Resolution 07057l77SN. ATAYINIT; NeBSOIT,SION NO. 7C777
DIST7SECT I70. 2105,
TBAISREAS, there hat heretofore bees B.11:277. Nsitel this Counst request Far approvel 07.F.
certain entrant seNnbextee 115 th,". the Beard of Trustees of on District No. 2105:: and this
Cohnoll EFFO:k that said warrant should be aryyroveti; and
,BrarystEN77, ot, said warrant. Ynci th.e friss amount. thereof eere duly actiyhyhT.4676
by r7',,s,7171t7on ot Bosse Ot its meesin,,, held on October 27, [966, sale reNo7ution appearing. in.
the Nsluctes thereof ;
'NNW TIN777NSTN67., Nh NESOLVED BY THE hOLINhil, OF 'ERE Chiht OB-7 .ALAKED77 feet the harrBrel cf.
the Board of Trustees. of hes': Ash er, Di strict th, 21.05 set forth helms, 17B, end Ilerejy ,7.1,1-.7rovad •
rr sett NC,
ash hs3hetsustics 77 Nielny: rhs„ 17'*,531,ar
I., thh unders.ischei, hereby certify. that the foregoieg, Resolution duly. and regular7y
iutesduced dopted by the CounOi of the Ci ty Al 81yeda in regular syNetiNg assembled ea the
1.561 day of Novhgber, 1'766, by the follohang vote, to wit:
7VSETY=. Neencllyhn. Er.71.e.y, Scse end President Chtefrey„ (4),
,ZT,7,ESS WY,IEREOF, T hsve hereunto set. my has, and affise tee chf.isda.l. seal. rb Said
th by thi s day of NeDvenher, 196.6,
tyyythth, 777hNiN7_
ty 77T,B71, Tcy sf „Y.77,77*,,c*a,
I. hereby cerrify that the foregoing is a fell, true astl correct 7...opy caE tOlty of Aras.icthe
NB, s et l en. Ns . 7B7S7 AFT'S C7f Ns! wa7777. ANT N ON. , OF BO AF B BIN TRUSTEES 77F BE ClIN7hST7 oN D 7:177 CT NO7.
2105 Istrea.,,Ced and aBLopted by the ,B,ouseil cr Che '5th day cl 171svosber, 796h,