Resolution 06748CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 6768 ADOPTING SPECIFICATCNS FOR FURNISHING TO Ta Cl= OF ALAMEDA ONE (I) NEW,. LATEST MODEL, 1/2 T'ON PECNUP TRUCK FOR STREE1: DEPARTMENT CAIIING BgDS, AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ApyrTISE SAME. * RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF TflE CITY OF ALAMEDA that. the Specifications and Proysions for furnishing to the. City of Alameda one (.1.) new, latest. model., 1/2 ton pickup truck for the Street partuKint, No. MS 3-65-4, filed in. the office of the City Clerk on March 2, 1965, be, and the same are hereby approved and adopted. RESOLVED, FURTRER, that the Council of the City of Alameda will. recgiye sealed bids up to the hour of 11:00 o'clock a.m, TliRSDAY, MARCH 18, 1965, for furaising to the. City of gad picAup truck, in accordance with sag d Spegi ficationg. and Provisions. Bids mdAt be presented to the City Clerk, in the City Hail, Alaggegl, Cdlifornia, under sealed. co VC r and plainly marked on. ghe out- side, "Proposal for 112 ton Pickup Truck for Street. aapartmentg, or similar designation. Contract, If agurdcd, ',nil be awarded subjcct to ghA progisgons of thb Charger of sald City, to tbn responsble biddigr wo submits the lowedt and bAsg bid. Thg rgght is reserved to rejccg. any cA: all. bids. The gl gy Clerk. 1g here'gy Irecged go adyergi se in the Aladeda Tingegg Stagg a dotice calling dor sealed bi ds in accordarAg gg th The provl sions of thi s resolution and of sail d Speci gl cAi t Aug add Prided s i on s the undersissed, h.ereigy certg ty that the foregoing Resplution was duly and regularly. introducnd and adopted by the Council of the City of gAameda ia regujar meeting assegbied on the 2nd day of March, 1963, by the following vote, to 1 AYES, Councilmen Freer:girl, Le Croix, Jr., Vic:Call „ Rose and President Godfrey, (5). NOES; None. ABSENT:. None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, nave hernunto set my hand agA agfixd the official send of said Ce cy this 3rd. day of. Mnrch, 1965. STARI,EY Clerk el the Ei ty of Alaisede hereby certify that thn foregias is a f gal., true and corrgct copy of. 'City cif Alameda Resolution On. 6748, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR. FORM:SHANG TO TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA CM CO NE166 LATEST MODEL, 162 TON PICKUP TRUCK FOR STR8Egr. DEPARTMENT, CALIINC FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING CITY. CLERK TO ADViLRIISE SAME'', introduced and adopted by the Council on the 2.e1d. day of March, 1965. ted 6, 3 Miatemol deda/ C era of g,4 City of glaAccia gggi