Resolution 07459CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION No, 7459 ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIMKIISHING TO THE CITY 04' ALAMEDA. FI,VE (54 NEW 1969 MCLE14 POUR DOOP 'SEDANS FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, CALLaNO FOR KDS AND DIRELL'InGCITY 1 1 DVERTISE RESCI= 37I, THE COUNCIL ar 'HE CITY OF ALAMEDA FCeat Lhe SpocificcticT:s and. Provisions for furnisting to the City of Aloduid4 five (5) new 1.96) modi, four door sedan:, for thn Police .12nartment, No. YE -69.:2,filed thn offie of the City Clerk. on AnTia. 1, 1969, be, ang the same are herebyamproved and adoted„ oE IT FORTHEL RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Alameda will receive sealed bids utp•tc the hour of 11:00o'clock eg.m. en MONDAY, APPIL 2E, 1969, for the furnishing to the City of ddexi. automobiles, in 4ccordance with said Specifications and. Provisions. .5ids mucn be presented to tho City Clerk, in the City Holl, Alameda, California, under seal( cover and pldinly marked on the outside, "Pronooal for five(5) neo 1E69 mEdel, four door sedsns or similar desionotion. Mmntract, if awarEed, will be aworded sutiect to the 44ro1 lslons of the Chartel of said City, to the responsible bidder who submits the lowsO tMe bmst bid— The right is reserved to reject any or n11. bids. Tre City Clerk is hereby directed to, (1 11 in the Ainmeda l'11') r, a notice calido for sealmd bids, in accordnoce with the provilors of this reso1mtion and of said Specifiontions and Provisions. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I, tre und4rsigned, hereby certify tnat the foregoing Rcsolmtiom WaS duly and regularly introduced and. adopted. by the Connell. of th..s Cie.y of Adolmeda in remular oleetin4 assesnibled on the int day of April, 1969, by Cho following vote, to wit: LIES: Councilmen Isaacs, La Croix, Jr., Levy and President McLail, (4). Usne. AIISET: Councilman Fore, (1). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed tha Official. seal c said OlAy this 2nd day of April, 1969. IRFA L. NELSON of t7..) City of A.C-arede I teneby certify that tha feregoino is a full, true and correct emoy of "City of Alameda Resolution No, 7459, ADOPTING SIgX,IPILCATIONS POE FURIPISHINd 70 THE CITY Oa' ALAMEDA FIVE (5) NEE' 1969 MODEL, FOUR DDOR SEDANE ?CR POLICE. DETkETY,ENT, CALLING FEE 3IDS AND DIRECTIP. CITY. CLERK. 70 ADVERTISE SAME," introdumed and adeptod. by. the Coumcil of 1 T of A1 .omeda. on the let day r April, 1969. Cit'y C.ie01 k of ,o 7 r Alameda