Resolution 06520c.ITY OF ALAMEDA RESODITION NO. 0520
BE IT RESOLVED by the Cit.y Chuneil. of the Ci Ry of Alameda, County of Alameda, Saate of
fora: a, as fol. 1 00a
That the Cat Engineer be an.d he is hereby auhhharlied and directed to prepare plans and
speci cati ons f or the work and improvements to be done in. the proposed Garden Road Assessment.
District. in Ehet City of Alameda, Cuunty of Alameda, State of fornia,
I hereby certify JhaL the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the CiLy
Counnil pf the CI ty or Al ameda ajameda County, Cal i fornl a , at. a regul ar meeting thereof held on
the 1.7Lh
111 of September, 1 1 vote, act wi
AYES: Counclitmen Freeman, La Croix, Jr" McCall., Rose and PresidenL Godfrey, (5).
10023; None
aBSEN,t': None.
Clerk., ty of Alameda, 2;1 ameda Count';
1 1 1 i forni.
* * 0 * * * * 0 * *
hereby certify ahat the foregoing is a full, txue and correct. copy of "City cf. Alameda
Resolution No. 6320, ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFAICATIONS", introduced and adopted by the Council. on. tbe
l'7Jh day of Septeaber, 1963.
Cj! er'a of tha; ty of Alameda