Resolution 07293I 4 ‘) Li .3 CITY OF' EIEHMENA RESODITION NO. 7293 PROPOSING AMENDMENSS 10 THE CHARIER OF TEE 0 1EY OF ALAMEDA ON MOTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL; CALLING A SPECIAL NTIICIDAI CHARTER ELECTION IN THE CITY OF ALA ) FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO TEE ELECTORS ElfETEOF PROPOSALS TO AMEND SAID CHARTER, VII: (1) EY ADDING SECTION 3-15.1 a3tETETo, 'RELAYING TO MONETARY PURCHASE LIMITS REQUIRIEFT PROCEDURE SET FORTH: IN SECTION 3-15 TfliTmoF; (2) DI AMENDING SECTION 2-5 1HEREOF REDUCING PERIOD OF TIME, FROM FIVE TO THREE YEARS, CERTAIN OFFICERS SHALL NAVE PEEN ELECTORS OF CITY; (3) BY ADDING, SECTION 2-1.1, AND SECTION G-1.1, ALTERNATE ONEL THERETO, RELATING TO ESTABIESHNENT OF OFFICE OF MAYOR AS ELECTIVE AT LARGE AT A MONTHLY COMPENSATION IN SUCH AMOUNT AS MAI EE ESTABLISHED BF ORDINANCE BUT NOT EXCEEDING $600.00 WITH THE CITY COUNCIL THEREAFTER TO CONSIST OF MAYOR AND FOUR COUNCILMEN; OR, AUFERNAISNELY (4) BY ADDING SECTION 2-1.1 AND SECTION 3-1.1, ALTERNATE TM O, THERETO, RELATING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE OF MAYOR AS ELECTIVE AT LARGE AT A MONTHLY COMPENSATION IN SUCH AmouNT AS NAY BE ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE BUT MOT EXCEEDING 6(01 .00, WIEN 0011 CITY COUNCIL THEREAFTER TO CONSIST OF MAIOR AND SIX COUNCILMEN AT A MONTHLY COMPENSATION IN SUCH AMOUNT AS MAY BE ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE' Dna' NOT EYEEEDINS $150.00 EACH; OR, ALTEMNATIVELI (5) BY ADDING SECTION 3-1.1, AITERFAIF THREE, THERETO, RETAEING ID INCFEASE IN 1170 10 OF COUNCILMEN FROM FIVE TO SEVEN, Al' A MONTHLY COMPENSATION IN SUCH AFFRBIT AS MAY BE ESTABLISHED B1 ORDINANCE BIT NOT EXCEEDING $150.00 EACH; (6) BY ADDING SECTION 11-2, ALTERFAIE ONE, THERETO, RELATING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF EIEC1SVE BOARD OF EDUCATION CONSISTING OF CLUE MEMBERS, EACH TO EXBVF FOUR YEAR TERM; OR, ALIFFNAFIVETYL (7) BY ADDING SECTION 11-2, ALTERNATE TO, THERETO, REIATING TO ESTADITSPNENT OF ELECTIVE BOARD OF EDUCATION 0010 10' OF SEVEN EfflUERS, EACH It SERVE FOUR MEAN TERM; FIXING DATE OF SAID ELECTION, MANNER. OR' BOLDING SAME, AND PROVIDING FOP. NOTICE THEREOF; ANT CONSOLIDATING SAID SPECIAL MUNICIPAL CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECIION WITH TEE PRIMARY ELECTION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO BD HELD ON JUNE 1. 1968 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA as follows: 1111' 1- The Council «' 71 City of Alameda hereby proposes on its own motion to emend thb Charter of the City of Alameda by (a) adding Sections 3-18.1, 2-1.1, 3-1.1 Alternate One, Alternate Tinci, 1-1.1 Alternate Three, 11-2 Alternate One, 11-0 Alternate Two, thereto, and (b) amending Section 2-5 thereof, all to read as set forth in the printed pamphlet provided for in Section 6 hereof, and in the notire entitled, "Proposed 0. 10778 to the Chartbr of the City. of Alameda" hereinafter set forth in Section 3 hereof. SECTION 2, The Council of the City cf Alameda hereby- proposes to and does hereby on its 0 bT1 motion submit to the qual1fl8d electors of t City of Alameda, at the Special Muniripal. Charter Amendment Election hereinafter' provXded for, a proposal to amend the Charter of the City. of Alameda set forth in said notioe hereinafter set forth in Section 3 of this resolution and designates and refers to said pronosal as the proposal. to be set forth in the form of ballot hereinafter proscribed for use at said Special 0.1) 01 Charter Amendment Eleotion. SECTION 3. The City Clerk of' the City. of Alameda is hereby ordered and directed to cause said proposed amendments to the Charter of the City of Alameda to be published onoe, not less than forty (40) and not more than. sixty (60) days prior to the date of the Special Municipal Charter Anond- ment Election hereinafter provided for, in the AllaTIA TIMES-STAE, the official newspaper of said City, and in each edition thereof during the day of publication, said newspaper being a newspaper of general. circulation published at least six days a week in said City- of Alameda; and such publicatipn may be in substantially the following form; PROPOSED AMENDMENT00 TUE CHARTER of the CITY Cr AIAFEDA Special Municipal Charter Amendment, Election June 4, 1968 (Consolidated with Primary- Election of the State of California) The Council. of the City of Alameda hereby proposes on its awn motion to amend the Charter of the City. of Alameda: 1. By. adding Section 3-15.1. thereto to read. as follows: Sec. 3-15.1. Anything in Section 3-18 to the contrary notimIthstanding, the bid and. contract procedure in said section specified shall. be applicable only oinen the requined expenditure exceeds the sum provided by the general Law for dEties for like expenditures. 2, By amending Section 2-5 thereof to reae as follows: Sec. 2-5. No 4,erixin shall be qualified to be elected or appointed to any of the elected or appointed. to any of the elective offices herainabove set, forth unless he shall have been an e preceding Charter shall be a rt City, other than such of the City limits thereof. ;l of Alam officer o m. a period of three year: ccnti.iaous1, next n Se ction 2 -12 of this ice. Employees of the ,tic or within fifteen miles of tenure Section 1 Alternate One thereto to read as fo_CLOws: 5. y Adding Section 4 _.i and - - Sec. 2 -1.1. Notwithstanding any other provision. of chi;> Charter to the contrary. d in this Section shall be ontrol wn as to the office of the Mayor, , 1969, and thereafter, the Mayor shall be an elective officer of the d office fora + until his successor .:e_, cf four Jams, and elected. or appo nted and qualified, unless sooner removed from office pursuant to Article XX of this Charter Or otherwise. The method of nomination and election of Y e Mayor shall he as provided " as election of usher elective officers of the _n tr.i, Charter for the nomination City. The office ce of. Mayor .shall- be a separate office and be arranged. on a ballot in a -paste cclurer. and shall be first in order of arrangement. Eligibility for office of shall consist or the qualifications set forth in this Charter for other elective otfl ccrs. the provisions of this Charter .;hitch provide for the manner of selecting a can - didate to f'7.1_ office in the event of a tie vote shall apply- to the office o.' Mayor. A vacancy in the office of Mayer shall be filled in the manner set forth in Section 2-7 of this Charter. The Mayor shall receive a monthly compensation in an amount as the Council may be ordinance establish therefor not exceeding, however, the sum of Six Hundred. Dollars ('600.00). Such ordinance shall provide the time and manner of payment of such compensation. and- may provide same shall be In lieu of any addition provided. for by Sec- tions 2-4 and 6-4 of tr. e 01-arter, the intent of this seatio .ed to be only to make the Mayor an elective officer of the City and to prcv_d the o r .ration therfor, as herein .et forth. except to the extent that they are icon ions of this section, other provisions of this Charter relaying to the Mayor shall Mayor provided for by this section. Sec. 3-1.1 r,I_'.h'tht :ri ONE. Notwith star_df.ng and. ot,t!er prow the contrary, this section shall control as to the mat,tere herein con aired. Cosrrnenciny' April 15, 1969, the Council shell coneirt oft the Mayor rd four Councilmen, manner elsewhere set forth in this Charter. FriaTE and aft such: date, all provisions of t4'' his Charter __c.h are inconsistent adth the previsions of this section shale be deemed amended or repealed, whichever is appropriate. n of this Charter to 4. By adding Section 2 -1.1 and Section 3-l.1 Alternate e :wo thereto to read as follows: Se (Shall read as vet forth. n relinabovc in subparagraph Notwithstanding any other p01' ic=ion o ' this Charter tc the contrary, ae t'en aha ntrol as to the matters herein com .,e1, Commencing Aor _,, 1 965. nhe (ou 1c:;.1 shay t, o *' 6 Mayor _ moo_.. and six Council se e 'L elected in. the manner elsewhere set i. ^,nth in this Charter. fhereafter, whenever by any other section con - tained in this Charter or cal any- ordinance of the i i J, Council action is required by a vote of three, _four, ur -fifths, t' five, of the members thereof, there shall be required a vote of four, five, f1ve ar en t' said members, respectively. In order to put this cecc•icn irate effect, each of the ,,'1 addtitiorml offices of Councilman hereby created all be for an initial term of t., r' a. es .ending April. 15, 1969. `;hereafter, and upon expiration of said initial term, t ' t«r_ f _" ,nc sec. o_ °_ yes uha.i, be for the period :;f time provided in Section 2 -6 of Ch a_ ce.. Much �;wo additional offices of Councilman created by this section shall ne 'i11ed, for the 'initial two-year term cn.;-, in the manner set forth seas' 9 -1.' of this Ch a :r er r :he y,- ,_; -. of full end. unexpired terms of an office. mincing April. 15, 1969 each of said six elected Co nc' en �_.:_ h i' receive a monthly compensation fn. an amount as the Council ray 'by ordinance establish, therefor not exceeding nohowever, the sum of One Hundred nifty Dollars {C (4 ,rS(?.00} Such c:a r_anc,e shall provide the time and manher of payment of such compensation and shall provide same shah'_- be in :lieu of Councilman compensation atiora provided for by Section 2 -4 of this Charter. ram and after April lr 196). a 1 provisions this section be deemed or rep e , which- ever is appropriate:. HP,I . No the cent;' April 15 There se,, f0 Councit establish th Such ordinance nance s providere sha.i this Charter. `Ph any ordinance of the City, or five, of the :"embers the ,even, of =aid ie. bc.rs, r two additional ",ears, comrencin. the term of such Charter. Such ty„ for ' the :, for the e fl 1 , 0 1 . 4 , 42 , 1 7 7 s follows: 11 control as to the matters he e,_n contained. Commend slap consist of seven Cou .' m n elected in the manner ter. thing April. '_5, 1.769, each of sahl seven elected conap, n <_ticn in an amount as the Council may by- however, the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars (4150.00). I man manner of payment of such compensation and shall of Councilman co cj ensa't: provided for by Section 2 -4 of hen ever by any other ;ecti n contained in tnis C'7,,art. 4 or Lys. ruined by a vote, of three, four, four - f'ift'hs, .:hall. be required a vote of four, five, five, or Mr. order to put this section inte effect, each of the hereby created shall be for an initial terra of two 1 upon cttlrae 'rr of saiU teimh ehall be for he peal od of t: cry provided in ; e...,.'..c;n 2 -6 of this ditional offices of Councilman: created by this section shah.. be - north in Section. 19-12 of this Charter . The intent of this section i, hereby declared to be only to increase the number of Councilmen from five tr seven and. to provide the compensation therefor. &rept to the 143,1414,, 14 that they are inocbsistent with the pro- visions of this section, other provisions of this Charter relating to the Counell shall apply to the enlarged Council provided for by this section. 6, By adding Section Li-2 Alternate One thereto to read as follows: Sec. 11-2 ALTERNATE ONE. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Charter to the contrary, the matters contained in this section shall. be controlling as to the Board of Education. Commencing April 15, 1R6P, and thereafter, the Board of feticatian shall con- sist of five members elected by the qualified electors of the City at large, at the time, in the manner, and with the qualifications provided elsewhere, in this Charter for the qualification, nomination and 141 of other elective offiders of the City, and shall serve a tern of four years thereafter and until their suocessors are elected and qualified. Of the five members of t Board of Education elected at the 1969 General Municipal Election, the three who receive the highest number of votes cast shall each serve an initial term of four years, and the two who receive the next two highest number of votes cast shall each serve an initial term of two years. At subsequent General hunicipal Elections, either two or three members of said Board, ae the case may be, shall be elected for four-year terms to fill the vacancies caused by the expiration of the terms of the members. A vacancy on the Board of Education, arising otherwise than as provided in Artinie XX, shall be filled by appointment by said Board, said appointee to hold office for the term provided in Section 2-8 of' this Charter. After any vacancy in the office of member of' said Board has continued for twenty-one days, the vacancy shall be filled by- the Council- It is hereby declared tu be the intent of this section that the only changes to be effected by its terms are to make the Board of Educatirn electivr, rather than appointed, and to provide the manner in which the members thereof shall be elected. Except to the emxtent that they are inconsistent with the provisions of th5z section, other provisions of thia Charter relating to the board. of' Education and other elective officers shall appry to the Board of Education provided for by this section. 7. By anding Section It-2 Alternate Two thereto to read as follows: Sec. 11-2 AlliffNATE TWO. Notwithstnnding any other provieion of this Charter to the contrarya the ratters contained in this sectior shall be controlling as to the Board. of Education. Commencing April 15, l969, and thereafter, the Beard of Edreatien shall consist of seven members elected. by the quaJifled electors of the City at large, at the thue, in the manner, and with the qualifications provided 0,14711414, 14 this Charter for the qualification, nomination and election of other electrve officers of the City, and shall serve a term of four years thereafter ard until their successors are elec, ed. and qualified. Of the seven members of the Board of Education elected at the 1969 General Municipal Election, the four who receive the highest number of votes cast shall. each serve an initial. term of four years, and the three who reoeive the next three highest number of votes cast shall each serve an initial term of two years. At subsequent General Municipal Elections, either three or four members of said Board, as the case na, . be, shall be elected for four- year terms to fill the vacancies caused by the expiration of the terms of the members. A vadancy on the Board of Education, arising otherwise than as provided in Article IHX, shall be filled by appointment by said Board, said appointee to hold office for the term provided. in Section 2-8 of this Charter. After any vacanny in the office of member of said Board has continued for twenty-one days, the vacancy shall be filled by the Connolly It is hereby- declared to be the intent of this section that the only changes to be effected by its terms are to make the Board of Ehucation elective, rather than appointed, to increase its mrbershie to seven, and to provide the manner in which the merreers thereof shall be elected_ Except to the extent that they are inconsistent with the provisions of' this section, other provieiens of this Charter relatihg to the Board of Education and other electiye offibrrs shall apTly to the Board of Eduoation provided for by this section. The Council of the City of Alameda, hereby proposes to and does hereby on its own motion sub- mit to the qualified elentore of said City at a Special. Kunicinal Charter Amendment Election to be held in. said City on Tuesday, June 4, 1968 (which said election will be consolidated with the Primary Election of the State of California. to be held on Juhe 19( 85), the following proposals to amend said Charter of the City of Alameda, in the manner hereinabove specifically set forth, as follows: AMENDMENTS Tp THE CHARTER OF THE C1168 08 AIAMEPA MEASURE Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide that the monetary limit for expenditure for the purchase of materials and supplies, or for lfrie mking of pub Lie work or improvement, be increased 73. the present limit of $1,G00.0C to ouch limit es • EES . shall not exceed that provroed for by state all for cities? (State law now provides for a $2,500.00 lemit.) Said amendment wEll he accomplished by adding Section 3-15.1 to said Charter, all as retry set forth in Resolution No. 7293 of the Council of the City of VO Alameda. 116 MEASURE B Shali the Charter of' the City of Alameda be amended to Provide that the qualification for election, or appcintment, to any elective offices ef the City be reduced from five to three years, as the period of time such officer shall have been an elector . TES . ........ of tho City continuously next preceding his election? Said axondment will be accom- plished 37a103 Section 2-5 of said Charter, all as fully 8,,,t forth in Resolution No. 7293 cf the Council of the City of Alameda. . NO MEASURE C, ALTERNATE ONE Shall the Chartar of blue City of Alameda be amended to provide that the Mayor of the City of Alameda be an ekective office, that said Mayor shall receive a com- pensation therefor in ouch ammunt as may be established by ordinance but not exceeding 41 0, per month, and that the City Council thereafter consist of such elected Mayor and four elected Councilmen? SaiR amendment will be aocom- plished by adding Section 2-1.1 and Section 3-1.1 Alternate One, to said Charter, all as fully set forth in Resolution No. 7893 of the Council of the City of Alameda- MEASURE C, ALTERNATE TRTO Shall the Cnarter of the City of Alameda be amenned to provide that the Mayor of the City of Alameda be an elect Eve office, that saiR Mayor shall receive a compensation therefor in each amount as may be established by ordinance but not exceeding $600.0C per month, that the City Council thereafter consist of . YES . such elected Mayor and six elected Councilmeh, and that each of bald six ........ ...... . Councilmen shall receive a compensation therefor in FUCh amount as may be established 1, ordinance but not exceeding 2150.00 per month? Said •mendment . NO will be accomplished by adding Section 2-1-1 and Section 3-1.1 Alternate TWo, to said Charter, all as fully sot forth By 'c :31'' No, 7293 of the Council of the City (JR Alameda. MEASURE C, AllEHRAME THREE snail the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide that the Mayor shall remain an office to be filled by Council appointment, as now provided, but that the number of Councilmen be increased from five to sovar and that . YES each of said seven elected Caonclimen shall receive a compensation therefor in such amount au may be established by ordinamce but not exceeding $150.00 per month? Said amencinnt will be aboamplished Ty adding Section 3-1.1 . BO . Alternate Three, to said Charter, aIl as fully set forth by Resolution No. 7293 of the Council o2 'Luna City of Alameda. MEASURE , ALTERNATE ONE Shall the Charter of' the City of Alameda bo amenRed to provide that the 07 11 ..... of Education of the Alameda Unified School District shall consiet of five members to be elected by direct vote of the, 318. at large, each of said members to serve a four-year term? Said amendment well be accomplished by adding Section 11-2, Alternate One, to said Charter, ail as Hully set forth by Resolution No. 7293 of the Council of the City of Alameda. . NO . ....... MEASURE U, A:PIT:MATE UVO Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide that the Board of Education of the Alameda Unified School District shall consist of' sewn members to be elected by direct vote of the people at large, each of said members to serve a, four-year term? Said amendment will be accomplished by- addMng Section 12.-2, Alternate Two, to said '0' '3. all as fully, set forth by Resolution No. 7293 of the Council of the City. of Alameda. . YES . NO . • • ... • • - . • . heReby certify that the foregoing Charter amendment proposals were ordered submitted to the qualifj ' electors of the City of Alameda by the Council of the City of Alameda. Datedh March 13, 1968. SHIRIEY P. TFPNTPR City- Clerk of the City- of' Alameda SECTION 4. (a) A Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election is hereby called to be held in the City of Alameda on Tuesday, Tune 4, i968 for the pumpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said City sadd proposal set forth in Section 3 of this resolution to amend. the Charter of said City as in said proposals and in this resoilit)en provRded and as hereby. submitted by the Council of the City of Alameda on itm own motion. (1) Said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Flection hereby' called shall be held and con- ducted, and the votes thereat canvassed and the returns thereof made, and the results thereof ascer- tained and determined as herein provided, and in all particulars not prescribed in this resolutien, said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election shall be hela as provided for in 1 he Charter of said City and in all particulars not providwd for therein said (0 '1. shall be held as provided by law for the holding of spedial municipal. elections 1 the City of Alameda, and otherwise in aecord- ance with the 10 't' Code of the State of California. (c) All persons qualified to vote at municipal elections in saib City of Alameda on the day of the election herein provided for shall be qualified to vote upon said amendments hereby- pro- posed by the Cauncil of the City Gf Alameda on its own motion and submitted at said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election. (d) The polls at the polling Pisces hereinafter designated for said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election shall be opened. at F100 a.m. ( P.S.T.) of said day of election, and shall be kept open continuously- thereafter' until 5;00 p.m. (B.S.T.) of said. day of election when. the polfe shall be closed (except as provided in Section 1443e of the Elections Code), and the election officers shall thereupon proceed to canvass the ballots oast thereat. (e) Said Special Municipal. Charter Amendment faection shall be and is hereby consolidated -pith the Primary Election of the State of California to be held in. said City of Alameda on the date of said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election hereby- called, and the election precincts, poll- ing places and voting booths shall in every case be the same, and there shall be only one set of 00 (1' officers fu each of said precituts; and the precincts, polling places and officers of election for said Special Municipal. Charter '1 100° Election shall be the same as those to be selected and designated by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda, State of California, for said Primary Election of the State of' California in said City of Alameda. by res olution. or ordi- nance of the aforesaid Board of Supexmisors relating to the holding and conducting of the Primary Election of the State of California, to which resolution or ordinance reference is hereby made for a designation of the precincts, polling places and election officers for the Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election hereby called. (f) Only one form of ballot shall be used at said Primary Election of the State of California and. said Special Bnnicipal Chartor Amendment Election hereby consolidated therewith, which, in addition to a other matters requixed by- law to be printed thereon, shall state the measures set forth • Section i hereof. (g) Each voter may vote or any one or more of the proposed Charter amendments. To vote in favor of the proposal to amend the Charter of the City of Alameda a. voter shall stamp a cross (X) in the blank space opposite the word "YES" on the 1031 to the right of the proposal, and to vote against said proposal a voter shall stamp a cross (X) jr the blank: space opposite the word "DO' on the ballot to the right of said proposal. The vttes cast for and against the proposed charter amend- ment shall be counted separate and apart from all other 0,0, .,'o to be submitted at the Special Muni.- cipal Charter Amendment Election hereby called for the purpose of submitting said charter amendments, and if a majority of the qualified voters voting on a proposeb charter amendment vote 10 n. favor thereof, such charter amendment shali be deemed ratified. (h) Ihe returns of said election shall be canvassed, made out and signed by the election officers 20 designated by- the Board of Srpervieors,County of Alameda, State of California, and the, results thereof transmitted to the City Clerk of Alameda, and City Co-shall thereof, who shall declare the result thereof in aacordanee with the Charter of the City of Alameda and the laws of the State of California. SECTION 5. Said measures and each of thee. set forth in Section 3 hereof shall 0., set forth in the election. prociamatibn and notice of Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election consolidated with the Primary- Election 31 the State of California to be held on Tuesday, June 4, 1968, to be pub- lished in the time and form. reqhired. by Sections 19-9 and 19-14 of Article XIX of the Charter of the City- of Alameda. SECTION 6. The City Clerk of the City of Alameda is hereby authorized and directed (1) to cause copies of the text of said proposed_ charter amendments to be printed:in convenient pamphlet form and in type of not less than ten-point and to cause copies thereof to be mailed to each of the qualified electors of said City, and (2) until the day fixed for said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Electibm. to advertise daily- in the ALAMEDA TIJIPS-5TAR, a. newspaper of general. citenlatian in said City, a notice that copies of said pamphlet may be had on application. therefer. Said notice shall be in substantially' the following form; NOTICE OF ANAL-LABE:11T OF' CHARIth. AMENDMENTS NOTTEE 18 hflIDBY GIVEN to the qualified electors of the City of Alameda that pamphlet copies of the amendments„ proposed by the City Council en 0.0. own motior., to the Charter of the City of Alameda (a) &mending Section 2-5 thereof; and (b) addirg Section 3-15.1y adding Section. 2-1_1 and Section 3-1.1 Alternate Oo, or alternatively; adding Section 1 and Section 5-1.1 Altbrnate Two, or alternatively; adding Section. 5-1.1 Alternate Three; adding Section lb-2 Alternate One, or alternatively; adding Section ii-D Alternate Two thereto, providing for rarious changes in said Charter as specifically aet forth in. saib pamphlet copies, which shall be mailed to each. of the quali- fied electors of said City, are on file in the office o' the City Clerk, City Nail, Alameda, California, Copies of said pamphlet are available in. said office and may be had on. application therefor. SHIRLEY EN TEMEEER dnirrey h. 'fernier City Clerk of' the City of Alameda, California I, the undersigned, hereby certify timat the foregoing Fosmitition was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Cohncil of the City of Alameda ih special meeting nsseMbled on the 23th day of March, 1)68, 0 the following voto, to wit: AEES: Councilmen Fore, Levy and. Presidont McCall, (0). NOES: Councilmen Bartley- and La Croda, Jr., (2). ABSENT: None. ATTNESS UHEHEOE, I have hereunto set El: hand and affixod the official seal of said City this 14th day of March, ITOS. (sEAL) SHIRLEY H. URETER City Clerk 01 1 he City- of Alamoda I heraby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy uf uCity oS Afaueda Resolution Ao. 72)3, PROPOSING AHEM= TO TEE 01 17R 2 E clay oF AGAMEM CT BOTION OF THE CITE CJAIDOIL; CAILING A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL CHARTER ELECTION iN THE CITY Of AAILEDA Etr iHE PURPOSE OF SUB- MITTING TO THE ELECTORS THEREOF PROPOSALS To AMEND SA:0 CHARTER, VAN: (I) TAP ADDING SECTION G-15.1 T1 513, RELATING TO MONETARY PURCHASE LIM:TS DMOLIRING FROCEDIFF SGT EGElf if FIECTIMA 3-1) THEREOF; (2) SE AMENDING GIFOTION 2-5 THEREOF REDUCING PEDIOD OF THLE flICM FIlE 10 TI Fir YEARS, ifEhlAIIN OGEACIES 611kLL HAVE BEEN ELECTORS OF CITY; (G) NY ADDiNO sECITOD 2-1.A, NEW SlCOAOF 2-1.1, ATTEFEATF ONE, lAikaTo, RE:ATI:KG TO ESTABLISHMENT OE OFFICE OE (1 2( AC ELECTIVE Al flFGE Im A MONTHLY COM- RASATION 1 SHAH Axoura AS LAY BE =ABLER:GEO DT 07DAL01NCE ELT TOT' EXCEED-NG S000.0Sf WITH THE CITY CONNILL ITOREATEER :0 CONSiSA OE mAYoa AND FOUR (01 01: 07, 1(11011 11 (A) BY ADDING SECTION 2-I._ ADP SEGTOOT AlitRNATE IWO, THERETO, RELATING lO NSTABICSEMENT CF OFFICE, OF BATOR AS ILLIIMAHI Al :LARGE Al A MONTHLY COMPENSATION th AECH AMONTT AG MAY PE ESIAHILSEIGh BY ORDINANCE BET NO1 EXCEEDING SCOG.00, EVE CITE COUNCIL ThFREAFTEE TO CONSIST: Ot' MAYOR AAP SIX COUNCILMEN AT A MOTTEMI COMPLIDDATMAY TN SUCH AMOUNT AS KAY BE ESTAALTsLED EY ORDINANCE BUT ROT EXCEEDING S150.00 .01 12; OR, ASITARNATARALY (5) DA AORTNG SECTION Sai.J, ALTERNATE TEPEE, TEFRETO, AELAtTES 10 INCREASE 11 NUTERa Oi CORNCILLNEN ERGM nlVE TO SLEEN, AT A MONTHLY GOMPENSAAREN SCAN kf),ioui AA MAY EP ESTAB- LISHED BY ORDINANCE BUT EGA EXCEEDING $150.00 FACE: (6) BY AAGING SEET„ON 11-2 ATTER:NATE ONE, THERETO, RELATING AC ESTABLISHMENT OF ELECTIVE DOAED CP E01 CAT13 N COATIETING OE n:VE IF:EMBERS, EACH AC SERVE YEAR :RPM; OP, ALTERNATIVELY, (7) HY ADDINO SECTION 11-2, AITANNATE RAO, THERETO, FAIATING TO ESTAELASHAEN1 OF ELECELVE HOARD OF IEDGOANNON SONSESTRIG OF SEVEN, MEMBERS, 1 TO SERVE 011 NEAR TERM; HATING DATE OF SAID :ELECTION, MANNTD CD HOLDING SAME, ACE 7DOVI11 INLI TICR NOTICE THEIREGE; AVID COTGOLIGAIRAG 5A1D srLcuL mun:Irki uARIER AMETDBENT EIECELOY Ail: THE PRIMARY ELECTION OF TEE STATE Ot BALI:FORAM:. TO BE READ OA loft; 2, AC , 1111 20 and adopted by the Council on the InAth day of March, 1HOG. ArA ,77A4/ •':"( A 7 Cit5 IlleRk-*f the of Alameda