Resolution 07218O1 Y ON' ALA apt, FvN LU'1`z0N :10 , 7,13 KCSOLUTIRI OVERRULING PR( '`1'ES TS AND M:ENDING RTSOLGTION OF INTENTION NO. 7116, t TT 1lSERIC SO. 67-1, CITY CE' ALETINDA, ALANTDA. c Oot `I'i', CALIFORNIA. 'r'ORN1_A. U HEDEA ,, a public hearing, for wd ,ici. roasanadi otice has been given by Puoi1_cation, post - ing and mailing, has been held here;r all h >erson 'ka appear nd objet to amending raid P. t.aan of Intention No. 7176, Assessment, District; 1 1, 67 -1, City of A: amela, ameda Count, °', California; and WHEREAS, all Council of the City of oral 'rotests c1 any ',ind or nature having been heard by the 0:_ i.ve to an NELEREAR, all protests ha in beer overruled; 'lotion of Intention; and ?`041, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of she Cit,i of Alarreda, Alameda. California, that R.escl.ut.ion of intention lo. 7176 in sa:-d Asses, is hereby amended as follows: By deleting therefrom. the £olla2'' language.: "Excepting from 'she a the area of all rl,bii public parks, and all the public, and ai.: Alameda, the State of therein, Yea shown and 671-1, be, ano Ad on said map nee reinabo. *c referred 'ce, roads, drives, courts places, easements and rights-of-way therein. contained belonging to 11 Property owned by the City of Alameda, the Counter of California, or the sited States of America, contained the performance of a public function," And substituting therefor the following language: "Excepting from the area shown,. and delineated on said may erc dnebotirc e area of all public streets, avenues, lanes, roads, public parks, and all. easements and rights-of-way. Cher the public, and also all property owned by the City of 1ltrr..d the C az11, of Alameda, the State of t a iforni.a, or the United .states of lm.erica. 16 100in therein, now in use in the performance of a p tldc function; 00 orovi _ded, however, ci at it is the tenticn of said City Council of the City of Alameda to assess property' belonging to the Alameda Unified School District, ahich property' is now in use in the performance of a publics function." 1, the introduced and a 3rd day of Oct lity t (SEAL) by e"L0'y that th foregoirrg F+esoint, n aaas dus`y and regularly- of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assem on the wit: YES: Council (1 Bartley, fore, La Croix, .r., Levy are President McCall, (j) NOES: None. ABSENT: done. IV WITHER Ef EOF iI have hereunto set my hand and affixed the o£:£',_cwal seal s i(th day cf Qctroer, 1967. ;by Resolution No. 7til S, R :` 0' ASSESSMENT r S E = JO. by the Council on the 3 -.d. day the foregoing is TERDUIING PRO E OF ALA irl'A, f f Octo be 1967. Sr Tit =,3 ( 111`NI.Et Clerk of the City of Alameda 1. true and correct cony of "City of Alameda LADING RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 7176, CALIFORNIA," i_2troduced and adopted