Resolution 07234CITY C..7 INESOLdfliOf Sl3L
CSO3dINNo SEPEALf,iG. StESOLJNiidn J. 663.9
NST1SS::lAS, by. Henolution Sin. :Obis) antopted Ins Is SnaAcil
a tninninno of on access to tre Soutane= tiny frossino wrinla world be located .witlln
SESS'S,AS, soce that Onvalaprients in concnction .witS. said Crossing
lndltoate that tne corsIdarations recitsd. cald. resolution r,C intanyrc sonoicrt tNn
ocooM tion expressed. tnrs.,in. and that ancordein5ols Ito ono, sold nidl. in the fatan
ties in nians an noli forvilted fon tha s9id Ccoonien and the location. of itt termSni,
&CCe33e3 ans. otnns appcctenant structires;
loll. Srilga ActStdrity dith rGspasn to tan constrcrtion, acl of rSe nanposn6
SontSinn Eay lcossing and its torn.inal accass anpsr tenarces.
EcsoisSlor trod 661S ta and aerator is sitnlitmon, soil racciatInn repsaled
I, tna crdniacia:nad, haneby anntlfy toot ttn forconisr.'. Sascltino. vas
taly and is.dyn.:,skatly aal accatat. toc Uonsoll of tile dity. of Astarscda
.No acliounnJi,d rnniar rneetinF aFJ2em:07, ed on the idtn lay of Satots, Sy tSc.
fcallnsln7 cnts, wit:
z:Y33 : Ccersolittnins Saftl.e.ys ?ors, Navy sad NroniSsor
IS. !liNSCNSS SPN'..i.C.SCY, I inane Nardo dr tn sot Ity nnd tns ff is
o6al. or" saia ifia 2Stli day of Octobon, 1967
I heroby cnntlfy trot foini,..coing is a. fnii, "...nue and correct copy of
" !I. ty of Alameda. hesointion No. 723.).!, DENT.AT.J.V.i SUPPSTS.7 :NS' CITY OS FOR
OUTHERN' SAY CROSSING ASD REPEAT:MS BESOLUTICN 1t.19," ir..trodscsd. and. adoptod.
by the Cost...nil. on the llitS. day of October, 1967.