Resolution 06602CITY OF ALAMEDA .ESOLUTION NO. •602. DESIGNATING MAY. 1, 1964, AS A 1P1 1- DAY FOR THE RECOGNITION 1110 03SERVANCE OF "LAW DAY U.S.A.T, AND AUTHCRIZINC AND REQUESTING mAynH TO ISSUE PROCLAMATION THEREOF. . SMERESS, °Law Day U.S.A.'', annually celebrateG on the first day of May, is an eductlenal- patriotic observance emtablished by the United States Congress and by official. proclamation of the President of the United States; and WHEREAS, its purpose is furIher understanding of our national heritage of freedom under law; and UMEREMS, the Joint Resolution. 11 the United States Congress calls upon. Americana to redediuYate themselves to the ideals of eecality and justice under lav in their relmtions ultM each °they' as wet: as with other nationsm and WHEREAS, the objec4i11 es of 'Law Doy U.S.A.' arc: (1) To foster a deeper respect Mnr law by teaching hdw laws serve and protect all citizens; (2) To encourage responsible citizenship by demonstrating that individual rights and freedoms involve individual obligations; (3) To emphasiae the basic values of the rule of law in Cie United States as contrasted mdeh the fule of force under communism NOW THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED 3Y THE COONCIL OF THE CITY 00 ALAMEDA that May I, 1964, is set aside as a special day nY recognition. and celebration by che people of Alameda in appreciation. of. their liberties and reaffirmation of their loyalty to this country; of their rededication to the ideals of equality and justice undMr laym and for the cmitivation of that respeTA for the law Ulat is so vital to the democratic icay of life; BE II FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is hereby authorized and requemted to issue a pro- clamation calling Mnr the special recognition an observance of Mey 1, 1964, as "LAW DAY U.S.A.'. * * * * * 6 a >1 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Concil of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 2Ist day of April, 19641 by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Freeman, La Croix, Jr., McCall, Rose and Presideni, Godfrey, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have 11177C,Int0 set. my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 22nd day of April, 1964. SHIRLEY H. TENNIER INDAI) 41 Ty 6.1 erk of the CI Ly of Alameda I hereby cortify that the f,regming is a full, truc and correct copy of ”Eity of Alameda Resolution No. 6502, DESIGNATING MAY I, 1964, AS A SPECIAL DAY DOR THE RECOGNITION AND OBSERVANCE OF 'LAW DAY U,S.A,M„ AND AUTHORIZING AND REMGESTING MAYOR TO ISSUE PROCIAMAIOMIN THEREOF', intro- duced and adopteG by the Council. on. the 21st day of April., 1964. Cie Clerk of tfie City of Alameda / e 1