Resolution 06523CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO, 6523 RESOLUTION OP INTENBIIIIM TO APPROVII AN AMENTIMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF ADBINISIRATION OF IBE STATE EIBPOOYEESJ RETIRENENT SYSTEM .AD THE CITY COUNCIL OF TBE CITY OTAALAMEDA. WHEREAS, the St.ate Employeos° Retirement Law permits the participation of public agencies. aod thbir bspioyeeb In the Stafe Daployees' Rerjrvment System by the executioa of a contract, aad sets forJh the procedure by which said Public Agencies may eJect jo subject, themselves and their employees to amendments to said law.; and WHEREAS, Section 20497 of the Government Code providos that a contract between a public aseney aria the TIoard of Bdarinistirotion may ea amended to change the benefits provided therein. or to modify beefits and adjust contributions if the California Abate Social Security AgreemPrat of March 9, 1951., is modified to include employees of the public a,veoc., in. positions covered by the System; and WR,IPEAS, Jhe City Nouncil ev Resolution Nu. 64.17 has initiated action to so amend the contract vj'eh Board of Administration fnr coordication Pith Social Securify and application of 1' )J4 of the 1/60 foroala to thr la90-1/60 forBula, 11. 10' to January 1, L958, and WHEREAS, fho cariiest date now possible for retronafiye application of the 1/90-1/60 iorpolet laraary 1 , 1959, and WPEREAS, SeAtIon 2131 r3.5 of the Govercpgnt Code permlts present ,1-mbrs of a retirement system to choose Individually whether they. wish Jo add Ole coverage afforded by 1959 survisAr benefits (Sections 21330-7 of the lovernalent Code) to their existing coveage`, and WHEREAS, it is the intention of this governing body to allow employeve of this agency an opportunity to exercise. such choico gjeh respect L a : , the addition of 1959 survivor benefits as an additional afteroatjva to cootinoing their preseut benefits or andificarJon of jheir present retirement. system benefits for coordinAtion with Social Security; and WMPREAS, one. step resurired lc procedures for contract amondmeot is the adopt:Jan by the governing body of a pubile ay.,elacy of a BesoluIjon. of Inrention giving nntice of intention to pale.nd its contract with the B Im'"' stration wh ResolutAon shall contain a sum.mry ef the major provisions in the propAsed retiremeAt plan; and MIET,E.I, a summary of the major prAvisions is attached which Incorporate the additioo of flip. choice with respect to 1959 surAivor benefits info the changes initiated by Resolution NA. 5417. N.M, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOITED, Jhat the Cify.Councii. of t4e (14 of Ala,rda, gives, and it does hereby rescind Reselutiod No. 6417 and in place thereof give notice jof iobention Co amend its contract betoeen said City Concjil and the Board of Admintstrabion of the State Employees' Rebireffenj System to providA for a modifBcation Ai benefits and adjustment of rates, a summary of the major provisions of the proposed modification, and a copy of said amendment. being attached hereto maxleed "Exhibit A and BB respectIvey, and by this reference made a part hereof. SeaJember 17 , 32 33 (Date adoptod and approved) CITY COUNCIL OF TUE CIllaff ALAADA BY ARLEy 1„ TBABTER (Name) City Cleyk tlr) undersigned, hereby certify that the foregolot.J.Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and a(opjed by the Council of the City of Al1 meda. 1 1 4 egulax moetAng assembled on thP 17th day of September, 1963, by the followIng vote, to Aat, YES: Coancifpn Preemon, La CroIxa Jr., Rose and Presidene Godfrey, (5). NOES: Nene. aBSONI: None, 404 .04' 4 IN WITNESS WBEREOFe • I havellereento eet my hand and affixed the BlIficTAI. seal of said City this 18tA. day of SepLember, 1963A BRIBLET Hg TERRIER (SEAt) ty ClerTof the CiEy 04: Alameda CERTIFIER-CUM OfgROVIRNINA BODY'STACRION I hereby eerlify that the foregoing is a true ang correel copy of a BesolutIBB adopted by the CouncAt of the ggCie - Alameda , __ -, on Septemlyey 17 - , W9233 appearing al, Page g, Voluree 32 of the (Minutes) (03Tielal Records) of the Councii of theg City of AIpmAda SHIRLEY By TENNI-TR. ________ City Clerk of the City of Alameda I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct. copy of "City of Alameda Resolution No. 6523, RESOLUTIM OF INTENTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN TdE BOARD OF ADRONISTRAYION CRI THE STATII, EMPLOYEES' REBARMIENT SYSTEM AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA", introduced and adopted by the Council on the 17th. day of Septewber, 1963.