Resolution 07284CITY OF' ALAMDA RESOLUTION iDO. ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR 1'1 FURALSBING TO THE Tl GI' ALAI.IFDA ' 0 (1) TiIW, I,,,1EE T MODEI,, TRACTOR-DEADER UNIT, C_' IL ;t'G F'Ol BIDS AND DIRECTING CI1M CIIAA 10 ADVERTISE SAME. RESOIMED BY ThE COUNCIL 01 urnislz._ne t filed it this of _r,e of the OF ALAMEDA that the mega one (1) newer, latest on lo bruarg 6, 1968, be, ions and Pxo isio fo Or- loader unit, 0 .PI.S 2-68 -3, E '.or RESOLVED that the Council of the City c i .ega will receive soared bids 1. o' clock a .m on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1965, for the furnishing to the City of said tractor .e der unit, in accordance ad Specifications and Provisions. Bids mustbe presented. to the Litt. Clerk, ;n the r Hall, a. California, undc.:. sealed cover and plainly marked on the ou+side, 'Propose .0 'or ore _ ,new, latest model, Grac:,or _oad.er unit", or sissiilar designation. Contract, if City, to the respur sibie bidder who su reject a, =''.' Or a.l.l. bids. The City Cler=gy. 15riereby sealed bids, and I warded subject to the provisions of the Charter of sa.ad to advertise, The right is reserved to ameOa '-Dimes -h ar, a notice call- t, hereby certify t'i,ac the t'orege_ng R solm -moil. of the City of Alame D. ar me t ng assembled or the by the following vote, to wit: (SEAL) AIES: ROES: e. Sp iific:a'Ion. duly and xegularll f'50' , Councilman Lepy, (1) IN WITNESS IMEREOF, '7th da-1> of February, resdd£;nt lUl. to set my hand and affixed the off .c iai sea'_ of said SEIRLEY IF TERRIER x 4 the City ' by certify that tde iorefung .'_,. .� r'ti'_l, cr.,e and correct copy of 'City 0£ 111au!eda Rms.:Elution No. '72P ., ADOPTING Sl ECIFICATIO1 SG. TO THE CITY ONE LATEOT MODI1, -LOADER „I'u___, CALLING FOt. iilo.z ANL 0[TSECTJ.NG +,I'lf O blliVE,Y_'1'I.at,Si-NI-Ph „+' _ • ;tro.:luc d ang agora :d b the Co a . it on the Gtr dal of link r;,arl, 1968.