Resolution 06655CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NG, 6655 ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURNISHING TO TEE CITY OR ALAMEDA VARIOUS ITEMS OF PLAYLIBOUND APPARATUS, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING. CITY MENNE TO ADVERTISE CAVE. REEOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that thR Specifications and Provisions for Famishing to the City. of Alameda various itemb of Playground Appara- tus, No. MS 6-64-6, filed An the office of thr City Clrrk on Pune 16, 1964, be, and the same are hcreby approved and adopted- DESOLATED, HEFNER, that the Counell of the City of Alameda will ruceive sealed bids up to the hour of 11:00 o'clock a.m. on THURSDAY,. JUIN 2, 1964, for fur-. nishim to the Cit of said" equipmentor acoordanbe with said. Specific:at:Ions and. Pro- vicions. Rids must be presented to the City Clerku in the City Hail, Alameda, Celifornim undor sealed. cover and blainly marked on the outelds, "Proposal for Various items oT.flaygreubd Apoarobus", or similar designation. Contract, if amotuded, 11 ll? be awardud subject to the provisions of the Charter of said City, to the rurponsible bidder who submits the. lowest end best bid, Tbe right. is reserved to rejeet nny or ell bids. Tte City. Clerk is hereby directed to aduertise, in thr Alameda limes-Etor, a notics calling for sealed bids, in acbogdancr with thu provisions of tills resale- tion and of said. Specifications and Provisions. I, unPersagned, NEreby certify that the foregoing Docolution was duly and reaegibrrly introduced (mil adopted by. the Couroil of the City of Alameda in regu- lar meeting assembled. on the. 15th day. of June, 1964, by. the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Freemen, La Croix, jr., McCall, Nose end. ThesIdbrt Godfrey, (5). NOES: None. JENSEN T1 None, TN WITNESS WHEITECIFu 1. have hereunto set my hand and affixed the. official seal of said City this lyth day of Juney 1964. T7ENTEf:" LLy Alameda I hereby certify that the foregoing' is a foil, true and. correct copy of "City of Alameda. Resolution No. 5655, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR REFINISHING TO THE CITY OF ALAMEDA VARIOUS ITEMS OF PIANGROUNID ARPARAIUS, CAIIIND FOR SIDS AND DIRECT- ING CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE SAMET, introduced. ard. Adopted. by the Council. on the 16th day of Juno, 1954. I/ /I City Clerk of the City Jf Alameda