Resolution 06755CITY. OF A1AMEDA SOIUTT NCT. 6755 ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS, SPECTA1 PROVISIONS ,MD MANS Fal INSTALLING AN ELETTRICALTY OPERATED i,JTUTTINUN APPARATUS DOM AT FlRE STATION 1.) 2, CALLING FC2 BIDS AND DIRECTIM CITT. CLERK TO ADVERTISE SAME. WIEREAS, the Cdty Engineer has prepared SpecifIcatlans, Special. Plrovisions and Plans for lnstalling at, electrically operated aLuminum apparatus door at Fire Station. No. 2, numbeTed PW 3-65-6 and. filed in the office of: the City Clerk on MarCh 16, 1965; NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED BY THE COUNT:11 OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that the aforesaid Tpecifictions, Special Frovisions and PITIns, numbered and. fileTi as aforesaid,be, and tee sem are hereby approved and adopted. RE1 0tVE13, FURTBER, that the performence and completion of the work specified in said ,Sp ficatlons and Provisions be, and the same is hereby authorized. RESOLVED, FIRTHER, that the Council of the CA.Ly of Alameda wi1 l. recoive sealed bids up to the hour of 11:00 o'clock a.m. on THURSDAY, .APRa 1., 1965, for fUrrYshing to the City of all labor, materlais, machinery, tools and equipment necessary for Lhe work hereiaabove referred to, in E,Ccord- anc.e with. said Specificatien.s and Provisioas. Bids must be presenLed to the City. Cler,, in the City all, Alameda, CaliforrTa, Under sealed cover and plainly marked on. the outs:de. TTroposal for Installing an Elect.rically Operated Aluminum Apparatus Poor at the Fire Station No. 2', or s-imliar desipnation. Contract , i f amarded, 11 be aw.arded s.ubject to the provi sions of the Charter of the City. of Alamed.a, responsible. bidder ,xthe Ls the Imrest alld best. bid. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Said Specifications and Provisions may be had by any prospective bidder on application to tLe City Engineer, at his office the City Hall, Alameda, California. The Ci ty Clerk d hereby reTcrected a., — in thu _ ' a notice ra i r sealed bids, 111 accordance wit...n the 1D-revisions 1 this resolution and of said Speuilications and Provlsiors. * * d * * * * * * * I, the undersign.ed, hereby certify that the foregoing 16,soluTion was duly and regularly introduced and edepted by the Cosnci I of the Ci of Alameda in regular mceting assemble6 on the 16t.h. day of Marca, 1965, by the follow.in..g voLe, 1 wit: AYES.: Councilmen. Treenary L.a. Croix, Jr., McCall., Rose and President Godfrey., (5). NOES.: None. ABSENT None. IN ',4dET,,'ECT, I have hereunto set my hand and aflixed Lhe of ficial se.a1 of sald City this 1.7th day of Marc 1965. T`TlNIFR City Clerl, of the City of Alameda I hereby certify that the Eorecing is a full., true and correct copy of "City of Alameda. Resolution N.o. 6755, ADOPTING SPECIFICATfON.S, SPECIAL FROVISIONS AND PLANS Fa INSTALTING AN ELEYTR1.- CATTY OTIMATED ITTMINTITI APPARATUS D.C.M FITZ 3TATTON NO. 2, CALLING FM BIDS .AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE SAAE', introdueed and adopted by tine Court6.1. on the 16th day of March, 1965. TaTey TierK 14 2" -ity off ,Tlameda /T1