Resolution 07096afinu,]IthttTIiiin hnhitb hit 1.1E3i j juttiE
len'ilGEIY:hENbu OF EVEUTtth OF En1Mbh:EURil
hVbEtilb WEI: 2.beaK FElbD, iihrLUINCi JeNt
ETEEThan, tIA ill:it, Engineer hen p:inty. , blbalfiwittionn, Pravisionh
nno ekEnn int tivw iinyroyetinta oa. nitthabrin hveriEw bethen ▪ ontyn. inud
Etead ana Penah frbm Fitcbari, to 210 fEEt nettthrly, PE. IE. EE 2-67-3,
and filen tne oflice. er tnw itivee Ethel: on wartary
'ECU. TEEliAbil,hUbbi, .
hfbrnhia:i., be, oun. the lOeret'f:/ apretved ajopted.
E in v.iniht the. Ic.Efoiet.ibuche tf 1.fO6
peofteid. in nneii 6peontliaiibibut nnd ntbeihilhirut be ant, ' • 1E teraby anthieraaci-
n ni. IT iiiinEhEE: nithrtenii 'iantit TOE Conant". mf ttn.c ttlty at' nan:ede• enteive
theaed hide. up to thn Eviut o'ciacM o. tot tt4, 1,-ptC7,
furndnhinh to tne Gity of all latoTt„ materlis, machibery, te.-,,,Da3 ono €O.:UtpM.Oril,
ccessary worE hureinabovh. refarren to, hnuorware nithi unit). -
tiont ann Provieinnein. Bias uniat be nretented to• the hinity Clerk., in the City
ElhineAn, unewr cevuu htt, plEiJnly markd on the inntsEdu, "Ero:bisal
fC. tho Tniniboveltents of nortiono of ,iitahnurfu OJAO. tench T'snaa", an ..similor
OcTtnnot, if awarried, will be E'er:need sal-Eject to the praitluionn of
Chhrtor of the City:, of nlamnda, to the reupanninle biddEn who Eubbdts tl.e lowest
Eno !-.),F,O3t: bid. Yhe G 4 srbed in it:Inject nry or bids.
Eaid Speeifichtiona htti boi.../isiors may tt: bt,1 Eny perspective njddnr
az application. tn the City EnL.,yihbri, hit his. offine in tLw Ciity ElomuniE,
77 E aEhmeiiin Tfir,Cf5r,
r natice chllia fur nable0 hint, in. ininicrehEntia with. t nritvinEons of' thin
l5'. 1.t Of said aliebifichtots Frovlions.
thni,,nithignen, he:iv:Any certify that the foregning Ensointibn. wEs
dbly and rezalhrily Introduced nnd adonteo by the Cnbhcib of th,7, City
in regulav: 44 y),: ascaniblad ea. the 7th. hlay of Fntruhry, 1917, by thn fulling vote
to wit:
EliEb: bounciflun babtley, En Crotix, Jr., EinCall and. Viten Prenidunt
nose, (4).
Prenident Godfrey,
21 T. 'ftFVe hereunto unt„ haild ▪ the official
156a1 of hhid iliny ttJh 4thday Fetruety, 1967.
I hrehy oertity thhh the fora5niiiInn: it e trra anc correct ccany of
EGity of 11.a1'temia Eesolution. 70909 linkrIEIICJES AND
ElinieN6 :inn r, t P0aTttilib OF FITCliUni hVENUE FOR
LIES EEI DIRETIE CITY CLERK TO r.,DvILRTIaL SADiE„E introducee hdopte by the
Uounchil on 7th_ day of Februtiry, 1.967,=