Resolution 07215CITY V OF Al ?;ESOLIPl' 0N P': 0. 7215 ESTABLISHING 1 ITIAL'0012BRur.`1 OF RFC LION COMM ...4I0 niNl. E S, Ordinance No. 1 52; New Ses'ioo, passed nugust F 1967, and effective October 1, 1967, added w'; o,1 r.s 2-311 through r -314 to the J Flameda Munici Cal Code creating the Recreation Com- missa.on of the City of Alameda, set forth the purpose and auties and provided for the membership thereof; and .7fEREA., ,. Ordinance provides that as said Coin iss :on, ttao shall be appointed for a period of one ,:ear, twe 'or a perioc and .three for e p ^iod of three years; embers of NOW, THEREFORE, DE I"' RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OE' THE Cl. T`? OF r1 'LAMBDA that , upan nomination in the Wanner required by said Ordinance the following persons are eby appointed as .enrtial mem- bers of the RecrcW[ior, Commission. the City of Alameda, to tare office on October 1, 1967, for the period. of 'ti;: e specified; Comriise1ener Tear, p a1 A. _ . Br T C.iARD 2 years Sepl.0 Pir 30. 196; 1LMUOD r HEA EEi 2 years September 30, 1969 CL "E.: iCE R. I__INE', 3 years September 3C, 1t70 RAINOND FP :RF E.I.,'W.:. .L year September RC, 1968 LOUIS C. STEELS :Year eptembe_ ,30 196'1 HAROLD 1U 'CEBALDI 3 years September SC, 1970 JOE'. TOWA"'A 3 years September 3C, 1970 der' fined, hereby certify that the .foregoing Re ced and adopted by th hhil cf the City of Alameda in reg,:1 a hex ° 1967, by the fallowing Dote, to wit: A' ±,C. Councilmen Bartley, Fore, Levy and V_'r Yresident J NOES: Slone. ABSENT: Presicaer_t McCall, (1), IN WITNESS SS rHEREOF, I ha're hereunto s t my hand acid a_ki0 20th day of September, '967, hereby rri.fy Resolution No. 7215, ,'STAB :i adopted by the Council o_ t'r. was duly and regularly ng 5 senibled on the (2). sal veal of said. _,aa1 n going is a full, :MEMBERSHIP OF day of 7ectember, 190 eda orrect copy of "City es Alambda CO ML 1 .1— introduced and