Resolution 07058cpy :Vs:Di:SPA SCSOLNTlON NG, ?YDS
OSERCSPill„ thu City Pounbil of the City of Alameda, Alameclo Countp„ Collfoeolp, bid, on
tbe tst &ay oll Nov)tmber, lSSO, order the Peoptroction of ipprovemenft, to be madu in uusessment
District No, 66-1. Olty of Alarteeta, Alameda County, California, as desorlbod in bhp Resoldtloo uf
Intentlor. fur Paid essessecnt dolorfetriD, ant
WBEREOS, by resolutton adopted OD fbe Dth Orly of Septembpr, 1D66„ ))3q. dIrected
bids be called. for the doins of said. improvebetol, work, and that the time fixed for sealed
bido or proposals was blip Std day or octobers 1.966, at the hour of. Ilffiff ololobb A-11, of sald day;
klifERCAS, totlb-P Inviting Sealed. Ste.ts was duly pubiished in. che ebbe and planner repluitpd
by ipiy; ond
WilbSdeS, all bids ha-pints been publerly oboned, expePleD rod =locioree pettpiniop to CO)
delos of tspe kwsk end letpypterente doporlbot in khe liespebLidn rf intention, ehiob said ,ipseiution
of Wifentlba in hereby ewer:is:fly of:tor-red fo fnr o doberlption of sale, oork end improverlioofs odd
for ell °tiler borticiiiers relblblve fo Coo pbooecrliood ooeer bald Sdpolutpon of coletntlon;
NO,O7, TNEDEFODE, DE IT DESCS,VEC the!. the Cltcy Ocopoil or tbe City of P,Ideakfla, AINPeda
deboty, Cotldornie, hereby rejocce ell we said proonsals Or Dido, except thet horptin ponfjoned, fled
nendby )words the onnfrodt for soie Improved-Pots L) loyest resoonoibic biddop, to ',elk:
PC 13) PUP 36)11)1S11))PS , 3 )1C; ut: the. prioos )1))))))) in rho b),t cf betder or dile iw
the corce of )Ne City flee) uS tbd, Dity ut Pi:op:peal anc
Iff 13 HSRDIN) tear. Ltd, C:ity Clerk. pf the )))tv Or ))1,),,)))d)) is hereby directed to
p s), Notice us): rd
herdby certify that bbe foresoiog ficsolusido was duly anti besuiar)y adopted and passed
by the dtty Wound)). of the City of Pdamprio, Ripmeda County, Califoenia. at a reguler obbrfn.g fisarpolf.
held. on Lisa 15th flay of November., 1S66, by. fhe folidwin8 vote, to kbt:
Cp)pecHrben. Bartley, La Croix. ib„ NoSall, Pose and ibresIdent. Godfrey, e5)„
bard: None.
DOCENT.: None.
off:Pl.:if)) H. TENNIES__
=KEY E„ TbNNIED, Cit.)/ 'fit:frit,
Nbty of Albooda, Ainmedo knobby,
hereby barblfy Poet tee foregekln)) Is a boll. true. and correct dopy of "Ctfy nf Alpooda
Tilesolutlon No, oW5),), DFSOLNTION OF AWARD OF CONTDASliciAssessmenb blstrict boy 66-1, PSSibi Ssubes-
CenLral evened. Sewer), introduced and adopted by. the Council on. Con ibtin day of November, INSP.