Resolution 06902CITY CC AIAYECA NESOAPTIOC 'fah. ADCIFFING SPECIFIC=ONS, SPECIAL PCOVISICAlS AFC FLANS Fca REPLACEhlall CA CXISTIffil COLVERT AT HAM:LIE BOULEVARD AND LIBERTY AVENUE, CAITLINC FOR BIDS ANT, TFNEEIW: CITY WHEllEAS, the Eity EngIndor has prepared Specifisatiosx, Special Provisionv and Flans for replacesent of the existing culvert at Sernxide Boulevard and Liberty Avenhe. nusbered EE t -66 -1 and filed In the offUse, of 11!"IP Eity ClerT, on Ribruary 1, 1966; NOW EE RESEFAaTO EY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that the sforessle Specafications, Special Provisions and Plsaix. nAsaierea. and filed as aforesaid be., and the same are hereby. approved and Adapted, PECTOTAblIs„ FillaTNER, th8t tao performance and completion of the work sphvikied in fiord :Anent- fixations and Provisions be, nnd the saxe is sereby auLborized. RESOLVED, FlITITAER, that the Council of the City oh Ala:been recnive sealed bids up to the hour of 11:0:3 o'clock a.m. on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1966, for furnishing to the City of 811 labor, materials, machinery, tools and equipment necessary for thc dor', Sereinabove refXrred to, la act:ores auss with said Specificatlors arA Provisions. Bids mpst be prestnated to thh City Clerk: in the Tully Aleaeflu, California, under sealed cover and plainly marked. on Clic outside, 'Proposal for Replacement of Exist:up Culvert at Fernside Boulevard dna Liberty Avenue or similar designation. Contrxet, if awareed. will be awarded subject to tbe provisions of the Charter of the City of Alameda. to the responsible bidder who submits tbe lowest and best bid, The right Is reserved th rejebb any Tr all bids. Said Specifications and Provisions may be had by any prospective bidder oa application to the City Enafineer, at his office in the City Hall, Alameda, California. The Clty Clerk is hereby directed to advertise, in the Alameda Times-Star, a notice calling for sealed bids, in accordance with the drovisiens of this resolution. and of said SpectiAeatioad anT Prpvisions. la. the undersipsef„ hereby certify that the foregolays Resolutior vas duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting. asseshied on. the 1st day of February, l966, by the follenin ante., to wit: AYES: Ccuncrilluen, Bartley...La Croix, Jrd, bisChifl dad Vice Presadent NOES: ABSENT: President Godfrey. (I). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, T. have hhreunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 2rd day of February., 1966. (sEAL) Ci thy Clerk of tile Ci AI:Ted; -- I aereby certify filat the foregoing ip a full, true aad correct. copy of cCitp of Alaniedd Resolution. No. 6902, ADOPITEE ACEEEFICATIONY, SPECIAL, fillOVISIONS AND PLANE 'COP. REPLACEMENT OF EdIST- INC EUIVERT AT a:RESIDE TIOULEYARD APE LIB:F.21'Y AVENUE, CALlIabj FOR BIDS AND DIRFC1ANG CITY LIERK TO ADVERTISE SAXE'', lntroduced arlA adopted by the Council on the ist day of Febrhary, 19n6. City Clerk 1 f hbx City of Alameda