Resolution 06637rrr CITY OF PeLAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 6637 APPOINTINC MEMBER OF THE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD, RESOLVED BY TUE COUNCIL 017 THE CITY OF' ALA11Ei0A dist pursuant fo the provisions of Arfi- cle X of the Charter of the City of Alameda, and ubon nomina kin of ihe Mayor, ELVIN LARSEN is hereby appointed rno ibe office of member of the Civil Service Board of the City G5 Alameda for a commencing on Jbly 1., 1904 and expiring on June 30, 1969, and to serve until. his successor is appointed and. is qualified. 1, the unbersigned, hereby certify that rills foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly. 1': 3103 and, adopted by Lhe Council of the Ci.ty of Alameda in. regblar meefing assembled on the 3rd day of june, 1964, by khe followibg vote, to wif: AYES: Counbilmeb Freeman, La Crojx, jr.,•McCali, Rose and PresidenL Godfrey, (5). NelES1 Noes. ABSENT: None— :IN WITNESS WHEREOF., I have hereuntb set my hi: a and. affixed the official seal of said Crty 5hIs 410 day of jbne, 1964. (SEAL) SHIBILITY H. TERRIER Cicy Clerk of the Cirry of Alameda. I hereby certify 5hat the foregbing is a full, .rue and correct copy of "Ciky cf Alameda Resoldtion No, 6637, APPOINTING :ELMER O. IRE CIVIL SERVICE BOARD", intronuced and 31 0) by rlie Council on the 3rd day of june, 1964— / ,Mari:ric;i7/ City Clerk (NI:Eche City of Alameda /NIt