Resolution 07038ETTY or ALANHEA RETINATTION NO, 7038 ADOELTING 9 SEIECT 63YSTEFi OF CITY MEETS. WHEREAS, the laity Teem-el of the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, adopter! a resolptden nombered 6512 on September 3, 1363, indicating its desire to reoeive funds eerie available by the Co llierillnrula Local Transportatalan Development Act; and WHEREAS, in order to accumulate the matching credits required by Streets and Highways Cade of the State of Cali fornia , ft is desirable that the City now godify iE.S Select System of City Streets. in accordance ylth the provisions of said Node ; NOW THEREFORE, 1112 TT RESOLVED BY THE TOMTIT. OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that that. certain map dated Ocbober 6, 1966, entitled, "Meip of Select Sygtem of City Streets and Highways, City of Alameda, fornla," and the accomponyitig report entitled, "SgJect System Report Clty of Alameda, Owtoller 966" which have been prepared for consideration cf ahe Ca1j Bernie Highway Commission, copies ell vbich Pre on file in the offices of the CP Sp Clerk and Clty Engineer and incorporated herein as if set out in Tull herein, axe hereby approved and adopted. BE 11 FORTIER RESOLVED that three (3) certi fied coplev of this resolution he filed hith said map and report in the office of the Department of Poblic bbrko, State of California, trough the District Office of the Div! sion of IlEvhways. BE II FUERCHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of ialameda hereby petitions the California Highway Cowatesion to approve the, aforementioned map and report. I, tbe unAersignerl, hemeby certify that the foregoing Resolvtion map Avly and reeelarly introduood and adopteri Ipa the Creramil. of the City of Alameda in. regular mvehIng assembled on the ((Rh day or Oothber, 1966, by the folitiedne vote, to witt APES: Coubri leen Bartley, La CrOlY, Jr., McCall Rose and 'President Godfrey, (5), NOES. None. ABSENT Nbne. IN BIGNESS GEFFEN, have hereunto set kb, hand and affhwed the- official seal of said CJty this 5th day of October, 1966. (NEAL) (SHIRLEY H. J'EhadIER Eity Clerk of the City of Alameda hereby certify that the foregoing is a fell, true and torrert copy of "Chty of Alameda Resolution No, 7036, ADDTTENG A SELECT SYSTI311 OF1 CITY STREETS," introdeved and adopted by the Council on the 4th day of Ocreber, 1966. trf.Nt-ttNt,. ett t„t/ Nt,,,,Nttt „N- ty erk 11 Ci ty 0 t nilleda