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Resolution 06821
CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 6821 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA DESIGNATING THE NUMBER OF AND PROVIDING FOR THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA es follows: Section This Resolution shall be known as the "Salary and Position Resolution of July 1, 1965." Section 2 The ,following salary rates, salary ranges and salary steps are hereby designated as the rates of pay applicable to the respective classifications in the service of the city of Alameda, effective July 1, 1965. (See Sections 3 and 4, pages 7 and 8, for classifications scheduled for additional increases on October 1, 1965, and January 1, 1966.) ADMINISTRATIVE Code No. of Range No. Class Title Positions No. AUDITOR AND ASSESSOR Step A 1000 Auditor and Assessor 1 F/m - - - - 1100 1700 Deputy Assessor 1 68 676 710 745 782 821 1680 Accountant 1 64 613 644 676 710 745 1580 Accounting Machine Operator 1 51 447 469 493 517 543 1555 Deputy Field Assessor (P.T.) 47 2.46 2.58 2.71 2.85 2.99 1510 Intermediate Typist-Clerk 2 44 376 395 415 436 458 CITY ATTORNEY 1010 City Attorney 1630 Legal Secretary-Clerk 1535 Legal Stenographer CITY CLERK 1 1 1 1030 City Clerk 1 1590 Deputy City Clerk 1 CITY MANAGER 92". 1213 1274 1338 1405 1475 55 493 517 543 570 598 48 415 436 458 481 505 72*** 745 782 821 862 905 54 481 505 530 556 584 1040 City Manager 1 F/m*** - - - 2010 1050 Assistant City Manager 1 79*** 883 927 974 1023 1074 1640 Administrative Secretary to City Manager 1 57 517 543 570 598 628 CITY PLANNING 1060 Planning Director 1 83*** 974 1023 1074 1127 1184 3135 Assistant Planning Director 1 74 782 821 862 905 950 3045 Planning Technician 1 62 584 613 644 676 710 1600 Departmental Secretary 1 53 469 493 517 543 570 DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1570 Legal Secretary 1 51 447 469 493 517 543 PERSONNEL 1070 Personnel Director 1 83 974 1023 1074 1127 1184 1620 Personnel Clerk 1 54 481 505 530 556 584 1540 Senior Typist-Clerk 1 48 415 436 458 481 505 1510 Intermediate Typist-Clerk 1 44 376 395 415 436 458 6040 Examination Proctor Fill - - - 2.27 PURCHASING 1660 Buyer 1 63 598 628 660 693 727 1510 Intermediate Typist-Clerk 2 44 376 395 415 436 458 *** See pages 7 and 8 for scheduled increases effective October 1, 1965, and January 1, 1966, SOCIAL SERVICE 1520 Social Service Secretary 5 48 415 436 458 481 505 TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR 1080 Treasurer and Tax Collector 1 F/m - - - 1100 1690 Deputy Treasurer-Tax Collector 1 68 676 710 745 782 821 1650 Asst. Depty. Treas.-Tax Coll. 1 58 530 556 584 613 644 1560 Field Representative 1 51 447 469 493 517 543 1510 Intermediate Typist-Clerk 1 44 376 395 415 436 458 PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING AND INSPECTION 3170 Chief Building Inspector 1 79 883 927 974 1023 1074 3110 Plumbing inspector 1 66 644 676 710 745 782 3100 Building Inspector 1 65 628 660 693 727 763 3060 Asst. Building Inspector 2 61*** 570 598 628 660 693 3000 Building Permits Examiner 1 51 447 469 493 517 543 CITY HALL 2040 Auto. & Bldg. Maintenanceman 1 51 447 469 493 517 543 2030 Garage Attendant 1 50 436 458 481 505 530 1500 Telephone Operator-Recept. 1 43 367 385 405 425 447 2000 Janitress 1 41 349 367 385 405 425 ENGINEERING 1090 City Engineer 1 93*** 1243 1306 1371 1440 1512 3180 Assistant City Engineer 1 84 998 1048 1100 '1155 1213 3150 Senior Civil Engineer 1 80 905 950 998 1048 1100 3140 Associate Civil Engineer 2 75 801 841 883 927 974 3125 Traffic Engineer 1* 70 710 745 782 821 862 3120 Assistant Civil Engineer 2 70 710 745 782 821 862 3090 Survey Party Chief 1 65 628 660 693 727 763 3080 Junior Civil Engineer 2 64 613 644 676 710 745 3085 Junior Traffic Engineer 1* 64 613 644 676 710 745 3070 Construction Inspector 1 63 598 628 660 693 727 1670 Public Works Office Mfg. 1 63 598 628 660 693 727 3050 Sidewalk Inspector 1 60 556 584 613 644 676 3020 Senior Engineering Aide 2** 58 530 556 584 613 644 3030 Senior Engineering Draft'm 2 58 530 556 584 613 644 3010 Engineering Aide 5** 53 469 493 517 543 570 1610 Principal Clerk, Dept. of Public Works 1 53 469 493 517 543 570 1530 Senior Stenographer-Clerk 1 48 415 436 458 481 505 1550 Intermediate Account-Clerk 1 48 415 436 458 481 505 1510 Intermediate Typist-Clerk 1 44 376 395 415 436 458 3080 Jr. Civil Engineer (F.T.) 64 3.54 3.72 3.90 4.10 4.30 3010 Engineering Aide (P.T.) 53 2.71 2.84 2.98 3.13 3.29 * Traffic Engineer: To be filled by promotional examination, at which time the position of Jr. Traffic Engineer will be deleted. ** Senior Engineering Aide: Includes one additional position to be filled by promotional examination, at which time one position of Engineering Aide will be deleted. POUND-PARKING METER 2175 Poundmaster-Parking Meter Repairman 1 54*** 481 505 530 556 584 2055 Asst. Poundmaster-Parking Meter Repairman 1 52 458 481 505 530 556 STREET 3160 Public Works Maintenance Superintendent 1 78 862 905 950 998 1048 2370 Street and Sewer Maintenance Supervisor 1 66 644 676 710 745 782 2320 Equipment Mechanic Foreman 1 62 584 613 644 676 710 2290 Maintenance Carpenter F'man 1 62 584 613 644 676 710 2280 Concrete Foreman 1 62 584 613 644 676 710 2300 Maintenance Painter F'man 1 62 584 613 644 676 710 2310 Maintenance Plumber 1 62 584 613 644 676 710 2330 Sewer Maintenance Foreman 1 62 584 613 644 676 710 2270 Tree Foreman 1 62 584 613 644 676 710 2240 Equipment Mechanic 1 59 543 570 598 628 660 2230 Maintenance Carpenter 2 59 543 570 598 628 660 2220 Maintenance Painter 1 59 543 570 598 628 660 2190 Sewer Maintenance Leadman 1 59 543 570 598 628 660 2200 Concrete Worker 1 57 517 543 570 598 628 2160 Street Sweeper Operator 2* 55 493 517 543 570 598 2150 Tree Trimmer 5 54 481 505 530 556 584 2140 Tree Maintenance Worker 1 53*** 469 493 517 543 570 Code No. of Range STEP No. Class Title Positions No. A B C D E 2120 Truck Driver 9 53 469 493 517 543 570 2100 Light Equipment Operator 1 53 469 493 517 543 570 2090 Asst. Equipment Mechanic 1 53 469 493 517 543 570 2110 Skilled Worker 5 52 458 481 505 530 556 2020 Laborer 14 49 425 447 469 493 517 2020 Laborer (Part-Time) 49 2.45 2.58 2.71 2.85 2.98 * Plus 1 full step (57.), TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 2210 Traffic Control Painter 2110 Skilled Worker when scheduled four or more hours between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. 1 57 517 543 570 598 628 1 52 458 481 505 530 556 *** See pages 7 and 8 for scheduled increases effective October 1, 1965, and January 1, 1966. fIRE 1100 Fire Chief 1 86(C-E)*** 1155 1213 1274 4550 Assistant Fire Chief 2 78(C-E)*** 950 998 1048 4540 Battalion Chief - Fire Prevention Officer 1 72(C-E)*** 821 862 905 4530 Battalion Chief - Training Officer 1 72(C-E)*** 821 862 905 4520 Fire Captain 9 69(D-E)*** 801 841 4510 Fire Lieutenant 10 66(C-E)*** 710 745 782 4500 Fireman 68 61(C-E)*** - 628 660 693 2240 Equipment Mechanic 1 59 543 570 598 628 660 1600 Departmental Secretary 1 53 469 493 517 543 570 In addition to normal compensation, the one Fire Lieutenant on permanent assignment to the Fire Prevention Bureau, shall receive an additional .1/2 step (21/22) per month while so engaged. POLICE 1110 Police Chief 1 86(C-E)*** - 1155 1213 1274 4040 Police Captain 1 78(C-E)*** - 950 998 1048 4030 Police Lieutenant 3 72(C-E)*** - 821 862 905 4020 Police Inspector 1 68(0-E)*** - 782 821 4010 Police Sergeant 12 67(C-E)*** - 727 763 801 4000 Police Officer 56* 61(C-E)*** - 628 660 693 4006 Policewoman-Stenographer 1 53(C-E)*** - 517 543 570 4008 Police Communication Dispatcher 1 52(C-E)*** - 505 530 556 4007 Identification Technician 1 52(C-E)*** - 505 530 556 1530 Sr. Stenographer-Clerk 3 48 415 436 458 481 505 1540 Senior Typist Clerk 2 48 415 436 458 481 505 4050 Crossing Guard (P.T.) F/h - - - 1.99 4060 Security Aide (P.T.) F/h 1.99 * Police Officer: Includes one position to be deleted after pending promotional examination for Police Sergeant held. Each member of the Police Department who shall attain the qualifications of "Expert Revolver Shot", "Sharpshooter" or "Marksman" in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 2964 shall receive. in addition to the compensation provided above, and so long as such qualifi- cations are retained, the following amounts. "Expert Revolver Shot" $5.00 per month "Sharpshooter" 3.50 per month "Marksman" 2.00 per month See pages 7 and 8 for scheduled increases effective October 1, 1965, and January 1, 1966. GOLF 1120 Golf Course Manager 1 76 821 862 905 950 998 2360 Head Starter & Assistant Golf Course Manager 1 64 613 644 676 710 745 2350 Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent 1 64 613 644 676 710 745 2260 Asst. Golf Course Mainten- ance Superintendent 1 62 584 613 644 676 710 2105 Heavy Equipment Operator 1 59 543 570 598 628 660 2130 Golf Starter 4 52 458 481 505 530 556 2100 Light Equipment Operator 4 53 469 493 517 543 570 2090 Asst. Equipment Mechanic 1 53 469 493 517 543 570 2080 Gardener 1 52 458 481 505 530 556 2110 Skilled Worker 1 52 458 481 505 530 556 2135 Golf Course Ranger 1 52 458 481 505 530 556 2070 Golf Course Maintenancemsn 5 51 447 469 493 517 543 Code No. of Range STEP No. Class Title Positions No. A 5 2020 Laborer 5 49 425 447 469 493 517 2010 Janitor 2 45 385 405 425 447 469 2020 Janitor (P.T.) F/h 2.45 2.58 2.71 2.85 2.98 in addition to normal compensation, Golf Course Laborers engaged in night watering for four or more hours between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. shall receive a one step (58) salary differ- ential while so employed. LIBRARY 1130 City Librarian 1 78*** 862 905 950 998 1048 3550 Librarian III 5* 63 598 628 660 693 727 3540 Librarian IL 3* 59 543 570 598 628 660 3530 Libratian 1 11/2 55 493 517 543 570 598 1600 Departmental Secretary 1 53 469 493 517 543 570 3520 Library Assistant 31/2 48 415 436 458 481 505 2010 Janitor 2 45 385 405 425 447 469 3510 Intermediate Clerk 4 44 376 395 415 436 458 3530 Librarian I (P.T.) F/h 2.84 2.98 3.13 3.29 3.45 2010 Janitor (P.T.) F/h 2.22 2.34 2.45 2.58 2.71 3510 Intermediate Clerk (P.T.) F/h 2.17 2.28 2.40 2.51 2.64 3500 Library Page (P.T.) F/h 1.36 1.44 1.51 * Librarian III and Librarian II: Includes one additional position of Librarian III which, when filled, will reduce the number of positions of Librarian II from 3 to 2. See pages 7 and 8 for scheduled increases effective October 1, 1965, and January 1, 1966. RECREATION RECREATION 1140 Director of Recreation, Parks and P. E. 1 83 974 1023 1074 1127 1184 5120 Recreation Supervisor 3 65 628 660 693 727 763 5110 Recreation Leader III 3 56 505 530 556 584 613 1600 Departmental Secretary 1 53 469 493 517 543 570 2010 Janitor 1 45 385 405 425 447 469 1510 Intermediate Typist-Clerk 11/2 44 376 395 415 436 458 5090 Recreation Specialist (P.T.) F/h 2.48 2.59 2.70 5040 Recreation Leader I (P.T.) F/h 1.66 1.76 1.88 5060 Recreation Leader II (P.T.) F/h 1.88 1.99 2.10 2.20 2.33 5010 Recreation Aide (P.T.) F/h 1.27 1.37 1.50 2010 Janitor (P.T.) F/h 2,22 SWIM CENTER 5100 Swimming Pool Manager (P.T.) F/h - 2.64 2.77 5080 Aquatic Specialist (P.T.) F/h 2.48 2.59 2.70 5070 Senior Lifeguard (PIT.) F/h 2.33 2.43 2.54 5045 Aquatic Instructor (P.T.) F/h 2.10 2.20 2.33 5050 Lifeguard (P.T.) F/h - 1.99 2.10 2.20 5030 Cashier-Attendant (P.T.) F/h 1.76 1.88 1.99 2.10 5000 Locker Attendant (P.T.) F/h - 1.27 1.37 1.50 5020 Instructor Aide (P.T.) F/h - 1.60 1.71 1.81 2010 Janitor (P.T.) F/h 2.22 PARKS 2340 Park Maintenance Supervisor 1, 64 613 644 676 710 745 2100 Light Equipment Operator 1 53 469 493 517 543 570 2060 Park Caretaker 6 52 458 481 505 530 556 2080 Gardener 1 52 458 481 505 530 556 2020 Laborer 9 49 425 447 469 493 517 2020 Laborer (P.T.) F/h 2.45 2.58 2.71 2.85 2.98 MISCELLANEOUS FIRST AID 1150 City Physician (P.T.) 1 49-E - 517 6010 Emergency Surgeon (P.T.) 4 10-8 - - - - 200 6000 Registered Nurse 3 49 425 447 469 493 517 6020 Relief Steward(P.T.3 F/h - - - - 2.07 VACATION RELIEF, SICK LEAVE RELIEF AND TEMPORARY PART-TIME Any of the above listed classes, as necessary, may be filled on a non-Civil Service, temporary part-time basis. *** Section 3 The following salary rates, salary ranges and salary steps are hereby designated as the rates of pay applicable to the following classifications in the service of the City of Alameda effective October 1, 1965. Code No. Class Title No. of Range Positions No. 'PUBLIC WORKS STEP A BUILDING AND INSPECTION 3060 Asst. Building Inspector 2 62 584 613 644 676 710 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 4010 Police Sergeant 12 68(C-E) 745 782 821 *** Section 4 The following salary rates, salary ranges and salary steps are hereby designated as the rates of pay applicable to the following classifications in the service of the City of Alameda, effective January 1, 1966. ADMINISTRATIVE CITY ATTORNEY 1010 City Attorney 1 93 1243 1306 1371 1440 1512 CITY CLERK 1030 City C1erl 1 73 763 801 841 883 927 CITY MANAGER 1040 City Manager 1 F/m - - 2060 1050 Asst. City Manager 1 80 905 950 998 1048 1100 CITY PLANNING 1060 Planning Director 1 84 998 1048 1100 1155 1213 PUBLIC WORKS 8UILDING Mb D INSPECTION 3060 Asst. Building Inspector 2 63 598 628 660 693 727 ENGINEERING 1090 City Engineer 1 94 1274 1338 1405 1475 1549 POUND-PARKING METER 2175 Poundmaster-Parking Meter Repairman 1 55 493 517 543 570 598 STREET 2140 Tree Maintenance Worker 1 54 481 505 530 556 584 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE 1100 Fire Chief 1 87(0-8) 1184 1243 1306 4550 Asst. Fire Chief 2 79(C-E) 974 1023 1074 4540 Battalion Chief-Fire Prevention Officer 1 73(C-E) 841 883 927 4530 Battalion Chief- Training Officer 1 73(C-8) 841 883 927 4520 Fire Captain 9 70(0-8) 821 862 4510 Fire Lieutenant 10 67(C-8) 727 763 801 4500 Fireman 68 62(C-E) 644 676 710 POLICE 1110 Police Chief 1 87(C-E) 1184 1243 1306 4040 Police Captain 1 79(0-E) - - 974 1023 1074 4030 Police Lieutenant 3 73(0-E) - 841 883 927 Code No. of Range No. Class Title Positions No. STEP A 4020 Police Inspector 1 69(D-E) - 801 841 4010 Police Sergeant 12 69(C-E) 763 801 841 4000 Police Officer 55 62(C-E) 644 676 710 4006 Policewoman-Stenographer 1 54(C-E) 530 556 584 4008 Police Comm. Dispatcher 1 53(C-E) 517 543 570 4007 Identification Technician 1 53(C-E) 517 543 570 1130 City Librarian LIBRARY 79 883 927 974 1023 1074 * * * * * * * * * * I, the dndersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in special meeting assembled on the 1st day of July, 1965, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Bartley, La Croix, Jr., Rose and President Godfrey, (4). NOES: Councilman McCall, (1). ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 2nd day of July, 1965. SHIRLEY H. TENNIER (SEAL) City Clerk of the City of Alameda * * * * * * * * * * I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "City of Alameda Resolution No. 6821, DESIGNATING THE NUMBER OF AND PROVIDING FOR THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA", introduced and adopted by the Council on the 1st day of July, 1965. City Clerk the City of Alameda 1