Resolution 07025CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 7025 RESOLUTION AND ORDER PRELIMINARILY ADOPTTNG ENGINEER'S REPORT, SETTING PUBLIC HEARING AND CALLING FOR BIDS, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT N47 t„66-1 PITY OP ALAMEDA, '17 '>74 COUNTY, CATEFORNIA. WHEREAS, on the 6th day of September, 1966, the City Council of the City of Alameda, Alameda County, California, adopted its Resolution of intention for the construction of improvements in Assessment District No. 66-1, City of Alameda, Alameda County, California, and referred said improvements to the City Engineer of the City cf Alameda; and WHEREAS, said City Council darerted that said City Enginmer make and film witM the City Clerk of the. City of Alameda a report iy writing in accordandermdth the provisions and requirementm nf the Ennicipal itsprovemmnt Act of 1911 of the State of California; and. WHEREAS, said City Engineer did, on the 6th day of Septerlierm 1966, filed eith the City Clerk. of the City of Alameda his report in accordanne with the said resolution, and said City Clerk has presented said report to this City Council for consideretIon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by. the City Council of the City oE Alameda, Alameda County, California, and this City Council hdroby finds: 1 That the report made an filed by the City Engineur of the Crty of Alameda on the 6tn day ef Septerberu 1966, contains all of the requiremontm provided for said report by the provi- sions of the Monicipal Rispressment Act of 1913, including (15 specifitotdons; (2) plans and profiles and estimateb of cost; 47 asmwssment Piss:maw; and asseessynt; (aP descriptions of easements andlor rightsmofmmoy to km acquired. 2. That said report, and each and Everyi part thereof, is amfficient in evemy particular, and it is heTeby determined that said report sh4 ll. stand as the report for all subsequent proceedings under said Municipal. improvement Act. of 1913; and BE IT FURTHER SFSOISTD that Tnesday, the 1st day of November, 1966, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., of sord day, at the meeting piece of the City Council of the City of Alameda, (4 7777' in the City Hall, Alameda, California, is hereby fixed as the timb and place for hearing proteyts with relation. to the proposed improvemonts demcribed ir. said report; that any pemson interesteE in '14,4 77 to ssid improvements, the grades to which the work will be done, or hom been done, thE extmnt of the assessmynt district, the assessmenb, or the Engineer's estrwate of onot and expensest or any. other act or. determination of the City Engineer, '77 11 City Council of the City of Alamyde, may Elle protest in. writing with the City Clerk of the City of Alairda at or Corlore the hour fixed herein. f77 x. hearing thereorw and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City. of Alameda.he, and. she is hereby, directed to poblish a Notice of improvement pursuant to Section 6066 of the Government Code of. the State of California, the ISrst of phicb said notices to be first poi:Tishah at. least twenty (20 days prlor to the date herein set for hearing of protests; and 9 IT FURTHER YESSIVED that the City- Clerk of the City of Alamedy be, and she is hereby, further directed to cause notices of imwrovnment to he posted on all of the open streets within the district. described in. the Resolution of intention at not more than three hundreb feet apart on each street so posted; in accordance with the requiremonto of Sections 10302 and 10303 of the Municipal. haprovement Act of 1913; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that notices of the adoption of the Resolution of Intention and filing of the Engineer's Report shall be mailed, posbege prepaid, to all. persons owning real property proposed. iio be 3'> 77 whose names and addresses appear upon the last equalized 47'> 4, roll for taxes, or are kneew to the City Clerk, Said notices shall contain the matters recurred in Section 10301 of the Nonlethal Loprovemenb Act of 1913 of the State of California. BE IT FURTPER RESOLVED that this City Council hereby preliminarily orders that.. the improve, ments described 5n the Resolution of Intention he had and done in accordance with the plans and specifications and profiles for said work. Tne plans and specifications with said report are hereby sdeliTied as the Plass' profiles and specificationo for the doing of said pork and improvements, and said City Council hereby orders that bids. shall be received for the doing of seTd work and improvemerts on the 3rd day of October, 1966, at 11:00 o'clock A.M,, of said day. Sdid bids OT proposals shall be delivered on or before 11;00 olclook. A.M., of the 3rd day of October, 1966, at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Alameda, ROOM 33 City Hall Alameda, CMlifarala, which said time end place are bdrehy fixed as the time and place of a public meetirg ac. which said bids mail be publicly opened, 13X,) '1 and declared by the Ctry Celeyh of the City of Alamcdat Said bids after being public opened, examined and declared, will be calculated by the City Engineer of the City of Alammda, his report returned to the City Clerk, and the report of the 'results of the bidding and the calmmiations of the Cft Ergareen will be repertdd To the CTty Council of the City of Aleseday The City Council of the City of Alameda remerves the right. to rejeet any andwill proposals or bids should it deem this necessary for the public good, ard also the bid of any bidder who has been delinquent or unfaithful in any former contract with the City of Alamndia. I hereby cerCIfy that the foregoing reeolutIon waS duly anal regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Alameda at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th day uf September, 1966, by the fotiowing vote, to wtt: (SEAL) AYES: Councilmen Bartley, La Croix, Jr., ficalz01, Rose and President Godfrey, ( NOES: None. ABSENT: None. BBITRIIFY EL TENOTEE SHIRLEY H. TENNIFR, City Clerk City oP Alameda Alameda County, California Bereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of 'City of Alameda Resolution No. 7025, RESOLUTION AND ORDER PRELIMINARILY ADOPTING ENGINEER'S REPORT, BETTINA PUBLIC EFMRING AND CALMING FOR BIDS, ASSESSMENT DISTRICT' NO. 66-1, CITY OF ALAMEDA, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA," introdPeed and adopted by the Council on the 6th day of September. 1066. City CI5BE-9p ,he City of Alameda