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Resolution 07350
CATY OF ALABLIDA RESOLUTION NO. 7350 EILLEALUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA DESIGNATING TEE NUMBER OF AND PROVIDING FOR THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OLTICERS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES OI"LILE CITY CI' ±L4,' LO B E J T T ESOIBED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA as follows: Section 2. This Resolution shall. be known as the "Salary and Position Resolution of July 1, 1968.6 Section 2 The following salary rates, salary ranges and salary steps are hereby designated as the rates of pay applicable to the respective classifications in the service of the City of Alameda, effective july 2, 1960. Code No. No. of Range Class Title Positions No. ADMINISTRATIVE SEEP A AUDITOR, AND ASSESSOR 1000 Auditor and Assessor l f/m - - - - 1100 1700 Deputy Assessor 73 763 8o3 820 883 327 1625 Deputy Auditor 1 73 763 801 841 883 927 1580 Accounting Machine Operator li 56 505 E30 556 524 613 1555 Deputy Field Assessor (P .I.) f/h 52 2.78 2-92 3.07 8.22 3.38 1560 Intermediate Typist-Clerk 2 40 4,25 447 4635 493 517 CITY ATTORNEY 1010 City Attorney 1 100 1475 15/,6) 1626 1707 1192 1630 Legal Secretau-01enk 6c 556 534 613 644 676 1535 Legal Stenographer 33 469 493 517 543 570 CITY CLERK 1030 City Clerk i 79 883 927 974 io23 i074 159' Deputy City Clerk 1 60 556 584 613 644 676 011E MANAGER 1040 City Manager I s'br. '050 Assistant City Manager a 28 1100 1185 12)33- 1274 1338 1640 4714717 344 Secretary to City Banager ) 62 56,,L 613 641, 676 710 1330 Senior Etenographot-Cierk 1 469 493 517 543 57o CITY PLANNING 060 Planning Director pm 1155 1.213 E274 1338 1405 3i3f:: Assistant Planning Dikector 75' 883 927 974, 1023 1074 3395 Assiutant Planner 70 710 745 782 82i 665 1600 Departmental Secretary 58 530 556 586. 613 646 PERSONNEL 1070 Personnel Director j 88 ALOO 1155 i213 1226 1338 625 Personnel Assistant 1 a 61 570 598 62e, 66o 693 1620 Personnel Clerk 1 P 59 543 570 598 628 660 154o Senior Typist-Clerk 1 53 4,69 493 517 543 570 1510 Intermsdiate Tyrist-Glerk a 49 425 447 469 493 6040 Exsmination Proctor f/n 2.57 * Note: At such time as the position of Personnel Assistant is filled, the position of Personnel (Klerk. will be deinted_ PURCHASING 1660 Buyer 1 68 676 710 745 782 821 151M Intermediate Ind:Ilerk 2 49 ),25 441 469 493 517 SOCIAL SERVICE 1520 Social Service Secretary ' 53 469 493 517 5'43 570 Code No. of Range No. Class Tetle Positions No. TREASURER AND TAM COLLECTOR 1080 Treasurer and Tam Collector 1 f/m. 1670 Deputy' Treasurer-Tax Collector 1 73 1650 Assistant Deputy Treasurer- ax Collector 07 1565 Field Representative (Revised) 6o 1510 Intermediate Typist-Clerk 49 PUBLIC WORKS BITILDIVG AND INSPECTION STEP A 1100 765 801 841 SS3 927 598 1. 660 693 727 556 5e4 613 644 676 425 44? 409 493 517 3170 Chief Building Inspector -t 85 1023 1074 1127 1184 1243 31i0 Plumbing Inspector 731 763 801 841 883 727 8100 Building inspector 1 73 763 801 641 883 927 306o Assistant Building Inspector 2 70 710 745 782 221 862 3000 FttiedinE Permits Femme...rear 1 56 505 530 556 584 6.1.3 CITY NATI, 2040 Auto and Building Maintenanceman 2080 Garage Attendant 1500 Telephone Oserator-Recept. 1 57 5A7 543 570 598 628 193 517 5673 570 598 14 425 447 469 493 517 WRGIDEEFIN0 100 Gity Engineer 1 loo 1475 2549 1626 1767 1792 3180 Assistant City Engineer 80 1155 12k3 177D 4330 1405 3150 3r. Civil Engineer e 7-5 1023 1074 2127 114) , 1243 3140 Associate Civi] 1' 44' 2 80 705 950 996 1048 1200 3126 Assistant Civil Engineer ' c 75 sal 84 883 927 9'74 5075 Sr. Construction inepector 4 73 763 81 ] 862.6 883 927 3390 Survey Party Chief 2 71 727 765 801 8A: 283 3080 Junior Civil Engineer 2 4) '7 2 7 763 sol 841 1483 3070 Construction inspector 2 70 WIO 745 821 862 1670 Public Works Office Mgr. 1 70 7IC 745 782 021 362 3o24' Senior Engineering Aide 1 66 628 66o 693 727 763 3030 Senior Engineering Draftsman 2 65 6,' 660 693 727 765 3065 Engineering Technician 1 7 (17 698 660 693 727 763 3010 Fngineering Aide 4 6o 536 584 613 644 676 1,610 Principal Clerk Deng. of Public Works ' 5F 'SO 556 584 613 644 1530 Senior Stenograpner-Fierk 2 58 469 493 517 543 570 1550 Intormcdiato Account-Clerk 1 53 L69 493 517 543 570 3080 Jr. Civil Engineer (B.I.) 2/In 71 4.18 4.40 4 67 4E35 5.0 3010 Engineering Aide (Bit.) f/n 60 3.21 J .57 3.54- 3.72 3.90 3005 Student Aide (F.T.) fin - 1.87 1.47 1.56 POUND - PAPEING METER 2175 Foundmaster-Darking Meter Repaitman 2055 Asst. Poundmaster-Parking Meter Repairman SIPREI 6o 556 584 613 044 676 57 517 543 398 627 3164 Public Works Maintenance Superintendent 1 85 1.023 low, 12.27 J1634 1243 2370 Street and Sewer Maintenance Supervisor 1 72 745 782 821 862 905 232o Equipment Mechanic Foreman m 68 676 7io 745 782 2,14 2270 Maintenance Carpenter Fbresan 1 68 676 710 745 782 821 2280 Concrete Foreman ' c 6e 676 710 745 782 821 2310 Maintenance Plumber 1 68 676 7io 745 782 821 2330 Sewer Maintenance Foreman 1. 68 676 710 745 782 821 2270 Tree Foreman 1 68 7 7io '74.5 782 821 2240 Equipment Mechanic i_ 65 628 66o 7 727 763 223o Maintenance Carpenter 2 65 628 660 693 727 763 2220 Maintenance Painter 1 65 628 66o 693 727 763 2190 Sewer Maintenance Teadman 1 63 628 660 693 727 763 2200 Concrete Worker 1 65 598 628 66o 693 72? 2160 Street Sweeper Operator 2 61 * 57o 598 628 660 6)3 2150 Tree Trimmer 5 6C 556 584 613 644 676 2140 Tree Maintenance Worker ' 6 6c 556 573" 613 644, 676 120 Truck Driver 9 59 543 570 598 628 660 2100 Eight Equipment Operator i 59 52 3 57o 598 628 660 Code Mo. No. of Range STEP Class Title Positions C. 11 5 2090 Astflt IfeuLtment Mechanic 2112 Skilled Worker 2120 Taborer 2020 Laborer (Part-lbne) fen 6 59 58 '3 -8* 55 543 530 496-3 2.7 Plus 1 full step (5%), when scheduled four or more hours in addition to normal_ compensation, the one position of' tenance of City Hall and Library gToulms, as well as tra areas, shal] receive a one-step salary differentdal 570 556 517 2.98 98 584 543 3.13 628 613 570 3.7: between A:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Laborer responsible for the main.- Efic isMande and other landscaped while so assigned. aa4FFIc ENGINEERING 2210 Traffic Control Paigter 2110 Skilled. Worker 65 P'd PITO GTEFETY 1100 Fire Chlef 4550 Assistant Eire Chief 4640 Bat 55 7' '71.8' Prevention Offider 4550 Battalion Chief-Training Officer 1 4520 Fire Captain 9 4510 Fire Lieutenant a3 4500 Fireman CO * 2240 Equipment Mbonanic 1600 Departmental.. Secretary 1510 Intermediate Typist-01ert: 598 58o 556 5.94 663 628 66o 693 6.1 530 425 660 556 1,,.47 3538 660 644 598 3 .45 727 1405 127 1100 1255 1218 974 974- 821 727 693 504 469 1023 107A E23 1074 927 974 862 905 763 801. 727 763 688 644 493 587 In additinn t5 normal compensation, positiond in classifications on permanent assignment to the Fire Preventibn Bureau, shall 1' '1,1 an additional a step (21) per month while so engaged. * 2 of these positions are to become POLICE 1115 Police Chief 4040 Police Captain A030 Police Lieutenant 010 Police Sergeant 4000 Police Officer 4006 Policewoman-Stenographer 4008 Police Communication Dispatcher 4007 Identification Technician 2550 Senior Stenographer-Cierk 152,0 't '1' Tyvlst-Cerk 2050 Crossing Guard u (P.T.) A060 Secrity Aibe effectime January I, 1969. .1 92(0-E) 1 84(e-E) 4 'c (r) '9' 67 (6-E) 63(c-85) .5 58(c-E) 58(6-E) 4 53 2 53 f/h f/h 469 469 493 4-93 83571 1405 1475 iloo 13.55 :1245 974 8025 8074 862 905 950 727 763 8654 66° 693 727 584 6:43 644 584 61 5 644 551.7 543 570 517 543 57c 2.25 2-25 E. addition to normal compensetien, pcsitinns of Police Officer ortregular assignment to Juvenile Division as juvenile Officer shall receive an additional a step (2a) per month while so engaged- 2 of these positions are tp become effectiwe January I, 1969. HECREATION 140 Director of Recreation, Pafrko 5120 Recreation Supervisor 5110 Recreation Leader IIT 1600 Departmental Seoretary 1540 Senior Typist-Clerk 2010 Janitor 8585,5 Intermediate Typist-Clerk 5090 Recreation Specialist (P.R.) 5060 Recreation leaddr II (P.T.) 5040 Recreation Leader I (P.T.) 5010 Recreation Aide (P.T.) 2510 janitor (P. T.) RECPBAIIEN,PARKS AND 9a. 71 62 58 53 50 49 50 At such time as the positinn of Sr. Typist-Clerk Typist-Clerk will be delbted_ -4484 727 84 530 469 436 25 2.88 2.52 8243 268 (1 556 493 458 447 2.24 13E6 1371. iTA0 801 8477 883 644 676 780 584- 622 644 517 543 570 48a. 505 530 469 493 517 2.72 2.86 5.00 2.35 2.117 2.59 1.93 2.03 2.13 1.51 1.59 1.67 la filled, one position of Intermediate Code Jo. Class Title S-1,1126. C 51CC Swimming Pool Aanagsr (P,T.) 53£30 Aquatic Spcc, .alist ( ,', , ) 5 570 Sea ,r Lifeguard (P 5345 Aquatic lnstrtic:tor 395C,' T:`1 Gard (P.T.) 5033 Cashier-Attendant (".1'.) 50 CS Locker Attendant (P.T.) 513,20 Instructor Aide (P.T.) 2010 •janitor (P.T.) PARKS 2340 Pak Malnt enanoe Supervisor 2100 Light Equdr er1' O er to 2360 Parr Caretaker 2080 Gardener 2020 Laborer 2020 Laborer (P.`C. ) 8.550 Golf Course Maintenan ce Superintendent 2355 Golf Course Clubhouse iflana2, 2260 As t Gol'- Course Ma.; ntenanoe Superintendent Golf Course Maintenance Night Water leadman Equipment Mechanic haric Heavy Equipment Operator Light Equipment Operator A s ' t Equipment cent 12 hanic 2255 2250 2240 2-05 2_.00 2090 2110 2130 2065 2020 2010 2020 al3O 3550 3'540 3530 1.600 520 3510 2020 3502 3501 Graf Starter Golf Cou0'£ C So - Laborer Janitor uboror (3'.'L ) In addi ur more , tia-i n Man Eo. of Positions f/h f/h f/L f /1: f/h Range No. 74 70 70 6'7 65 65 655 59 59 57 '5 fI STEP C L+ 929 54.3 493 2.8U. to normal compensation, Golf Course Laborers rs between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 a,m. shall receive ) employed.. 710 66o 62e 622 623 5143 543 530 City Libra Librarian i:II Librarian Librarian Departmental library As astar_t Janitor n mediate C-Ler Librarian I (P.T. Library. Assistant Janitor (P.T.) intermediate Clerk (P.T,) Student As start ITI (P.T.) Student ssictant II (2.1.) Student Assistant I (P.T.) 11.50 City. Pk,,s. tan (P 6660 Registered N 0000, 6020 Relief Ste'P,ari1 (P ) 1 f/h f/h VACATION RELiZi', SION LEAVE EEL_I , PERE- _E LI ' 21 84 69 65 61 50 53 50 49 FIRST AIP, 54-E 763 54.3 543 51.7 2.98 821 7445 1.51 l.uh 8011 590 5'70 570 543 3.13 745 693 663 693 660 693 663 693 570 „8 50 5143 570 >43 570 5.17 458 ` 8 1 3.1-3 oa 3.06 2.86 2.72 2.4? 235 1.51 1.93 81» 628 598 590 570 ::.29 l5 .00 2.:36 .59 2.47 2.35 .67 2.. 03 11)3 660 628 62E 59:3 .3.145 905 950 821 862 763 27 72'7 727 628 628 613 598 5`i& 570 505 3.29 eel. iY: night catering for four 862 801 7o3 763 963 660 660 64.14 628 628 518 530 34 .,ep (5r) salary ci,1'f'eren- 998 1048 100 693 727 763 628 66o 693 574 59,3 62 530 556 584. 460 493 517 436 458 481 425 447 469 3.4.5 3.62 2.94 ,..9' .64 2.78 2.57 9..71 x.07 1.79 67 556 584 &Li,AI•IE OUS PTl cl /1'(21I Any of the above L ,., classes, subject to th,e a.raylaoz'it,t r,1 tones c Levi i'; temporary or part tide basis for vacation re 'e'. sjok leave , e , and au 1155 801 727 660 613 2,0,3 505 1493 3,£31 `; 13 2.91 2.54 7 1.88 1.63 (44 1213 2241 763 693 641, 576 531, 51`1 4.0C 3•'9 2.06 2.93 '2.28 .y, 1.71 5134 696 2.85 v be Pill -eel on a Also, subject to the availability of budgeted funds, when a permanent pct it.i-a11 in be vaca it, is necessary for the Incumben., to train a replacement, one additional pow .:,i.on in are. of the above lasses may. be filled Civil Service appointment, subject to the approval. of the City Manager. TUAISING INCENTIVE AWARD Each sworn member of the Police Department below the rank of Police Sergeant, includdng the ranks of Police Officer and PoiNcewoman-Stenographer, wha Qualifies for a, Training incentive Awnmd in accord- ance with the adm tled, "Regulations Governing the Trainlng Ineentiya Program," shall receive, so long as such qualifications are retained, 11 award in the amount of $0.00 per month. * * *• * * * * * * eby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly mnd rcgularly introduced and adopted. by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assemblod on the 18th day of June, 1968, by the following, vote, to wit: RIES: Ccancilmon Fore, Joaaos, La Croix, jr., Levy ana Rresidont McCall, (5). OES: Dune. AWARE: NOT1. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto Eet my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 19th day of Mune, 1968. (SEAL) SHIRLEY H. TIMMER City Clerk of the City of Alameda * ••.; Sr.; I hereby certify that the foregoing is. a full, true and correot copy of "Cisy of Alamsde Desoittion No. 7S,50, l0 11 0 THE COUNCIL OF TUE CITY OP ALAN:FDA DESIGNATING THE; NUNEER OF AND PROVIDING FOR ITIE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN 0- 00 OTTTE EMPLOYEES OP THE CITY CF ALAYELA," introduced ard adopted by the Courril on the Lath day of June, 1968. (), ..t_k FLY i'dot,-/d.usE5yetg...— City Cmerh ofrihe oity of Alamoda