Resolution 07042ADEPTaNG SPEC:1E101'1,0ND, SEEmTAL PROVISiONS AND PjS663 FOR INSTALLATION OF EEPOEED 0E6DDEMATE CONCEETE AT LEK:ACED'. TANDOLN AVENUE AND LINDEN SIEDET. CPILIND FOR RIMS PESMIDECJUIT'S CLERK TO AD7ESZILSE .WHEREAS, the City Sagincrar Pas prepared SpeorlfJrationP, Speejal Provireons and. Flans for the inaLaHation of exposed ag.gregate conPreJe eat. Lona 10.11(os Fapk, LLacein Aleanee ana Tjadem Street= numbere PE 10-66-29 and fjled in the offjce 6E the City Cirri,. re Octsher ?5, 1966P NOW EHEREFORE, BE DJ RESOLVFD BY TME COUNCTI. oF TPE CPTY OF ALAPIEDa that eSe afor.said Speeifiaations, Special. Previ.sioas anal Plana, nembered and fjled as aforesald, be, and Lhe same are hereby approved and adeptc, BE FT DERPSER RSPCVED hbot Can performance an6 camejatino as acrP cp.,7jf,,e seEd Drat", i Elections and PYOVi ai add hiai and thh 8diaai I s DePPLY oN1-1,61P 606, BR T7 DEPTHLP PDSCJVED ChaS ch. roamer., the Pi ci Mmame0a mill a-arrive realcO hi ds up Do the 'sour 51 11 ; OD s ',ark o oh, on. PR MAP, NOVENMER 4, 19S6, Dor Dors .1 aM5 a a, t thrt rity ra al' 1 tAars materiaP, hard. hOdi d ade equipaaaa', necessopy for the Earl., heraina6ove refeced to, aerorda-oce with aaid Specifi oath.). ard Prow: sians„ B, ea must be 0sereate Ls tXe Cjty Clerk, 'Cr the Cite Alameda, Cali Carpi a. ander scoiaj romsr ard pia:rale marjed Oh Lhe 'Proposal for EENDDN 6e,,eagate Canal:are Pengfelice Pack," or aisai 'at dtst amottost jentracS, f awarded, ajll be amar.ad deb teat to the provisionr, ;IC the Sharter of the City of Alameda, te the res.:sensible 17),eevf 010 selomats tXe loupes': axd hapt hid, T6r rihe reserv.0 Co rejzct axy or all laihai Sala 600:Efiaatiens sad PEosieMans may 1-,q;, had any prosy,.ecillye nr, eapHaation to the Ectv Engineer, at hi. office ia the CI tv ,Mame6a. Psi IFDP616, 6j,ty C.Te.rJ is hereMy ir0eJed aaverEse, tfw Ala-aerie Timer-Stor, a aceOcra ag for sealed bid., assordadsm Ne th cte provisi.ona sf eh: a resaieL100 and 01 said :peel ja, re- Pions End Prov'Isieos. the ...mdersignera, hereby cErtifE that t00 foregDIng Resolan:lass Rms dujy area regolaply introduced 066 odo666. by the C6oreil tEe City of AMomeda in adjournEE regElar meetios aaceerlea on the 2,6611. day oE OatLq)er, 1666, by the Roll0Eang vete, Po aat'..' AYES: CouDt.E.I.men BarP10.6, La Croix, Jr,, PECail , Rose end. Preej Godfreya (5)., NOES: Noae. AXMEND: Noila WEDR20Em I have heretto ts set mp hoa6 ane affiEe6 the official seal. DE said City tbjs 20tD. day Ctrerer, 196(m _SMELLS.' R. SENDIER (.SEAM) y7S.TerP 0O the Nj ty of al ameara T. hereby cercIfy that tho5 feragine Is a Sullm true smd NorrAdt copy of 'Cat ty f E10.60a Resoleton No. 7042, ADOMEMNM SPDSIrajaJONENS, SPECIAL IMJEflEIONS EED PLANS 'RCM INETa'EMTION EXPOSED ESDRECEPD SONE,RETE AT L.C.016SEOPPN EYES., Li NSE.SCN AVFECE RND 1J NDEN PSPEMT, baCj,NG PON BIDE AND DIPECEENE OIMS CLETE TO ADESS TT MajeC,6 ht rodDA a 811d a dap t od 5 y tArs Cots c 1 on the 25th. Nay of October, 1966. J p Cl.rM p„, „ ty of 10 ameer