Resolution 06475CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 6475 ADOPTING SPECIFICAT1,ONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND PLANS FOR INSTALLATION OF HOUSE LATERALS, REPAIR OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE $1DEWALK, DRIVEWAY, CURB AND CUTTER, AND MINOR STREET PATCHING WITH ASPHALT CONCRETE FOR 0)13 FISCAL YEAR ENDING jUNE 30, 1954, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE SM. WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared Specifications, Special Provisions and Pions for the installation of HOUSE LATERALS from the street laLerals to the property line, and other work appurtenant thereto, for the fiscal year ending june 30, 196A, numbered PW. 5-63-9 and filed with the CP.y Clerk on May 21, 1963; and WUEREAS, the: City Engineer has prepared Specificaticd Special Provisions and Plans for REPAIR OF PORTLAND 0. e.4..NT CONCRETE SIDEWALK. DRIVEWAY, CURB AND GUTTER for the fiscal. year ending june 30, 1964, nuahered FW 5-63-12 and Uilud in the office of the CiLy Clerk on May 21, 1963; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared Specifications, Speciull Provisions and Plans for MINOR STREEJ 134 1313111 WITH A0)1 HP1T CONCRETE 01' Che fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, 1. 0. PW 5-63-11 and filed in the office of the City Clerk CTL May 21,. 1963, NOW THEREMRE, BE TT RESOLVED 14 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that Lhe aforesaid SpecificaLions, Special Provisions and Plans, numbered and filed as aforesaid, be, add the same are hereby approved and adopted. RESOLVED, FURTIIER, that. the performance and completion of the werk specified in said Speci- fications and. Froudsions be, and the same is hereby, authorized. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Council of the City of Alameda will receive sealed bids up Lo the hodr of 11 a. m. on FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1963, for the 01 15 to the Citl of all labor, materlals and equipment. necessary for said work, for the fiscal year ending jnne 30, 1964, in accord- ance with said Specifications and Provisions individually prepared therefor. Bids must be presented to. the City Clerk, in the City Hall, in Alameda, Califernla, under sealed cover and .plainly marked on the outside win Lhe designation of the fiscal year work to which said bid applies. CoadtracL, -104 0.4,1' be awarded subject to the 01 0.1) of the Charter of said City, to the respons).ble bidder ute submits the levest and best bid. The Tjght is reserved to reject any cr all bids. Said Specifications and Provisicus may be had by any prospective bidder on application to 01, City Engineer, at. his offIce in the City Hall, Alarra, California. The Cltv Clerk is hereby directed to ndvertise, in the Ala'lleda. TIrues:St i da of: tIon ry!,71,dije dng for ,ealed bids n accornce with the provi.O.ons this rEsolu atu of said dpeclr,ua ion, Provisions, * * * * * * * * * * 1, the undersigned, 11,1 certify that the foregoing Resolution was edlly and regularly in.Lroduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alzmeda in regular meeting assembled on the 2110 t day of May, 1963, by the folloOng vote, to wit: AYES Codncilmen Freeman, La Croix, Jr., McCall, Rose and President. Godfrey., (5). NOES: Nene. ABSill'fl; Nene. IN WITNESS MIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 14, day of May, 1963. SHIRLEY H. TENNTER (SEAL) Cit-.y Clerk of the City of Alaiuda I hereby certify that the f.oregoIng is a full, true and correct copy of "City of Alameda Resulut:iuo Nd, ADOPTINO SPECIFICATMS, SPECIAL 111 0', AND a.ANS UM INSTALLATION OE HOUSE IATIRAI.U, REPAIR OF POBATAND CEMEN.T CONCRETE SIDEllALlil, DRIVEUAY., CURB AND CUTTER, AND MINOR STREET PATCHING WITH ASPHALT CONCRETE FOR TflE FISCAL YEAR.ENDINU jUNE 30, 1964, CALIING FOR BIDS A.A.: DIRECT.- 51 011a CLERK. TO ADVERTlSE SAME", introduced and adopted by the. Council on the 21s0'day of May, 1963. Cit1 Clerk of y 10 01