Resolution 06703caTy OF ARAM:IDA. RESOLUTION NO. ETC:
hiMEAWATICE EIBThaCTly____________.
VbIllbilAS, the petition of Shore Line Properties, Inc. fox< the formation
of a reclamation district pursuant to Division lb et the Later Code of tte State of
California wen duly presmnted to this City. Council at a regular meeting thereof on
Tuesday, Noyemhpr 17, 1964, at the hotr of T.:0 P.R. of said dmym and this City
Council rep duly. considered said. petition and heetd and considered sll. evidence,
oral and. documentary, offered in connertion the:new:thy
N OW, TESlabkethb BE IT RE2CIAZFL AND OFDIMAED by. the City Council.. of thp City
of Alameda ss fellows:
Section 1. Said nptition, together with. notioe of the nresentation tberecf
to this City: Council, was duly published for two weeks dreceding the date of said
hearinx by this City Council in the Alan:can Times-Star, a newspaper of general
culation published in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California.
tection 2. Copies of said petition and notibe were duly mailed to each of
the owners of lard within the proposed. boundaries of said reolematian district an set
forth in said petition.
ly A:1 acts, conditions qua things required by law to exhht, happen
and bp performed precedent to and in connection with the hearing by tnis City. Council
upon formation of ssid reciametion district exist, have happened and have been per-
fornd in timey form and manner as required by law.
S ection,ty Petitioner, Shore Line Properties, Inc., is the owner of morb
than one-half of said body of land mini:rising said phopcsed reclamation district.
pactiony5. Thc lands wn the exterion hour:denims of said district, as
described in said petition, are swamp and overflowed, salt marsh and tidelandb, and
other lards subject th flood and overtiow and incursions from the tide and waters of
San Francisco Bay.
Section Wr. Said an within the exterior boundaries of said district, as
describpd in said. petition, are susceptible of one mode of recin:anation, to wit, by
filling the same with sand, rock or earth, inclmding mnterials dredged from San Francisco
Bay, and impounding: said fill, and prcemehtine said lands from the waters of Sam Francisco
Bey, by meahn of dikes, levees, embankments and similar'. installatdmurs.
Section. 7. The total numter of acres situation within the exterior boundaries
of said proposeb reclametion district is 0E2.448, more or less. All of the lands
within said prbposeb district lie wholly within t1' County of Alameda and wholly. with-
in the City of Alameba, in said. County and State of Californium
Section Sy The name of ench owner of record of real. property situmted w
in the exteriornundaries of the proposed reciamhtion district is correctly set forth.
in said. petition.
Section 9. Each of the statements set forth in. said petition is true and
section 10. Ala of the land 110 011 to be included in said reclamation
district, es describbd in said petition, will be benefited. by the formation of said
reclamation district. Thbt no land incluend within the description of said pro-
posed reclsmation district has been improperly included in said proposed district.
That no land susceptible of the same modb of reclamation. as described in said petition.
has been improperly omitted from said proposed district.
Section It, Said petition. is approved and said reclematinn district is
hbraby orgcnized and shall be known end designated as "Bay Farm Islend Reclamation
District No. n" The appropriate number to he inherted in the ramp of said dis-
trict shcll be fixed and determlned by tha State Lards Commission an requlred by law,
Section 12. The description of the, exterior houndaribs of the proposed
4: 1( district is attached. hereto: marked. "Exhibit I" and by reference incorporated
herein and made a part hereof, and said description is identical.. with. that set forth in
said petition.
P ASSED AND ADOPTED this I,th day of November, 1964, by thb following
AYES: Councilmen McCall, R.050 end President Godfrey, (3).
HOES: Councilmen. Freeman and La Croix, Jr., (2).
S'IdSENT: None.
7:M.ty Clerk of the City of Alameda
Mayor of the City of Alameda
The undersigned, Mayor of the Clty of Alameda and City Clerk of the City
of Alameda, do hereby certify that the forembing resolhtion and order was duly and
regrlerly adopted by the City Council of the City of Alameda at '1 .. regular meeting
thereef held upon the date aforesaid and. pursuant to vote of the Councilmen se above
set forth, and that attached hereto and made a part of said readhtion and order is
the petition. for the formation of said reclametion district duly approved pursuent
to said order.
Mayor of the City of Alameda
City Clerk of the City of Alameda
* * *
Hereby certify thet the foregoing lull, true and. correct copy of
RECLAMKTION DISTRICT", introduced and adopted by the Council on the 1Mth. day
of November, 1964.
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Clemx h—City of Alame a
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