Resolution 07236CITY. OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION. TTFC., 7236 ADOPT= ATTID STTD.MT7TTYG. A SEC= AnaDIDED BUDGET FOR. EXPENDITURE .OF FUJD3 ALLOCATED FROM T,FITE STATE ITIGHWATT oca WHERE/OD, h Master A....T.Doehpalant has been cw,,hchteD bF thu City of Alwauda, horein.afteD za3ferrea to as thu City, and the Stata Departm:tot of PDblic Woya,s, Divisica of El7ha,ays, th-poinaftar referhod to as the Departalunt, or, "Larah 2, 1962, for (.,a,,ThaDituTco of Statuaallocabod furDa; and "FM:TEAS, a secon,'.Faatanciel project state,ocnt tas botan pa,oparcd shahinE tta coaloi,TootaC" oxopordJturao oach. rhooda rtoolaFundoCI to. la, roach, duh-Trz tha 1967 fOscal yoar anD FDTTREAS, the F1Dy Council Jo, familiha, Dult thu oortents oaid accord NOW, THEREFOFF, Th.,! ah DESOFTTED ..PY 774E COTTDOIL OF 77.9E CITY OF PFLAMETTA taat unco,6 amended. projuot stateolert dated. Octobea 18, 1967, ls ',TkerebY arT,.."ToDGd and. aLfchated. as the buo5F,nt of pochosed expendA.FouTes of the F,aa tax allocatlan to citiou, and tte phnotinent City offialcals, are hereby authoriz,a6 to alatach . natures Or OertifiToatioos to said second. amenCied haoSuot sT,atament, as recluTioe6, and that: said. second amenoled lorojuct statomant bu salumitted. to the Department of Public Wolaus, State of CoaTilfoconl.D, In acoordaToca with. tnn powvisiTons of Suction 197 of tta St'DGots ana HiFtways Code. 7, tho and.cosigneD, haraty cartolfy that the ro-fa....acin Raaclution was caly reaLiaarly inthcouc.eu and. occooted iey the Goo.noill.. nr tHe Cihy of itchmada 1To acT.lockrnoa reFDT...our tneetin assenFalmd. on the 19th. Day of Octobar, 1967, b77 the Howneilmn 'F.,,artlr_iy, -gore, T.7a er,,ix, Jr., Levy anel Preant FoCall, ABSTEND: Dom). WITFESS WDEFTETOE, I have hereunto sst my hand and affiF.Tuwa the official act?, af sold Citj 20",Oa day of October, 1967. SHIRLEY E 71t77., -;1777:71- t "11(.3 sc. i hereby. certify that toe foreq.:o1rF. is a Doll, true and chorroct coo."' of "cl.ty. of AlrmeHa HeroiHtior ADOPTIHG. AND SJTIIII.7TIKG A SECOIT) A.METTIDED PO...TITFUDT Fah. EXPEFDTTUFTE OF FTTTID3 aDLOCATED Fli.01a. THE STATE FID:F.WAY FTTIND TO FITIES,' iDtTcCluoual and adopted by. the Councelel oaa 'ohe TIO,F.Da car Octobe,To, 71967.