Resolution 07100CITY OF ALFREDA RESOLUTION NO. 7100 ADOPTING SPEGIFICATICES SPECIAL FRUNISIONS AND PLANS FUG STREIT REGARDING ON FOETIONS OF THE, :BATE BOISE OF CEPTHAL AVERDE 'WEST OF SIETH STEEET, 'CALLING FOR BIDS AEI DIDECTIEG COTTY CLERK TO ADWERTISF SANE_ staf BEIREAS, the City Engineer. has prbpared Speeificationg, Special Provisions enn Plans for street regradihm on portions of the south side of Central Avenue west of Sixth Street Eb. PR la. 2-67D5, and. filed in the office of the City Clerk on. February 21, 1967; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLNED he 1TE GCUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATAYEDA that the afbresaid Specifications, Special Provisions and Plans, numbered and filed ag aforesaid, be, and the seine are hereby' approved and adopted. BE IT BELTHER aE5oLvED that the performente and completion of the work specified in said Specifications and Provisions be and the name is hereby authorised. BE IT RUhTHEE RESOLVER that thb Council of' the City of Alameda will receive heeled bids up to the hoar of 1100 o'clock a. m. on FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1067, for furnishigm to the City of all labor, materials, machinery, tools end equipment neceEsary for the work hereinabove refortbd to, in accordance with said Specificah tions and Provisions. Bids must be presented to the City Clerk, in the City Hall, Alameda, California, under sealed cover and plainly marked on the outside, "Proposal for Street Regrading on the South Side, of. Central Avenue hest of Simth Street", or simildr designation» Contract, if awarded, will he awarded subject to the provislone of the Gharter of the City. of Riamsda, to the responsible bidder who submits the lowbst and best bid. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Said Specifications and. Provisions may be had by any prospective bidder on application to the City Engineer, at hiE office in thg City Pall, Alameda, California. The City. Clerk is hereby directed to advertise, in the Alameda Tibbs-Star, notice ceng for sealed bids, En accordance with the provisions of thig resolif- tion atn. of said Specifications and Provisions. I, the undersigned, her1 by. certify that thb fornghing Resolution was duly and. regularly introduced and. adopted by thh Council ef thb City. of Alameda Le reenlhr mbet4nm esseghibl on tbe 21st day of' February, 1967, by. the following vote, to wit: AYES: Courbilmnn Bfertleym La Croix, McCall, Rene and frbsident Godfrey, (0). hOLO. None. thEEDT: Bebe. DE RITNIES WHDBERF, I have herethto set my hhhf and affixed the °Melt]. seal of said City this 23rd day of February, 1967. (CLAIG SHIRLEY H. THENDER drerk the City. of Aiamed7 I hereby. certify that thh foregoing full, true and correct copv of "City of Alameth Resolution 7100, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS, SPEEDER PROVISIONS AND fLi.L:.ffs. FOR STREhT REGRADING ON FORTIGNO ON THE SOUTH SIDE OP CENTRAL AVENUE REST OF SIATH GAIIING FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO LEVERTGgE ORME," in a troguced and adopted by the Council on fhb 21gt day. of February, 1967. .31.33,2a j....,23;„,mcm es ClorRapf the City of IlEmeda