Resolution 07452CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NC. ,H52 APPORTIONING THE SUM u $200,000 FROM GENERAL FUND TO CASH RASPS FUND ..• us. BE IT RESOLVED BY GHE COUNCIL OF THE CITY CE ALAMEDA that pursuant to Cuarter Section 17-13 or Section 3-152 of the Alameda Municipal Cods, there is hereby aPportioned to aPd placed in Cash. Basis Fund the SUN of 2000,000, said sum to be appropriated. and transferred thereto from the General Fund, so that said Cash. Basis Fund. shall thereupon show fa total appropriation of ,l',550,0.00. I, the undersigned, horeley certify that tUo foregoing Resolution Pas duly a3 d. regularly introHuced and adopted by Foca Council of the City of Alameda in reuular meetinp assembled on the ltIth day. of March, 1969, by the following vote, to wit: Councilmen Fore, Isases, Croixu Jr., Levy and President (13 NOES: None. ABSENT: None, 3, WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixud tee official seal. of said City this 19th day of March, 1969, IHtiA. L- NELSON (SEAL) Ht+ A. e•K o. h77. CiTry ol Alameda. Uereby certify that the fosesuind is a full, true and correct copy of ity of Alameda. Resolution No, 7452, APPORTIONING THE SUM OF 1200,000 FROM GENEaAL FUND 70 CASH EASIS FUND," introduced and. adopted by the Council of the City. of Alameda on the 15th. day of March, 1969. P/Mixmcsiti nty ClerH oi sue titty of Alameda