Resolution 07426CITY OF 1 1 1 RESOLUTION NO. 7426 PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO THE 1 1 1 Of' TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA ON MOTION 07 THE CITE COUNCIL; CAITING A SPECTAI MUNICIPAL CHAPTER AMENDMENT ELECTION IN TEE CiTf OF ALAMEDA FOP TUE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO TEE EFFECTRAPR THEREOF A PROPOSAL TO AMEND SAID STARTER, VIZ.: Of ADDING SECTION 3-20 TO ARTICLE Ill THEREOF , REIATING TO AUTHOR:TILT, TIN COLE-GIL OF ENE CITX OF ALAMEDA TO TRANSFER BY CONTRACT, OR OTHER ARRANGEMENT, DS TUB COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, FoNy OR MAI OF LE TAX ASSESSING AND coFIaciaNG FUNCTIONS AND SERVICED OF THE 10, 10 RESERVING, HOWEVER, TEE PIOT" TO REASSUME SUCH FUNCTOONO AND 1010 0.'; MIXINO TEE DATE OF SAID ELECTION, THE MAnNEH OP' HOLDING THE SAME, AND PROVIDING FOR HIATIPE THEREOF; AND 0'') 30 SAID SPECIAL AUNICIPAI 0101' 01 AMENDMENT ELECTION VDU. NEJE GENERAL MEI:EIFEL ELECTION TO PE HELD IM SAID CITY ON MARCH 1). )969 BE IT RESOLVED HY THE COUNCIL OF TER Can OE ALAMEDA as folFows SECTLON 1, The Council of the City of Alameda. hereby proposes cn its own motion to amend the Charter of the City of Alameda. by adding Section. 3-20 to Article III thereof, to read as set forth in the notice entitled, dProposed Amendment to the Charter of the City of klamodad hereinafter set forth in Section 3 of this resolution. SECTION 2. The Council of the City of Alameda hereby- proposes to and does hereby on its own motRon submit to the Qualified electors of the City- of Alameda, at the special. municipal charter amendment election horoinafter provided for, a proposal to emend the Charter of the City of Alameda set forth in said notice hereinafter set forth in Section 3 of this resolution and designates and refers to said proposal as the proposal to be set forth in the form of ballot hureinafter prescribed for use at sabd speudal Imaticipal charter amendment election- SECTION 3. The City Clerk of the City of Alomeda is hereby ordered and directed. to cause said proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Alameda to be 10 10011 once, not less than. forty (40) and not rbre than sixty (PO) days prior to the date of the special munialpal charter amend- ment election hereinafter provided for, Wi the ALAMEDA TEMPS-STAR, the official newspaper of sadd City, and in each edition thereof during the day of publication, said. newspaper being a newspaper of genelal circulation published at least six days a week in saad City of Alameda; and suoh publication may be in substartialloy the following form: PROPOSED AN0. DMENT to IDE CHARTED of the CITY OF' ALAMEDA Special Municipal. Charter 0110110.0 0101 March 12, 1969 (Consciddatbd with General Municipal Election) The Connoll of the City of Alameda hereby proposes on its awn motion to amend the Charter of the City cf Alameda. by adding Section 3-20 to Artdole III thereof, to read as follows: Seb. 3-20. The Council may, by ordinance, consent to, or provide by contract or in any other manner, for the transfer to the County- of Alameda. of mny or all of the tax nssessin and tax collecting functions and services provided for by Charter or ordinance of the City of Alameda or by State law, rule or regulation, and for the assunntion, enforcement, observance and performance thereof by Alameda County- officers and employees, including but not limited to, (a) the assessment of City property for City taxes, (b) the equalization and correction of the assessment, (c) the collection, payment, and 001 01 of taxes and special. assessments, 0' 01 delinquent taxes, and (d) the redemption of property from safe or other penalty for non-payment of City taxes or special assessments, Any and all powers, 10 0010 and functions of the City so transferred to the County pursuant to thin section. shall, to the extent of their O ssumption, performance, observance and enforcement by the Ocuntat be deemed suspended and 01'a duty or function of the City for the duration of such transfer. The City has, and the Council shall. reserve in any agreement with the County, the Inght to tenninate any transfer made pursuant to this section, and to reassume any or all of the transferred functions. lEis section shall be paramount to any other Chakter provision in confliot therewith_ The Council of the City of Alameda hereby proposes to and does hereby on its own motion submit to the qualified eloctors of dain City at a special mnnicipal charter amendment election to be helb in said Cley- on Tuesday, March 11, 1969 (whdch said election will be consolidated with the General Municipal Election to be held on MUrch 11, 1969), the following proposal to amend sofa( Charter, in thb manner hereinaboye specifically set forth, as follows: AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER OF TYE CITY oF ALAMEDA MEASURE A Shall ths Charter of the City of Alameda be amended tu autheriwe the Council, by- ordinanoe, to 10 ransfer to the County 01 f Alameda, 01 y- contract or ot10 er arrangement, any or all of the tax: assessing and tax collecting functions and seraices of the ...,......... City? Such of the City's functions and services as are transferred would be suspended, whtle being furnished by the County, but the City retains the . YES . right to reassume any or al] of the transferred functions and services. Said ....... ..... amendment will be accomplished by '(2 071. 3-20 to Article III of said Charter, all as fully set forth in Resolution NO. 2M 2O of the Council of . NO . the City of Alameda, I (1 (2 certify that the foregoing Charter amendment proposal_ was ordered submitted to the qualified electors of the City of' Alameda by tne Council of the City of Alameda, Dated: January 2 . 1969. SEIIL EI H. TERNINH City Clerk of the City of Alameda SECTION 4. (a) A special municipal charter amendment election. is hereby called to be held, in the City of Alameda on Tuesday, March 11, 1969 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electorb of' said City said proposal set forth in, Section 3 of this resolution to amend the Charter of' said City- as i71 . said proposal and ih this resolution provided and as hereby. subadtted by the Council of the City- of AMameda on its own motion_ (b) Said special municipal charter amendment election. hereby calimd shall, ny held ano con, ducted, and the votes thereat canvassed and the returns thereof made, and the results thereof ascer- tained and determined am herein provided, and in all particulars not, prescribed in this resolution, said special municipal charter amendment election shall be held as provided for in the Charter of said City and in all particulars not proedded for theretn sail . election shall be held ao provided. by lam for the holding of special municipad elections in the City of Alameda, and otherwise in accordance with the Elections Code of the State of Califbrnia. (c) All persons qualified to rote at municipal elections in said City of Alameda on the day of the electimm herein provided for shall be qualified to vote upon said amendment hereby proposmd by the Council, of the City of Alameda on its own motion and subndtted at said special municipal charter amendment election_ (d) The polls at the polling places hereinafter- dosiznated for said special municipal charter amendment election ahall be opened at 2:00 a.m. (P.S.T.) of said day of' election, and shall be kept open continuously tnereafter until. 2:00 (P.S.T.) of' said day of elecelon when. the pollm shall be closed (except as provided in Section 14436 of the Elections Code), and the election officarb shall thereupon proceed to canvass the ballmte oast, thereat. (e) Said special municipal. charter amendmmnt election shall he and is hereby consolidated with the General Municipal Electimn to be held in said City of Alameda on the date of sadd special municipal charter amendment election hereby called, and the election precincts, polling places and voting booths shall in every case be the same, and there shadl. be 011iy one set of election officers in each of said precincts; and the precincts, polling places and officers of elpotiEn fey said special municipal charter amendment. election shall be the same am those to be selected. and designated by the Council of said City. for said General Municipal Election in_ said. City of Alameda by resolution, to which resolutiun reference is hereby made for a designation of tte precincts, polling places and election officers for the special municipal charter amendment election hereby called. (f) Only one form of ballot shall be used at said General Municipal Election and said special municipal charter amendment election hereby consolidated therewith, which, in additimn to all other matters required by law to be printed thereon, shall state the measure set forth in Section 3 hereof. (g) Eadh voter may vote on the proposed Charter amendment. To vote in faror of the proposal to amend the Charter of the City of Alameda a voter shala stamp a cross (X) in the blank space oppostte tne word "IESf on the ballot to the right of the proposal, and to vote against sald proposed a voter shall stamp a cross (2) in the blank space oppostte the word fidOf on the ballot to the right of said roposal_ The votes cast for and against the proposed charter amendment shall be coadted separate and apart from all other measures to be submit-Toed at the special municipal charter amendment election hereby called for the purpose of submitting said charter' amendment, and if' a majority of the qualified voters voting on the propoaed charter amendment rpgm in favor thereof, such charter amendment shall be deemed ratified. (h) The returns of said election ahall ho made ont and signed by the election officers and shall be by them deposited with the City Clerk, together with the ballots cast at said 71 11. and this Council shall meet at its usual meetihg place and canyass said returns on Tuesday, the 18th day of March, 1969, at the hour of 2:30 p.m. (P.S.T.) and declare the result of said election. SECTION 5. Said proposed amendment set forth in Section 3 hereof shall be set forth in the election proclamation and notice of General Municipal Election and Special Nurieipal Charter Amendment Election to be held on Tuesday, March 11, 1969, to be published in the time and form required by Sec- ion 19-9 of Artiblo XIX of the Charter of the City' of Alameda. '4 71 6. The City Clerk cf the City of Alameda is hereby authorized and directed (1.) to cause copies of the text Cl said proposed charter amendment, to be printed in convenient pamphlet form and in type of not less than ton-poInt and tu cause copies thereof to be mailed to each ef the quali- fied electors of said City, and (2) until the day fixed for said special muricibad charter ammndment election to advertise daily in the ALAMEDA TIMES-STAR, a newspaper of genoral circulation in said CityG 1,7)7171' that copies of said pamphlet, may be had on application therefor. Said hotice stall be fr substantially the following form: NOTICE OF' AVAILABILITY OF CHARTER AMENDMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified electors of the City of Alameda that pamptlit copies of tha amendment, proposed by the City Council on its awn motion, to the Charter of the City of Alameda by adding Section 3-20 to Article III thereof, relating to arthorizAng the Council of the City of Alameda to transfer by contract or other arrangement, to the Courty of Alameda, any or all of the tax aasessing and collecting functions and servicee of' the City, but reserving, hompver, the right. to reassume such functions and services, are on file in the office of the City Clerk, City Hail, Alameda, California, and may be had on application therefer. THIURAT W. TENN:7R City Clerk of the City of Alameda, California. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda. it. regular meeting assembled on the 2ist day- of Januaryv 1969, by the following vote, to wit: ATEA:: Councilmen Fore, :Isaacs, La Groixs Jr., Levy and President Mcball, (5). NOES: hcne, AFEENI: None. IN MITI:EMS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand ana affixed the official seal of said City this 22nd day of January, 1969. SITITITIT L. TRANI:F. City Clerk of the City of Alameda hereby- certify that the foregoing in, a full, true and correct copy of TCAty of Aldmeda Resolution No. 2426, PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO TUE ChARTER OF ThE CITY OF ALAMEDA 1 1 3 OTHON 05' THE CITY COUNCIL! CALLING A SPECIAL MUNTIFFIL CIMISTER MENDIENTI FIECIIIIIN IN THE CITY OE ALAMEDA FOR THE PUFTOSE OR SUBMITTING TO TNE ELECTORS THEREOF A PROPOSAL TO ALTAR SAID CFARTER, VIE: BY ADDING SECTION 3-20 TO ART:MITE HIT THEREOF, RETAINING TO AUTHORIZING THE COUNAIL OF TUE CITY OF AIMMEDA TO TRANSFER. BY CONTRACT, OR OTHER ARRANGEMENT, TO TINE COINTY OF AIAIEDA, ANY OR ALL, Oh' THE TAX, ASSESS- ING AND COLLECTING FUNCIaDNG AND SERVICES OH THE CITY, Bel' RESERVING, HOWEVER, THE RIGET TO REASSUME (ILE FIINCTiONS AND SER 8 1 DATE OF SAID ELECTION', THE MANNER OF HOLDING TIE SAME, AND PROVIDING FOR. NOTICE THEREOF: AND CONSOLIDATING SAID SPECIAL MUNICIPAL, CHARIER AMENDMENT' ELECTION WITH THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION L9 BF HELD SAID CITY ON MARCH II, 1B69,A introduced and adopted by the Conncil on the 2let day of January, 1969, 1 -tho (Eddy of Alameda