28 2 7 2,26 32, 27 I 7 31 41 12 66 32, 16 2 6 39 10 62 33. 3 3 2 9, 57 2 5 33 43 2 5 16 116 33 40 34 20 32 2 5 '63 56 8 b 222 26 34 2 ,. 42 42 21 43 1 0 62 225 35 24, 30 15 63 4 3 17 23 22 7 23 19 593 25 27 312 67 46 22 69 23 1? 33 1 7 22 44 145 27 33 27 3 0 21 63 36, 13 117 86 21 615 3? 20 2 '21 66 47 1115 7 7 47 76 33 35 9 ' 1.5 58 26 1 5 26 37 2 1 11 33 22 28 21 92 36 2-3 6,, 20 32 13 33 15 1 3 43 28 28 33 39 30 1 3 36 16 30 25 23 33 2 0 19 31 25 1 5 39 2, 6 33 16 19 111 24 38 23 20 23 20 10 2 ,,) 36 126 19 3 7 21 7 9)0 13 2 0 25 212 9 15 63 2 7 28 pp, 2.0 30 1 5 38 29 21 19 26 35 12 0 42 34 18 2 2 7 1 5 30 10 18 2 0 1 7 19 2 9 28 12 9 282 133 12 26 51 1 5 2 26 29 1 3 2., 1 17 11 14 2 2 9.8 5 ) A 1 7 21 ' 5 29 42 21 '22 6 2 6 132 1,5 1 6 7 29 1 9 12 23 63 19 6 16 1 7 21 , 9 32 6 111 33 2 3 49 2 6 27 18 15 29 97 1 6 99 212 '15 17 39 48 2 9 2 2 123 2 7 16 23 32 22 P 5 17 23 66 221 15 2 99 17 I. 4 33 2 11 2 5 16 33 24 18 2,2 22 27 6 32 22) , 2 42 12 12 62 6 135 22 2, 7 i 4 21 224 21 1 7 6 23 67 31 1 5 116 221 16 21 32 2 6 99 12 16 2 P 71 '29 2 6 67 3`.% 7 12 726 22 59 1 23 9 1:5 ; 6 13 2,3 51 22 92 2 9 2.3 21 9 37 ). 6 2.z. 16 20 121 16 51 26 ) 6 3 27 ) 6 26 25 13 28 .3 ,. 2.7 35 43 23 2/2 30 25 1 6 1 /5 33 ) 3 106662 3876 7, 42 118 i2o 1433 97 131 97 131 11 2 1 2 117 113 1 41 1 22 141 1 32) 1 33 11 2,6 1 /57 34.6 123 83 117 ;43 96 1 3 222 31 9e 92 93 68 87 592 224: 1120 62, 62; 31 102, 11 2 32, 137 73 1 37 73 12,31 1 10 ) 1 1 1 29 76 517 4 .31047711 CT N1113861.1 E , 0 2 0 m Es 0 A E 11 6 0 E C A a , R 6 P 13 11 E r E 6 L 61 E. 8 0 E S 13 N 3 K ilaLLOMS g 0AS3 4914 35 32 17 1.4 25 111 37 29 71 491.5 37 23 11. 23 i 7 .5 24 20 63 4916 29 24 9 19 26 19 19 27 17 69 491.7 34 19 17 21 24 1E1 21 34 10 68 4991 37 9,4 21 26 20 8 28 39 22 535. 4'932 43 20 28 2 9 18, .13 1.7 35 IS 79 4933 17 i i 161 11 14 7 14 1.9 14 4 4334 50 25 23 23 22 11 28 30 15 78 4335 38 2,33 24. 20 27 21 25 39 1. 8 82 4936 42. 42. 19 17 32 18 1 6 36 173 95 4937" 45 28 12 24. 22 18 38 42 12 Mg 4038 53 34 19 10 23 22 19 4 8 18 94 4939 4.5 20 32 27 78 5 25 43 22 514 4940 43 1 7 19 13 26 11 12 34 16 70 4941 44 17 27 • 17 19 1..4 20 31 19 72 4942 33 24 20 12 136 15 13 43 21 89 4.943 54 1.5 21 29 24 1.8 17 59 1. 5 92 4947i 58 92 17 17 24 213 1 2 43 21 88 4945 9.2 2 8 31 64 59 1.4 74 27 132 494.6 85 41 1 8 23 44 27 20 80 231 1.26 49,87 94 1.4 10 18 85 93 8 114 1.5 1 55 41561 4.3 11 1 5 17 1.11 i 9 37 9 81 4962 48 32 25 1 5 21 SI 18 43 21 83 49633 4.1 18 34 27 31 21 54 26 93 4064 57 32 17 30 17 1.12 34 69 25 105 4965 50 47 24 24 1.9 15 138 62 14 1.05 4966 .33 6 92 22 1.8 13 11 22 7 75 4987 39 .1 7 21 19 27 24 15 35 10 69 4958 40 7 1 7 28 16 1 3 18 31 11 67 4969 35 26 19 19 1.2 23 24 38 a 72 4976 /7 22 35 16 28 19 12 55 31 1110 4971i 116 25 7 23 1 .5 213 48 22 104 4.972 4 3 8 6 0 5 8 5 14 4973 2 CA 9 4 14 8 0 19 3 373 49744 14 28 12 31 12 19 17 5 55 49746 29 27 131 17 27 11 15 19 5 56 49833 119 1.6 12 9 25 i1 42 313 74 4932 C 84 12 21 1.9 35 34 lb 59 22 98 49.95 42 14 21 6 35 32 9 48 36 Scattered Votes; 2 A8E0011817 VOTE:, Gewrge A. Rose 44 Howard G. Conyers:a 20 Gcmge. 4, Coupe 10 Rober5. E. DECalle Selan Lyonn Ercemsn 21 Harman. H. bt, Janhass Irving, C. ToWnEnn 8 Terny LaCroix, Jr. g, 40 mg, William G. Werwar 20 33A That the total number cf. ballots cast. in tee (City of Alamoda at aaia election was (4) That 17.633 total namber nr votes cast. in Lila 21ty of SLameda as said election Eor each of the aforesaid candidates far the oce of Councilman of said City was as fel lows1 Cecrow A. Rowe 6,03/_____ George. W. Coupe Robert De Hesen Lyons Freeman. Norman Jachens Irving C. Joht. Est, Terry LaCroix, (Jr. NOW, TREREFME, BE INT RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND DECLARED that. hte aftreRaid Georgie 4, Rose and (4:try LaCroix, Jt., having receiv121 the tR.20 highest nuRbrs of votes cast for Lhe office of Councilmen, vete, and are hereby dec2are(1 to be, duly and regularly elocted t4 the office of Councilman. and as metters of 4he Council of the City of Alameda, each for a. Lerm beginning aL Rt.00 o'cintk tte third Tutsch ly in April, 1963, and continuing for four (4) y«ars and un24 1 a successor' s elected and qtali fled ; 3E IT 14,11(THDR R2230204/ED, DETERMINDD AND DECLARED chat 411(2. aforesaAt Heism Lyons Freeman, baying received the third highest number of votes cast. for the office of Counc.i tman was, and is hereby declared to be, elected 'co the nf cies of CouRcilman and as a mamber of the CRtnoll. of tht City of Atametia fot the term begRrsoing at 0:00 o'clock p,m. on the third Tuesday in April, 1961, and continuing for four (42). years and until a SUCCR S*0 r is elected and qualified. , hhe undersigned, herety certify that. its foregoing ResoLtsion W.L16 dtly aad regularly intrt6tced and. attpLet by the Council. cf.' the Ci of. AlameRa Ttgular toetAng assembled on the day of ((arch, 1903, by (114 fctlowitt2 vott, to RYES; Cow-lc:21(2:2D God froy McCat 1., Rose , Schacht and P0esietns Co 1 it schoRt4 (5). NODS,' ID WITNESS ttEREOF, hass4 btreuttn set My hand art affixed bhc, of frAcia sepal of said City this 20th day of March, 1903. RH:DRURY. H. (RA(4121( (y Cletk of the City of Alauctd- * 4 4 * * * * * * * * I hereby certify bit44 Lhe foregoing is a ful.1, 2.rue and correct. copy.of 'City of Alameda Resolutior, No. 64.5(41, DECLARING CANVASS OF REIDRND 440 RESULT 0D 4224RDR41. MUNICIPAL L,LECTIM liELo 02N NIARC 12, 1.963', introduced art adopbed Rhe Ctunc4.I on (ht 19tt day of March, 1063. Citt Clerk of the; - (022,1.2,222eda