Resolution 06453150 CI 1/1" OF Al-V:1E1M mggounfinga adim gggg OPPOSIING IrEAKIVAL OF TILE ailialICIPAI, COURT FROM THE ciTy OF ALLGIEDA MTEILILS, Inds Council. is adva sod that on March 26, 1963, the AlamedM County Board of Super- visors will. meet to conadder the problmins attendant the mmnicdpal ecarts nf the County; and WHEREAS, the Council is further advised That at. said meeting the Board will inquire into rhe need for 11 '(1 of the Alameda Manleipal Court at its presena location ndi'hin. the City cl Alanmmia ; and WHEREAS, the Council finds that Idle populaMe of the City of Alamedm, nom in. excess of 60,006 parsons, as mm,11. as the municipal. anvernwana of Said. (Airy, maimdd be seriously 1 nTwnvenienced by She rennaval of said court from the Claw and that the present Anil prosperdiva case load of the Alameda Mou1ciand Court warrands an eman gdoaawr expeaddiawai of funds in order tm provide modw adequare facilities for Com efficiand handling of rhe Citlau legal affairs, NOM1 TEER1133)11E, RE 12 xi:SOLVED AY THE GCLINCIL OT CMYM CT ALAMEDA that rbe Malmor is hereby direcaed to appear at: tam Drada's noLing on nirch 26, 16.3, for the porposs cd: expressing this Counci 1 's unand mous opposition to any reductiob in. Rani cdpal court service Ear tl cE AManecia and O.) present to the. Board 1n. MOT.E. dTtail the facts and figures dpon mnich rhe Crunril's findings above expressed a O.: grounded.. Id The undersigned, hereMy necOA.ty thad. the foregming Resdieticia was duly and regularly imutrodWeed and adoptaa by the Council cf the. C1by of Alauada lo regulmr deatdng assembled on the IGsb day of iaarrh, 1.11'6, by tbe follon,ing vrae, to -Atm . AYES: Caeocilmen Godfrey, Aisfall, Rose, Schacht and 9rasidenr Callischann, (16). 1.30Eg: ABSENT:. None.. IN WITNESS CAEREOF, I. have hcreuntn sot my hand and al:fixed the official seal. of said CILy this Bah day of March, 1963. SHIRT= th mmi2, Ciry Clara of Ole Caty of Alameda I hereby certify thmit the foregwlng is a full, true and correct'. copy of 'City of Alameda Resolutl on bay 6453, CRAPCIRG THE REMOVAL. CT' THE MUNICIPAL COURT FROM Lail CITY OF MIAMBELlac, intro- duced and adcpLed by the Counbil on the lOnh day of March, 1963. OHO; 0, sae mite of Alabada