Resolution 072321,1ro 153
11.0:T P0()9.) INC, SP:J2
CST-IT:,T." TO S 1:1A. OFF ,'SON PUS:TS:EC ND .!..ITTN(1).,:j.,A.
COnt,l'aCt HD. Ti.L2474-67-C -0153 (formob.lby Isebbs:rs'I'ssAfsro Ju.,ss3 19,
,!'IITTEIREASS, said amondmenIs, c:encanInstod Cso:reas tOo asti-
motod. annloai CD3t dairiIsbc tar:2 bbnbal cost sr pr„Slad fOr by
ISTII3EAS, C000sil foAbillsr th.c, bro,s1s1b:s of s21"IJ. 12,/,:ron,J.mant,
and. it is Sr tOs '4 1C interest tbst said II,S!odificaSfos,n PCr ? shsalab be exrsols.te3;
tOs csoss.ify tI-drfc: Ubb 2soolbtica
a iso f obno I of too= C Ib", odb
bebssr obsasaSsi lb-sas dos (tf is)(rs, 'ors fcba
Tbc:fISSrO Tofsll,
' o
,sbro'.bbss s...:sTEdE0.7b, I haoro ines,sTints, sIss official
' ' CiSv tsC 20bL day of rotober, 19'61
s `SIbblbs. Irsas C . of
1 norob7 certify tne fproolorF is c. foil, tras a.,,T;(1 ccrroc,,t cuog of
"CiLy of Alameda hosoluti,:so I:So„ 7L3:, Exeoc.Cuion of ;,a'..andonb to iI‘.....Ion'srsict
(NOtfiCattOr P009.) ,w, SorTIces bY
, Of if -3 :Lc; Dna hopio,ja 11.0US JOCt." intro-
cr. an 1 r„ 'une .1-1- on t CI a Ci:;00,1`;