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Resolution 07309cm. : OF AL ^ ,')A EiE n1 -.011 {O. 73(19 ADOPTING L3'C SP EC ii''IC A' 1 (1VS, SPECIAL, Ct, PRO _,r NS AND PLANS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS OVE�\ ENT ,CLUD N STORM DRAINS N F.!?V MERT CONSTRUCTION TION VTR•. +ECAREEEY ROAD BETWEEN COUNTY ROAD ANT) MELROSE AVENUE, GAL LNG t Gi BIDS AND DIRECTING- CITY CLERK 1.1) .?L'VER "'ISE SAME. EdI G,!.;,ia, the i,'tt; r;ngineer has p'reparch. O'eclfica Iion . E. pr ,., rwm. inoluding .rains an between County Read and cu'els:se Avenue, Silo. Pty LF -b= orr, Arr'_ 16, 19-68; Provisions and. Plans for ruction on . ecartney Road office of the City Clerk arc- t;'RE., BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CG[?1uCIi, OF `'PE CITY Of' AE t,SE)ti that the said Spec. Rations, Spec-r_ Provision, and Plans, be, and here' approved and adopted. BE 'I' ROREFIR HESOLVED that thepert ".a,rmanee an4 ccmplo'is coins a a Provisions be and the same is hereby authorized. d n said Pc iT FUh_KE3 RESOLVED that the Council of the Citt, of Alameda will r.cei :ce sealed bids hn o" ! 1:00 o'clock a.m. on FRIDAY, MAY 1.0, 1968, for urni hang t,o l i.e City of all equinment necessary for the work aereinabove referred to, in said Speyd uicat_,ns and Provisinno. Bids ::cast be r-•es.n.,,:d ' tl alty Clerk, in Alameda, Californiaa ;;nI .eater? cover and plainly marked ern -i:h, etat, ''Proposal 'on. of ,,.:cartnc„ , County Fund to Melrose ,.rerca," cr similar Contract if awe ed, o«11 be aw s uc'. an Uti; W itt: pint a; .osia n Usrn._'1 to the re,,,pon- sibS.e bidder who s,sm,_rs t s .l..oti.ra t and hos d 4ree ^.,amorati.bids. a :i the City Engineer, at his office in the and Prov:i f the Charter of the bid. The right is may be had by any p cspect;vc bidder en application to ty Hall, A irr',eca. California. The City Clerk is hereby directed to anreri;iso n the (ri:reda `ime aled bins, ir, accordan <e tri'.h the prow sions of h s resolution and o I, the undersign d, hereby cer introduced and adopted b;;• IEth day of Apr_l, 1968, by the follow- (SEAL) eso.0 ion fklIAROAR ROAD AND LIE AYES: `;ctznc Imen Fore 1a, Croix, NOES: None. - r, t 1, ANF S WHEREOF, 2 have hereunto r dap of April, 1?6 for y,r r.r ?esolut..on':ras d egularly Alameda cgular _Roc ing ., ,,,rolad on the At' (3). xe.d the official seal City Clerk of the City 1 hr,rebo c.rt' IM 111 the fos.eac ng _'_s ,.ti _sw1., crae anc eorrcof copy "City of Alameda t 1cE s >PEGIt iGATIORS, ,',r i !. E.C.15ION`> AUT5 Pi - S FOR t,(.NSERUC` lON OP TTJCID:71`,...,.x STORM DE?A'P'S AND Pr.V_.1.iv'1 CON _R.Uc TTOi1 ON Rile, r11'PE,Y d115 BETWEEN COUNTY E, (bifida FOR RIDS AND D.1131,1L-1' CITY CLERK TO AD : i ",5P; SAME," introduce(' do as 'cy tY Council on the 16th day of April, 1968.