Resolution 06495TY Oft AINDOCDA iNSIVOI. Ci ON NO „ Cgi,Dx ADOPillINCY SPECIISCAlIONS, OPSCIAL PROVISIONS AND PLANS Rie RESORFACING ny,' MAJOR OFFEND'S IP CITAi OF Al signEDA, CALLINC ,2ifiX BIDS AND,,lifFitiCIING CPIS: ADOCtiltISE NDOREAD, jhe Engineer has prepaifed Specifications, Special Prnyisioss and Plaris for the resarfacIng of major street5 in the City of Alareda, numbeired PD 6-bOsTO and flied. in the OfriCQ C*L Lile City Cler" cc June 16, 1963i egli" TOISRESORS, BS: IT E•„„IDIAIED Die Idli •couNciL TN" CITA' ALAXIODA Lilac tne aforesaid Specg.ficaitions, Special Previsions and Plans, numbered and tiled as aforesaid, be, and the same Ate hereby approved and adopted. ROSOLVEB, FOPFHER, that the performanee end. cociipletion of the web specified tn. said Specific:noggins and PrnVlAinr*, M?., and the .:51MA.-? is bereby authwrized„ OPSIXAFED, IlitwiFOR, tnat Cle encniAi df the tney of Alameda Dill seated bids up In thy bour 11,DO c'clAct a.re„ sr FEDIDAY, ilstS 2AmDlIC3, IerniehItut, to 7hE City et ali lelocr, ateria,s, tuvisiMecry Login fa,mi tfuillement netmow„ary for thn ours hcreinagye referrAg to, In accorc- ance with 33".6 SpeolTioariotif Preelfisne. bids' ,I,SL LC preeented Els CIivi Clenf, in tee City gall, Alameda, Ciiifernie, occex sealed cover and plainly maiion on Mg! roteige, 'Propufal for Oefurfacing *,3 'enjoy sIreetn ir ,..la:ne*O*, CT finUiae denignatior, Contract, if awarded, will be awarded subiect to the. provisions of the. Charter ef the City of Alame6a, to the respenxiblo bidder who submits thy lowest aug be5t bid, file rigioi is reserved to rei„ent any er ail hide. Said Specificatibms and Provisiene may be had by any srespectAve bidder on applIcation to erg City "ngiceer, at his office in time Cily Sall, AlamedD, California, The City Cleric i5 bereby directed 1:9 advertise, AA tho AlAmeda *Ones-CI:male, a notice calls for sealed Bids, in accordance. Wir*ll the brovisions of this reengstion and of said Specifications and Ptovisionsu I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Xesolutgon was duly and repulatty introDificed and adopted by tile Council of the CiLy Cif Alameda in regular cneettag assembled ha Lb, lath day bf "nee, 1963, by Lilo following vote, to. Couneglmen Freeman, La Croix, Jr„, McCall, Rose and President Godfrey, EONS', None, IN JiliffiESS INIESEOF, I have hereur"o set my hand and afigxed the official seal of sale City this IdEh gay of June, 196B, OBIDIdf* E, City COirk of thn Cnty of Mix:Bede Resolutittil No. DANE, ADOTEIFOG SPLCitiCAAgOSS, SPIECIAL„ PROVISIONS AND PLANS BOO INISAJNEMOING OF ladblaal STElllITS IN 'ODE CITE OF AFAIIBNA, CAFLINO FOP BIDS allD DIRMaY'llIll CITY CLERK TO ADVERC:ISE SAME', intgE gated and atlsoted by the Council on the day of. June, 19bilt rifildLLDIU'ISI- v :Der" ylpyr Alafteda