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Resolution 06974
CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 6974 RESOLUTION PE THE COUNCIL OF ThIE CITY OF ALAMEDA DESIGNATING THE NU63ER OF AND PROVIDING FOR TUE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES OE THE CITY OE ALAMEDA BE TT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA as follows: Section 1 This Resolution. shall e to as the 'Salary and Position Resolution of July 1, 1966.7 Section 2 The following salary rates, salary ranges and salary steps are hereby designated as the rates of pay applicable to the respective classifications in the service of the City of 11 effective july 1, 1966. ADMINISTRATIVE Code No. of Range STEP No, Ciass Title Positions No. A 6 C D E AUDITOR AND ASSESSOR 1000 Auditor and Assessor 1700 Deputy Assessor 1 69 693 72 763 801 84A 1685 Deputy Auditor 1 69 693 727 763 801 841 680 Accountant 1 * 65 628 660 693 '27 763 1590 Accounting Machine Operator lls 52 45S 431 505 5359 556 1555 Deputy FleJd Assessor (P.T.) f8h(48) 2.52 2-65 2.78 2.92 a,o7 151.0 intermediate Typist-Clerk 2 45 385 405 425 447 46U * Note: At such time as the position of Deputy Auditor is Pilled, the position cf. Accountant will be deleted- ATTORNEN 1010 City Attorney 1630 legal Secretary-01erk 1535 Legal Stenographer CITY CLERK 1030 City Clerk 1590 DepetyCity Clerk LLTY ISAWER 94 1274 1338 1405 1475 1549 56 505 530 556 584 513 49 425 447 469 493 517 1 74 7,82 821 882 905 930 1 56 505 533 556 584 313 1040 City Manaher 1 Om - 8 2112 1050 Assistant City 1 3 974 10,23 1.04 112P 1.184 1640 Administrative Secretary to City Manager ! 58 530 5.56 534 613 644 1532 Senior Stenograpllet-Cierl, 1 49 425 447 469 493 '11 CITY PL6INLINC 1060 Planning Director 3135 Assistant Planning Director 2045 Planning Technician 1600 Departmental Secretary DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1570 Legal Secretary PERSONNEL 1070 Personnel Director 1625 Personnel Assistant 1620 Personnel Clerk 1540 Senior Typist-Clerk 1510 Intemediate Typist-Clerk 6040 Examination Proctor 1 1 85 1023 1074 1.127 1184 12/ES 75 801 R4I CS) 927 974 63 598 628 660 693 '77 54 481 305 530 558 584 52 469 5.93 517 543 570 64 998 1048 1100 1155 1213 57 517 543 570 598 678 55 4)3 517 543 570 598 49 425 447 469 493 517 45 335 35 425 442 469 5/11 2.33 * Note: At such time as the position of Personnel Assistant is filled, the position. of Personnel Clerk will be deleted. 090,101145ln 1660 Buyer 1 64 613 64A 678 710 745 1510 Intermediate Typist-Clerk 2 45 385 405 425 447 489 Code 20. Class Title SOSTAL SERVICE 1520 Social Service Secretary TREASURES 13 8D TAX COLLECTCR No. of Range STEP Positions . No. A 1 49 425 447 , 469 4.95 517 1080 Treasurer and Tax Collector 1 f/m _ . 119.0 1690 Deputy Treasurer-Tax Collector 1 69 593 727 763 801 E41 1650 Assistant Deputy Treasurer- Tax Collector 9 9 543 570 598 628 ('1 1555 Yield Representative (Bevised) 1 3, 505 530 556 5E4 513 1550 Field Representative 1 ** 52 458 481 505 53C 556 1510 IntermeBiate Typist-SJork 45 385 485 425 447 46b such time as the position of Field Representative (Revised) is Billed, the position of Field Representative will be deleted. UBLIC WORKS BOTTLING AND INSPECTTON 3170 Chief Building Inspector 1 El. 927 974 1023 1074 1127 3110 Plumbing Inspector I 67 660 693 727 763 801 33.007 Building Inspector 67 660 5133 727 763 801 3060 Assistant Building inspector 2 65 628 660 695 727 763 300B Building Permits Examiner 1 52 458 481 505 5b0 556 CITY HALL 2048 Auto and Building Maintenancensn 1 52 458 461 505 550 550 2030 Garage Attendant 1 51 447 469 493 517 543 1500 Telephone Operator-Receptionist 1 45 355 S4 5 425 447 469 2000 Janitress 1 42 358 376 395 415 436 ENGINEERING 1090 City Engineer 1 95 1365 1571 1E4.0 1512 1581 3180 Assistant City Engineer 1 85 104E 1100 1155 1213 1274 3150 Sr. Civil Engineer 1 CI 927 974 1023 1074 1127 3140 Associate Civi1 Engineer 2 76 821 852 905 95C 998 3120 Assistant Civil Engineer 2 71 727 753 801 841 883 3090 Survey Party Chief 1 67 560 595 727 767 801 3089 Junior Civil Ergineer 2 66 544 676 710 745 782 3070 Construction inspector 1 66 644 676 710 745 782 1.670 Public Works Office Manager' 1 66 344 676 710 7', 782 3085 Junior Traffic Engineer 1 66 644 676 7IC 745 782 3050 Sidewalk Inspector 1 63 ...f9E 628 660 693 727 302D Senior Engineering Aide 2 51 57C 595 628 56C 693 3030 Senior Engineering Draftsman 2 61 570 59E 628 550 693 3610 Engineering Aide 4 55 505 530 556 5E4 613 610 Principal Clerk, Dept. of Public Works 1 34 481 505 530 556 584 1530 Senior Etenographer-Cisrk 1 4.9 425 447 469 493 517 1550 Intermediate Account-Clerk 1 49 425 447 469 493 517 1510 intermediate Typist-Clerk 1 45 385 405 425 447 469 3080 Jr, Civil Engineer (P.(3) flO(.65), 3.7) 3.90 4.10 4.34 4.51 3010 Engineering Aide (F A5.) 5(6455) 2.91 3.06 3.21 3.57 3.54 POUND - PARKING METER 21 Poundasster-Parking Meter Repairman 2055 Best- poundmaster-Parking Meter Repairman STREET 56 385 530 556 5E4 613 33 469 493 517 543 570 5160 Public Worbs Maintenance 65perinten4' enC 1 80 905 950 998 104E 1108 2370 Street and Sewer Maintenance Supervisor I 68 576 710 745 782 821 2320 Equipment Mechanic Foreman 1 5a 613 644 676 710 745 2290 Maintenance Carpenter Foreman. I 9' 513 644. 676 710 745 22E0 Concrete Foreman 1 64 613 644 670 710 745 2310 Maintenanoc Plumber I 64 613 644 676 710 745 2330 Sewer Maintenance Forel-rain 1 54 613 644 675 710 745 2270 Tree Foreman " 1 54 613 644 676 710 745 2240 Equipment Mechanic 1 61 570 598 62b 660 693 2230 Maintenance Carpenter 2 61 570 596 673 560 693 2220 Maintenanae Painter 1 91 54 574 628 650 693 Code Class Title. No. cf P, ange STEP Posi tions lao 3 2190 Sewer Maintenance Leadman 1 61 520 595 628 660 693 2200 Concrete Worker 1 59 543 570 598 628 60O 2160 Street Sweeper Operator 2 * 57 517 543 876. 598 423 2150 Tree Trimmer 5 56 505 530 556 584 613 214.0 Tree Maintenance Worker 1 54 505 530 554 384 611 2120 Truck Driver 9 55 493 517 543 570 598 2100 Light Eqwipment Operator 1 55 4.93 517 543 570 593 2090 Asst, Equipment Mechanic 1 55 493 517 543 570 598 2110 Skilled Worker 5 54 431 505 531 56 584 2020 Laborer 14 51 442 459 493 517 541 2020 Laborer (Part-Time) li/11(51) 2.58 2.7) 2.8 2.98 3.13 * Flus 1 full step (5%) when schedoled TRAFFIC E.NOINEERINO 2218 Traffic Control Painter 59 543 570 593 626 660 211C Skilled Worker 54 481 505 5311 556 584 P1:/3E2C sAnTy four or wire hours between 8r00 p.m. and FIRE 1100 Fire Chief 1 88(C -R) 1213 1274 1338 4550 Assistant Fire Chief 3 RO(C-E) 998 1048 1100 4540 Bettelien Chief-Fire Prevention Officer 1 '74 (c-E ) 862 905 950 536 Battalion Chief-Training Officer 1 74(C-15) 862 905 950 4520 Fire Captain 3 710-E). 841 '173 4510 Fire Lieutenant 13 68(C-E) 745 782 821 450D Fireman. 72 63(C-E) - 660 693 727 2240 Equipment Mechanic 1. 61 570 598 628 660 693.. 1600 Departmental Secretary 1 54 481 505 530 555 584. The alacrie numbers of positions reflect the changes required by the reduction of the Fire Department duty week from 63 to 60 hours, and the concurrent adoption of the three platoon syster, which will become effective January 1, 1967, (Net result, includins assignment of 1 gRre Captain instead of I Fire Lieutenant to the Fire Prevention Bureau, will be: 1 additional Assistant Fire Chief, 3 additional Fire Lieutenants, and 4 additional Firemen). In addition to normal compensation, positions in classifications on permanent assignment r the Fire Prevention Bure81 , shall receive an additional step (2I288) per month while so engaged, POLICE 1110 Police Chief 4040 Police Captain 1 403.0 Police Itoutenant 3 010 Police Sergeant 13 4000 Police Officer 57 8005 Folloetommn-Stenngrapher 4008 Police Communication Dispatcher 1 4007 identification Teohnacian 1 1530 Sr. Stenographer-Clerk 3 1 Senior Typlet-Clark 2 4050 Crossing Guard (EMT.) • 4060. Security Aide (F.T.,) 88(C -E) 1713 1274 1338 80(8-E) 998 1048 1100 24(1C-E1 362 9Ca 950 70(C-1.) - 782 821 862 63(C-8) 660 6523 727 55(C-E) 543 570 598 54(C-E) 530 556 584 84(C-5) - g 530 556 534. 49 425 442 468 493 517 49 425 447 469 493 517 f/M 2,04 fig 2,04 Includes 2 additional nostmlons nf Pelice Officer budgeted. to he fillcd as of a Janury 1, 1967, RECREATION RECREATION 1145, Director of Recreation, Parks and P. E. 1 88 1' 43 1100 1155 1213 1.274 5128 Recreation Supervisor 3 66 644 ,3' 710 748 782 5110 Recreation Leader III 3 58 530 556 534 813 844 1680 Departmental Secretary 1 54 481 505 530 556 584 2010 Janitor ' 46 395 415 436 458 481 510 Intermediate Typist-Clerk 13 48 385 405 425 447 469 5090 Recreation Specialist (PET.) f/h - 2,54 2.65 2.77 5040 Recreation Leader 1 (P.T.2 f/h 1.7 1.80 1.93 5060 Recreation Leader II (P.T.) fin 1.93 2.04 2.15 2.26 2.39 5010 Recreatron Aide IF.T.) fih 1.30 1.40 1.54 2 010 Janitor fP.T.) fill.( 461 2.28 Code No. of Range STEP _No, Class Title Positions No. :" 13 C SWIM CENTER 51CO Swimming Pool clanager (P.T.) 1 4n - 25171 2,Se 508J Aquatic Speclailst (P.T.) F4M J.54 2.65 2.77 5,37C Senlor Lifeguard (P.T.) -/h 2.39 2.4D 2.64 5045 Pquatic Instructor (F.T.) fill 2.15 2.96 2.39 5050 Lifeguard (0.?.) f/h 2,04 2.15 2.26 5030 Cashierg4ttendant (13 1.) 441: 1.30 1.93 2.'t 2.'5 5000 locJer Ittendant (P.T.) Elh - 1.30 1.40 1.54 5020 Instructor Aldo (F.1.) fill - 1.64 1.75 i.S6 2010 Janitor (P, T.) 5' '4 2.2F PARKS 2340 Perk Maintenance Supervisor 1 65 628 660 593 727 753 2100 Light Equipment Operator I 55 493 517 543 570 5941 2060 Park Caretaker 7 * 53 469 493 517 543 570 2080 Gardener 1 53 469 493 517 543 576 2020 Laborer 9 * 51 447 4(9 495 517 543 2020 Laborer (9 5,) f44(51) 2.58 2-71 2.84 2,98 5.13 Note: Includes one additional position of Park Caretaker for .1' 31 Park. When thls position is filled, one position of Laborer will be deleteri. GOLF 1120 Golf Course Manager 2350 Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent 2360 Head Starter & Assistant Golf Course Manager 1 22613 Asst, Golf Course Maintenance Superintendent 1 225 0 Equipment Mechanic 2105 Heavy Equipment Operator 2090 Asst Equipment Mechanic 2100 ID„ght Equipment Operator 4 2110 Skilled Worker 2130 Golf Starter 4 20' Gardener 1 2135 Golf Course Ranger 2570 Golf Course Maintenangeman 5 2020 Laborer 5 ?CIO Janitor 2 2020 laborer JP.T.) 77 841 883 927 974 1023 66 644 676 710 745 782 65 628 660 693 727 763 63 598 628 660 693 727 61 5'1. 595' 628 560 593 61. 570 598 628 660 693 55 493 517 543 570 598 55 493 517 543 57S 598 54 43j 505 510 556 534 53 469 493 517 343 570 53 469 493 517 543 570 53 469 4E3 517 543 570 52 458 4:71 505 550 556 51 447 469 493 517 343 46 395 415 436 458 4E1 f/54(51) 2,554 7.71 2.84 2.98 3.13 * Note: At such time as the posltion of Equipment Mechanic is filled: Assistant Equipment Mechanic will bn deleted- the position oF In addition to normal compensatjon, Golf Course Laborers engaged in night watering for four or more hours between 4&00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m shall receive a one step (5%) salary differential while so employed. IMT,,BRAU 1130 City Librarian 1 SO 905 950 993 104S 111 3550 Librarian III 5 64 613 544 676 710 745 540 Librarian T 2 60 556 584 613 644 576 3530 Librarian 1 75 56 515 530 556 584 13 1600 Departmental Secretary I 54 481 505 530 555 5S4 3520 Library Assistant 2 j 2 @ I: time 49 425 447 469 493 517 20105 Janitor 2 4.6 395 415 436 458 431 3510 intermediate Clerk 5 45 355 405 425 40 469 3530 Librarian 1 (P.T.) f4h(56) 2.95 3 3.21 3.37 3.54 3520 Library Assistant (P. T.) 54 (4541 2.45 2.58 7.71 2.84 2.98 2440 Janitor (F.T.) f411(46) 2,28 2.39 2.52 2.64 2-78 5510 Intermediate Clerk (P.T.) f411&,45) 2.7)2 2.34 2.45 2.58 2.71 3500 Library Page 414.T.) f/h 1.39 1.48, 1.55 FIRST AED 1150 City Physician (P.T.) 1- 504E 530 6010 Emergency Surgeon (F.T.) 4 10-E 200 6000 Registered Nurse 3 50 436 458 481 505 5354 6020 5404 '8 Steward (EMT.) f/h 2.12 MI SCEILANEOUS yAwIoN RELIE SICK LEAVE RELIEF, PART-TIME EMPLOYMEFT Any of the aCove 11 sted olasses.subject to the availability of budgeted funds, 4441 54 filled on a temporary or part-time basis for vacation relief, sick leave relief, and authorized part-time employment. Also, subject to the availability of budgeted funds, when a permanent position is to be vacated and it is necussary for the incumbent to train a 90 '01.310'),, one additional position in 9110 (1 the above olasse may be filled by Civil Service appointment, subject to the approval of the City Manager. POLICE SHOOT PAY Each member of the Police Department who shall attoin the qualifications of "Expert Revolver Shot', "Sharpshooter° or 7Marksmatif in accordance witn the provisions of Resolution No. 2964 shall receive, in addition to the compensation provided above, end so long as such qualifications ere retained, the following amounts: 'Expert Revolver Shot' 85.00 per month "Sharpshooter 3.50 per month -Marksman" 2.00 per month the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution xas duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in adjourned regular westing assembled 11 the 28th day of Jain, 1966, by the following vote, to wit. AYES:. Councilmen Bartley, La Crolx, Jr., Rose and President Godfrey, W. NOES. None. ABSENT. Counnilman MrCell, 000 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 29tN dny of June, 1968. (SEAL) SHIRLEY H. TENNIER al y Clerk of the City of Alamde I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of 'City of Alameda Resolution No. 6974, RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY CF ALAMEDA, DESIGNATING TUE NUMBER OF AfH) PROVIDING FOR Tilij COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA," introduced and adopted by the Council on the 28th day of June, 1968. A f) 010 31,1 17) City of Alameda 1,./