Resolution 07233CITY OF ALAI.E...A RESOLUTION' 7O. 7233 a. COUHDHII, OH THE C, d OOEHENDATION CD W7I7 :727C THE CITIS Od' PET THE RIM.CID.O THILAOISII OCISSPHI,Y, D. native lieress.v., ,rds loses peen olds oD the Cisy,s civic martiodes and cusstarohng citizens wrc oas darned ehmoimeatIon, tns great 2eospser and hineesse friendship of many by .is _.z 3:1^1; attituds, rid Antscr!...tyy, Pis leaderahlo and his amiss:dole pnreoraiIty. WHHISEAS, 'eh'. Godfrey' 'ohs Ihrst olcdted to .n .le Sity Ocuredl in MaruP, 1.961, and. Shd served. ts,,c, terms in tnis asa mss first salactid as tie Eayor in April, 1.963, capaolty; and. SH.I.EISEA3, O6dfse3y broheint reessyn-ition and honor to the Olty 1".,y having boon atcdpsdutse to tha Dhman Relations Cop.milesihn anh. the Local ,',,Z3,fiC7.1 Forohltisp missi.sn of haameda Coanty and, sheseeuentaw, dren els apoointment as a ism: her or tna Soard of Directdrs cf tde 'Edney Arsa Rapid Transit District; and WHEREAS, "Har, nodfrey 'and. aornea as Chairman of this ff,ayors" Oopierenso ALUM6Ca county ana Las thosPh,y rosrosented ahe City in the Adessledion of 'OK/. Axea Cednrnments; and SteSJ.Trefelft, Gosfray t.se scolesso Itscosole respots in Tssny p.r.1"aS92 Icy Of„,'!";:,y , culteral and spiritual ecLividles thrdsugh hds lsaddrsdis and to insplre cooperation among diverF,ent interests. DH,EHITORIh DP SDESSINED tCat tna Council os tho eldry Alemeda, arla.les of t'ese ticvsttion. of lest. C00.fr0S' tr trio oe.raelts- shed his personal infitsy ence for good - and the sacrifice has mabe In dIndinc wroSenwartodly of Has time ane enerses to poomsto adshrIahes and opportunities fc'' the Denerit of all. 'wt.-. diti- zens - doss ',Jersey coney its ensine esteem `_a, "'C hratitude for his endeashre in thds respect. HE IT EOUDDHER RESOLidiaD, tSo CSty Clerk trandmIt a serthrind copy of tHis resolptien td WILIIIHI S. aop?1,,EI- as a token of appndsiution and sominendation "J 1. tno Coaroll of City of' h.:ameba, h its felicitatisrs fo, his contirscd sof. 1:1o:sit's ar.d happiness. LEITI WILLIAN Tdc CALE TERRY CROfq,„M„._, Otffd HOHi 1, tso hodhereided, eofew", cartie7, t ,s Heso.itlis °has dhIy red_ saduraphey :rt-ysSidee d-d crested ef' sere C:ty of Ojapocas ,seel houollf. esedvido oa ii:TH ems o t. tL6 h H.sennitErs 'CautdImy, ireld, Jr., phtd, YOES: W.DHIESS WHIETECTh 2 I hsaep Soreurto sot mad hand ere sdrdweI, oTTiclal 000l of ssid City this 0SI. dhy of CstoSof, daddaa d e, d I N6r. eb.7 NI.fy t.N.,N.,. t N....N., f or ing is a. f ull r7,-,P'...1.5 an ,-.1, _pia ect copy cf "C ity of A -.1.r.,,!..m.e d.a Ra s NJ. ut ion 'No. 723 ':,, EE301,17PION OF COUN IT, NF TNNIN C r-i,Y Cg A I, AINN,17..NN IN- A P FiNINNUNTNI.r. AND C CN,,,T,N.N.N7,)A T ION 07 WILL IAN S , GOT:TT :EX 7 CR HIS SNJN 71 C E .,.. OF AllEETA," Introc-,Naced and. adopta 6 by t !..-,.e Cou.nc 11 on th..e 1.9t N. c.f-'„ay of ,