Resolution 07080CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTTON RE. 70h.0 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACT BETEDEN CM' OF ALAMEDA AND MURPHY BROTHERS, INC. rce WORK TO BE DONE IN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 66-1, MITY OF ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. gE TT RESOLVED by the City Courojil of the City of Ajameda, County of Alameda, State of tjeljforhia„ that the Contract dated the 12tb day of December, 1966, by and hetweEn the: CITY OF ALAMEDA and MURPHY BROTHERS, IND., for the pork and improvements to be done in Assessment District No, 66-1, City of AJameda, County of Alameda, Stet( of California, is hereby approved; and BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Moyom of the City of AlamedM be authorized to sign, and the City Clerk thereof be authorized to attest, said agreement; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that. the lobar and material bond and the faithful performance bond to secure the performance of said contremt and to segure payment of labor and material claims be filed with the pity _Clerk of the City of Alameda in said matter, ghLog said labor aild material bong end said faithEul performance bond art hereby approved. I hereby Mortify that the Foregoing Resolution was duly arg regularly adopted. by the City Counell of the City of Alameda, Alameda County, California, at a regular meeting thereof, held the 3rd day of january, 1967, by the following vote, to wjt: AYES: Coun011men Bartley, La CrCix, Jr., McCall and Vice President Rose, (A). NODS: Councilmen Noce, ABSENT: Counclimen President. Godfrey, (1). SHIRLEY H. TEMN11. SHIREP gTIENNTE11, Pay Clerk Clty of Alameda, 1,, 00) County, California, * * * I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "'Ciy of Alameda Resolution No. 7080, REbOTUTION ARTSORIZING EXECCTION OF CONTRACT PETMREN CITY OF ALAMEDA AND MURPHY BROTHARO, LISC., FOR WORK SO BE DONE iN ASSESSMENT' DISTRICT NO. 66-1, CITY OF ALAMEDA, COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, STATE OR RALTFORNIA," totrodutieci and adopted by the Council on the 3rd day of January, 1967, /1142 aim o / ulcryB,C the City of Alameda