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Resolution 06484
p-E=65, 5,530f,sp5A Rwszt, 0913955. N9. 6484 177y.,)soLL41-70771 rylL) 7,7;77.777 07)71777CIL 0.1"7 '1'77i17" 7)71417Y ,:17E 47474,7177.1744. DiddlieffleT1 tee Od 6845 160176001166, COlefie,N53751, 3 ON Oh LLFC131,Ile CP53" CERS 6.5N0 OTiFER 2=36.T=3055.154.5',,p Oh 1514 011.066513132.06520.3056, BE IT ROSOLVC:3 6101 COUNCIL OF :81,11 CI If (IF 51.76511=5D4 as foLlowia, eeQ= 051_2 Chi s Resuloi, i sha 1 be known. as the 'Salary anti Poe: Lica Resolution of Joly , 1983'. 0wietihan 2 Ile following sal ary rates, salary ranges and salfixy stepx axe ho retry designated as thc rales rT pay e to the rzw=wpenCive 4.1 an 63 hi cations in thie service of. hhe cy of 6.1.ainede5x aso.;,,,681 1.4 fp=581; 455 -58D 53,105, tee pc= 1536 Acaos=n3ion3): 74,477747a4 Opera,or 58=l ePt! d cop se sen t oe T. 1) t 0,5pa,Ly 574' .74444444,47 (P.') ) 15=0 95ananaoiate 4555,5et -816ra _5 y 77774NE7 5575 oft dange 66 55l en weep 636p A 356 415 n 3 7=1 35:06 366 5)5 ZO 11:7 7=62 6! 3 644 676 Zhi 50,5 t; eni 505 i 5 n=36 5:=Pd .16=e :ElOy de I la` 3 es 6 stade 77'17y :77:7777r7177'y 6'95 763 447 46;6 493 = 543 IC30 C1 3 y 6 <). 693 727 763 1 Lis; lecpw5=5; 1 '1. (7'47,7;417" 5') Y3'4 453 581. 305 530 5 040 Ci tty Manager , l 950 40.351st an e Ci ty Manager 'i, 76 .f.5;.T E62 905 95C 993 1640 Aiitninstrative leedreLary Ito fe iy liaragex 53 459 493 517 543 573 1. 066 i616,0 5635 fli reotix =6; 969 990 :.34,3 11.00 fdi3=5 .5seiol at e 24 antted 5 67 660 693 7ei 763 5,0! 5064 tztAhninti 1.1,?-e.f'61,:,17' 55 3373 53.5 558 636 16555 513=p55,503.63desi Wea,de=tany .= . ltt 6 33 L77477,7 ',lento n6, Ord:4 .0.8wi (Z,X. ) 34 2.33 9.55 = ; 63.6 iedei 5.65 16.fiLiZZ,N1,:tEL e3l0 Perth:51331 366:303 OP :=8,7 635 6 5,55 61 36' 367 436 "L7.4747 7.777747.4ni 177774Y7 Pro4774777- 77-4741 2:27171'74.11717:7144447!,4 177,677 B7,-77- FL-7 627:7 7747L7.7 4,1 3749 73(47 4;',LT: 4)775 _:;,YLLIL_LLa:J_CE n7Y7i7Y Ircy-777477,24r aryl Tay Co 114444r !866.= Density 1=n:di:sorer-Tax Oe 1 lochs-5r 1583= Field Renresenitatlale 45 285 405 669 35 638 689 615 783 56 5 eild 556 Ol 3 .6d 41 8 el= feC5 el 367 5:33 4355 6.25 2',111.71:7'''2.31.12,93111.4:1341711111, 9154,13 01i3; 93e 066-2p 03 7.6p '3179 chief B0:11.31inii 70 4;967070r 601. ELI. 61 0 3 9117 974 3 1 3)10 iii, i 1. 71 i Li; In 90350 34:41, i 62 513 676 710 13110 3:5 wribi 6.9, in spec:1370r 63 596 ;1312,311 5 1113 11 73911 727 3 C6':. ) .ASS '.:1 17,91,131ins, Iii5peotor ? 53 0 1 3 644 3600 6011ding Perm1is Lxarliner 413 415 4139 490 505 2010 ,.,,,,,,,•,). ,.',,- i31. pig .. Ma i 17, Le ruin cern an /....'',,, A I 5 509 20262 Garay; 3,793071an1; , 45 009 415 4;30 4561 3621 21909 ,193731,6 re 13 5 L 38 325 34.1 3175 7 POO Telephone ',lire ra tor 9139.77,9ip 3 i 00.1 st 1 40 3613 3 96 41.5 006 376 12397, 0111392 11:1,1 1930 C1 3 y 33-0,1 neer 1 613 11i 55 12:0 31132 1,96i 93460 311 Ly 3539,1929:7 31133 902 950 51 0 ,39707.9793313,9 6-16,211 1:n09E965 3 7'2 7132 :3120 1,633944,0,2 Ciir11 2,43-7,143,93 67 6/60 693 00E91 Pun 1 or 6 i vi 1 13,09,1 9793 r 3 6493 139P 2 531 399, 2.070 Po-17.0729c 6 i on 1 yoip347, Lop :3p 536 58-4 er."5 65 5,655,,,,,,6 i 55 555 5655 31 .„1-00,31 3 13245777:672-r 3? 51 7 543 '1025 933-1 763 13,71793007-47r1r.,3 -101 213 2 33 0003 67 pioi .16-3331 073, ;27. r?, 02.3,5 i small. 481 5325 303 4 11.993,099301-1,3 41,74 5 56 436 153 1612 173-iLcipa1 3:3Lr19., iiiiiii.„ of 530 6361 or aiD:;Crr- s".;,°:,. 550 .116,0727303; 2,3096.006-0130317 1616 1-03-9733,419ite 36610 Jr. Cii7711 3630059, 0210 0-36,4164ci603, 3:710 (P.T,3 5Lffm112 5L52-5L1 31709 07914119 c-,01",S, 312,p2, 64Ler53sor :2023 2.41,00rL4t Me019.16,6 3406774an 2290 :121.61444ance 0a6,329tei7 70173:a4 2230 130-372-1; e 39944 2300 Na'nt4riancv Foriiian 2010 01,931605i,3393o9 P 659.59,9 2336 6370,7939 91L1pueLanor 66reror 1 22741 2i7.L loon:969n 2210 1193i,i3903ent. 0ortLi7311c 223:7 1,77L1. 0,:49349036 2229 2200 74063r; 107 40r19.r 2190 39i93,-9 9611 n iiinanco 32.9i33.9:6,1 21615 iiireot. 1 pa r 2 2150 7r65 9:79.79 7140; Cr( 3 10r3 00,90ance 3,0rker 31193 p33230: 39330:03:202 2120 ruck Lir ' 2030 494133a:9i: 4q43pEeni 9962:3414 ". 303,73i000 11,01p7:3790-1077 2 11 9 6161 1 1 31 4309 r GO Ire Chi 931 523, 61 0 513 570 539 39 636 61.30 :V ! 5125 530 a) 1359 403 423 447 L59 45 5E0 405 330 469 4: 340 :367 3735 1915 620 61 3.29 3,32 5,93 5P 2,34 2,73 2,431 0.46 74 782 1133 59 59 513 5') 55 55 54 51 21 103 311 1,9 46 P012,4 i'LL,.147 ;13,3 453 317 51,3 505 067 905 9 90 6710 693 722 374 59P 62P 660 595 3715 655 376 595 :7-11 660 57P 598 923 1366 570 50,6. 966 370 5079 -3213 360 5731 9P11-1 6130 5311 556 555", 5) :3 51 7 5351, 3774 .596 517 5370 3710 ;06 004 7,51 339 536 26 3 1,103 017 540 4631 1593 517 042 46, 536 469 01 7 7.033 617 447 409 73.1 3 461 7L3730 503, 520 306 5P4 4.47 4619 317 62173-.3 - 1;i91, 1153 2 736,2 91:2 1.11:11.1 311/1 3Lif 7, 53,5, I1,-,1 7. cal ion. 0.51,s f - - 517,..1,i. 22, 7.53 Of f i cc r 31. 0 0 7371, - 7,0,,, - 7t7,3 '/.351 5,41 (..,..1; 2 7', El r E.., • Cap tic') I. rl. • 9 85 4510 F71 re :23.i.eut,,75...s...,,S i 0 63 015 i.,,,) 65.0 6933 727 2.24,3 ,5,40,1p,ss,,,-,,,, "5,23013,a57,03, .56 17500 CE.s.-7.art3.17-2,72.1,-,F1 7,1s332.2. to 50 4:4- i` S 330 n f.iiti,r .073 15,7357,5-570. compens&31,353; 7.172.? 3.5,0 F11 T.313€0,0023...13.27, • Or, p73,77177.1nen assi :omen S so the 7,3e Pr202,250,5 _or, 3.5-z eau, ,310,11. secs is,52 557 3,73,32 s rss0 (.2-7..'4) Per ms,,123,15 whi 177 7,73F75322,,02 • • 110 i 2,407.4.75 ce 4023 0i.1(323 Insps,..20s 01 0 P0! 25,3 05 3.22,,,,,,33 4600 Foi 188 Ofl3icer 1 :52 (5.-20) 7/501,40 69(2-55) 65(3-S. 64(2-5) 52 405 1548 1.1073 F,52. 70,3 755 332.31 727 013 7.13 40 '3, 42,7 4/, 7674 7:5.0 67.0,„ 1. 79 :.,e7.;,.111 y• p „7•L 9.i.j.L„ sha 1 add es 7,-, ills compsyssaLl on. ?I:7 V 775 , 7.ns 2,77 soon .pc, 73.75.5 1. 0,. G,,,, S 750,03.5,25 Manager ',. 713 807 841 382 927 2150 H,,,,,ssi. SLarSer .0s3,51. 2.ssi. s =5,5572 Sour se Sal:lager 1 6:7.8 6750 09'x• ,uperntencerlf. 570 598 623 660 693 40p,..473.k.,,,5.L.,40.. 1 59 543 553, 592, :5:5 , 2;34. 031 f 0702.5,..er 49 425 ,7,7,5/ 0250 '517 Ss, 437r 247,-,,, 003 L. 5k,...1.5. p53,L5 72,7,231.2,- 7 7. /7, 45,5 4,55: 75573 5', 7 Ss,. 2,5,'7, 2.;_,;c. s.. 4032.anis .40 4 S,,, 45,3 517 2 '335 3 31,'', 41 5 7,325 .2.7.3. 702 4326 42,' '0,5 43,5 450 7,31 1 ..ss .43255 009 4523 0,17 EK3c3 I u, 071 73 0/33,757 ,54,77.p,,s1,7,g d .7.2., the p,5 ,,,,, 3,r3. La r..h.e c;.1 f „ ,,. 72.57,5 5.7 $2,17 .575 3 mos,. for 322.0.2,11,757,, t r ,...,157,05 incrs.a.se 1 ,2,33.4313335,2,17 S :.....i1,2:::11I . . -, 3') Ci L} 4, SL-a5L, as. , 74 ,,,,,, . 57:45 93!. 75522 32,25,rar, as I ss 41,21 S,50 403 55! 7 '43 5525. Li: lar-3., A, 3,1 1,3 3.-1,:.. 31, 40 335.5 7,5, 54,7 453 3 51 35 ; /0s,37 7,25. 'f PI 2 , J1 2 ,, 34 2, 45 2757,-,ss1.305,07 72 :2 ,',:, t a '7•::, r>;., 4335 2,735s ss.,,,,, 'I 0:., 3540 3 ...,...54,./5. to (P. , . ) 3/h 5 5 , 33 3, ,f 7 :1-.,,,,,-. 0.--,f,) 'J2311 .512 0 R,L,;..71: icy.; rAti. Scyr 3 25.2., r ti Fs-5A 0 t 5732.2012,7 5(.520 Res rea4,512.22. SS 43 41 45.5 52.5 5,15 6'3 012.4 3i !Si .53 5- 7 - 70 505 2025 415 1,30 357 355 -35 423 2 .523 ' , '7 kande Stpd 1/17 9t9P 814.1h1i60-11:5,14t 2.111151Ehh11611141 _item- A g 5040 Recreation loadiir I 16h9...3 1.50 1,90 1.79 6960 Rocreption Leader Il it t., 111h 1,81-1 1.21 1,31 2010 11a1311 .76r (P.I.) 6/h 5100 1.6600,m1h6 Psol 6:onager (6,11.1 7516 2.22 2.5.3 60110 Aqua116 Esocialist 118,73.1 IMO 2-1.7 5070 9,3131or I 1 miguard 1,13,11. 0111 2.21 2.42 5tO8 A./wail:3c Ensbrector 111.1hi 2.99 7.10 2.21 2660 lifeAumid 16.T.) 1,89 2.00 2.10 5030 Cashier-Attendant (th81) 1,68 1,79 2.99 5068 Locher Attondabt (P.1» ) 6/b. 1,21 1.31 5020 Instructor.. Aide 108.2,1 2.87 1.63 1.73 2240 Park Paineenanom Supervisor tm 679 525. 660 693 21817 light IddyMypyint Ilporaimm 1 49 425 447 493 517 29530 Park Care raker 6 40 415 435 481 2CY0 Garb.doey. 1 415 436, 461 665 2028 Laborer 6 SP 3115 1.15 6,36 456 11111 2C129 labcror 60.1.7 11111 2.28 2.39 2.52 2.66 ::,-1,ILLg:LTLAN,2.7,1,2 L.I.T."). 1159 City 111-sysisido (Partemiedry 1 413-17 01110 Emergency burgeon 1P,06.3 4. 10-6 nil 6000 ResIstprod Enrsd i 419 436 44,1 616211 RolicM Stevar8 .11P,rh) Fin. 1.92 21(6.1.1151,51.1:4541111166(106I 2189 Perling Merms 52 506 589 556 ,1°71.5116,11(bh)..mOdd-LI,,,sis,RM°P...12M,°11(dPlhdgrb'1(„Mfi88,Edi-1,6P.06.2 Any. 013 the eliinve ciaories, an appropriately besigsted, and: 1616 IntsrRnemIte Fopisb-olehb 171) 154d Senior EmpIst 1.616r1, (I) 1339 Senior rucnographor C,erb 1,M1 389 367 685 605 3115 60.5 1,25 643 I, tho undersigned, hereMy certify Coat inne foregoing Ressiutloh oos cid1y and sPoularly IstmeducoM a ,. oddbed by (636 Coonoil of 11.16, City of 41amoda 16 imoulas peebing assembled on the day of 33390, 1963, by Cis folic-m.1mo is611.i, 1,11 k AYES: Councilmen La Croix, Shr., McCall, Rose and President Godfrey,. (1.0. IN WIINESS WAUREMI, I have Permunte ser my hand anci afibred she othicial Seal of sold (Tity 19)..n das . ni tone„ 19132. ) Ci C1Mitsk sik Cry C of 1 nerhhy pertIfy that bhp I:pro:going is a .1.411, true and corroot mopy rM 'Ciro dl OIrmedd ResolyMidn No, 9404, D9SIMMh1211115 ROMILIR or:. ADD PROVIDING FM8 TaL COMPERMATION OF I821YIN 0881016115 RED PIPER 11,8810416ES 06 SRN CITY Ok: ALAMO:178"h introdmccd d1.6M adriptcd by tlie Council on stp 113611 day isf 966:93, 1963. 1.. y s/ '6= 91 3 6 L'1, ,y of h 373 475 g,911 469 tf