Resolution 07437CITY OF ALA,Y.EDA RESODDDDYCDT DD. DUD NESOLU. ON NEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY. OT' ALAMEDA IN AINPFDDND DOH AND CODDlENDDTIOD OF SHINNED. E. DENNIER ...dee. . COUNDle, OF TEC c TY OD DIAMEDA records wite pride tnn lonN tenure of offlee of SHIRLEY DE. TInKlIDE, eNpltoyee and officer ad the City. of Alteeedta for twenty-. nine yeaN, gni, el, EigulDN. elEENDAS, Nir; Tennier was iirst emr.DNyed oy the Cita. on August 1, iD39, EN Senor Ctenneraeher-Clerin lee the gffIcE of the City Clerk and on YereD 11, 1DNE, nao appointed Senior StenoNraoner-DeouAy City. Clark; and 'DHEREAS,. efner diligent and capable performance of Eer worD in ENie capaciDyD Nn DTD0beN in, Drs. Terrier ,ENs Neeeinted to tgle office of City ClerD of tEo C.-',;;;.: Of AlangeDD, in which. Dpsition seE senvinre dt the tIDE of 'nor retireDent on jeneDry 31, 19ND; and nf tec CielEe' eiv!NtLen tee Deadne on ONflccreig Cielos nnn tde nDen Clay DlorYte, AseddlatDon, aeg hae oroyydt eere2t ec tne Clay through Eer een7.!ce at FreniNen ef tDe Intter E:Egerizatlen: and N7tTEEDS, r7F. NNEeDer hde Derow3trtteN ha leyei .7 Nee gDNycleedE la the 0;;;;;ErAir3!;Lrl, ,teNeDnDlEi,,inies and nDo DIDeeEede GN hEa deri_ee: ,)nel WHEREA6, Drs. -Teenier nee: furthen aiven uDselfisely of Nee time and energy ED a Private eitinen to promote interest; or City,N reltin7lous, artistic anti ohllanthpoDic Dctivinies„ NOD. THEREFORE, DE IF RESOLVED tNat tee Council. of ',Nile City of DDEmeda hereby .a(genowleagee with great ;;;;;;;;;;;;e9T. END mary yeare of petstangInnt service Tenceree gy- tLis faitefhl amDleyea ENC.. eftlEor -;;;;ra iee gratitude fon Ler Dense of Inteyrity nevotion to puny. In carryiny out tee reseonsioilitiee el" per oNflee;' ano TT IN,IPTNER RESOLVED tnNt the Council oN hoe City of ALr,MflrO. wnpie heart:telt' commerN,'3 MYED. 'P9,-Intr fen her se,flynee contrIeNtien ,f IhTo connunity7 N.enuitte cent:et:en for ',.-;ne welfare cf less forturi'at rec for tne Fjt.,in-°t No EycleeNiteEs cyeopr,wai,mN, eg...,m-Dlfded. in laer NeDatione wltn E,- nssoNidtes; and IT Council. of tha of AiNeeea ,Deel all. of her Idayty friarDs througneet tee onnINurity exend to TNnIelyty' Nengty corynatd- lations De aocomplishrnants and. tEEir Dose Diseec for DodeciDeaC 7Dof.f, much-, hDpoInegs par retiremDnt. I, the utc,CeenslynaTA, Eereby certify enat foregoinn EcDoltetion ;;;IJr.;; eulIN moetinw aDgertnled on tte NLND Dny oe FetrNary, 1969, tta CnuNcjimen DeDe, Isaa.tz, Croid, ar., LEvy and. D.Yee,DDynt NOES, None. ADSENT: WITNESS WTIYI',E0F., I. .1,rave her'ento 2et M7 hfnd yffixy. Yho yf ::T3a.1.Y City 'Th.is 5t'n day of 7CollAary, 1969. L. aZ,L=1".07,T i y :-.77;7171,771-51- I ta.roaf, ct. tify tatt Ls a fc.2_, roacao ,c-c2 cf N. TI0f, YOU-Cf:f1., 0 C17-Y. J. 1", ArTYEIA'IC7 COY,'YY77)\-i'..;.- Ay,...A1-:.1-.)A,"'IW,y.r..,y.-yle- LT10 fAdent,ad -DT tata 'fcaarc,lot oC AricylecY on tne 6,av fry yY1/'