Resolution 07049oo: d...1„dbErSbo 3:d„,,,N3sd! oo doosds R.,3s3353.3333E13i C"..E331333.33333-212333.13E5L333 sobosibAds, ss, tb, 6•Lb. (thy of Sep tembcoo 96fs, she C I to, Deurodd.1 cdf the DOEy SOOsasssJso sssssid Dodd-boo, ba i EsoosCon, so3opSed t:d re• selsO3 sn. fdbsf.rsE, Oboe and:. sO. sod, for bedsodds.; rod tido EssdolacesO s Debscrt Assessobsids stri „ ODE sy of Abornesia Alameda County, COO Oford d and • . said besoi st: ion fixed ties lid th day of October, 1.96f3, tos Coe Dour of 7 ;10 e Oiled], „bl. LbE the osostOrss„ Disco of Ode ty OessosO 1 of the Di of c Alososda OSCOVO:Or, tHf., COty „ Alameda FOITO.0) as the Dime .and. abe for h.E, fillO sootests ssi th re lati on to the isbobesssi doss., the ebzerst Lide ass,sssmebt discbOdt, ode assessment or tOs Enbineer's Estioate of Cost ans exoesissod, or :my otrods act sr sos errs: sass, 1:1-o3 fo," Isr"..I.O10,..sr !..Elf.;.: S'f AfiRods.bd; ode, d tiirr TES'Oor,E.'O':11:"-O 19,5E7., Sit rE-lo Deur 7 D3C o3;d1.33els Tbs'si„. said dosso ONTO2OS Or: On:Ore:Oily rabOl:::. l'Or. ssesscd fsr seOsi 'cock a od. iobroven.o.ts soadso wilt ten Drobsos los ob jec orbs Os. sool odd del verest the O3iT,O. O.) the Li Li," Clerk akrir thros the hour set fob bosoriros so,sh. dEsolessibi sots oodd 3THETSEAS. thd time. sot Sot he sr Osg tho sroSests .3ool obThOtiosos sssi CI tos Counssi dO3 Sloss s too's: bsdvdtsg bessn. heord and Ouly consi rdsd! NOW, TDIEFEFOREO, S OESSESTO SONSOT VET', by t Csitiy SYYTTOON tilt City EC YENTS sabeIs Do-sty, ',DAL', forobs Sida s1.1. r ,::,1)ie.OrtOSOOS every ro'l so, tube bed ar.D.1 1O-se snme are hereby , osserrs OsO. sismissfo asol IT IS ODIOESDY FORTOTEPl' RI.:SCOLVED ;hot the SOOONOi f Ode Di to of Al susobs f ',nes Oro•O. sdO! so-so,2st. Fs aro!. obleo oDs ore osde• by the, s.s.dssoos tss tioki, of the propel-soy' 7 Osrebt esotify OrESZ forsbolTo.s Resolsobodn oas dlusy snO reobbasilv sOopteO by ass COSy CosioY (NC the ty Al suns.sis albedo, bodroty, CosEbi Eoroi resobbsr sseebb d herssof D.c.O si ',Ebb, sf slay db: Orsossobsdn, 't9DG, tbb VOLICo LC: CON.O'S:Ei OOS. COCOS: o, .nre.siblan SosOforso. CaRLOE Sy SVTN) SR t T1 Ott, talif oriviss ssdi tOss No , ;DOSD R.DOOT.A..D.O.00 OVEROLOSING OOSsf.E.SSES OstroOdosso3. Jdos-‘, adopts:3S by the COO:,TOO, ". lOOO _ . . co, ebb: ohs Si s Poo°, . „„