Resolution 07041Y 212 .231,22MLE1 REMMEWM ON NO. MAI APPROVING WARRIM NEE MI3 OF. 'HOARD OF TRUSTEES OE REEEMEWELON DTS7E1.2E A 2105. WHEREAS, t2E-fre Eao bret.o.fcfre bean filed with this Mo3nE1,1 a recluest for mvproval of 6 cnr4ai.12 mmErmarlt mum2m2rel 111 of tho Board of TEutemE of RE.EJ22..vtImE DEstrEEt NO5 M5., arid th.Fs Cmum.C11 finds thEit srfld 5N:555)555,51): 8ho21 d be Epproved and MBEREAS. the lEsummEm oE said marromt and. the face mmommt' thereof were duly Amthorize0 by resolution. of: said at mme.mmEng held on SEEptmmber 29, 1966. re,,olutE on appealfing the m ti 0: theroo,) ; NOW TEEIEEFoRE, BE IT R000meoLD By IHE COttoOlre TLIE ILTAMY OF ALAMEDA thot: the ,22.1.mroto. of the rc;,f. 3f Trumtees of RemiamatIcm Di sLrE No. 2.70E met forth. heME.2.7 222, .lad heffeby 5., npproved. ItIALMCLAlliliteattat all Con nit o .t i noi t,r $ 2 ,2$5.77 1., the undersigned, hereby cemtify tIlmt tEle foregoing Resolution dab duly nnd regularly ,E1.22EJEced an.E. ad.or.c2...! by the Council c51.: C1ty Al.22.1221.22 Jdjourned resmior mEm.ting assfEmbicd on the 25th day. of Octohmr, 1966, by 0,22 2E1.12Emitmg votE>, to mit.: eounclemeo Bartley, f „oliy 1)55S55 OM) PSONO der, O. COO {555,5557, (55 NOES ; COSMO ) 51,151 La Cr o it ,375 5 (..) )5 ABSENT,' WETEESE 2,12E11E0E, 2 have hereunto seE mm hEmd affixEd the official seal of $0Ad thls 26.th dam of 02E2A22. 1966, 77ty (MEE', of tra City of Ainmedn 22.2reby cErtify that 22E: for,Ego,mg 2 a Eoll, SISON, and correct cop.,/ of 2552ty of Mlefl.m.mia Resolutiof 1041, APPROVIINE.: MARRA2,21 NEE. 113 CT 222E1ED OF TRUSTEES CT RECLAMATION DTETRICT NOE 21ME," MIE...22,12Eed E,E1 adnprmat7. by thE., Count:El of. tho 25E22 2.ay of October, 1966., Clre elerO oil the el try ot Al wand a