Resolution 07462OISTjY OF ALAMEDA REEOLUTION NO. 7482 '3 1' ' eaF AGRESINENT FUR CONSTRTITON AND COMPLETION. OF IMPROVEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH PARCEL MAP NO. 439 AND APPROEING FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOTS AS 70 TitErtid1 ESitj0 (DIVI81.08 OF PROAlgiTit AT 1 AND 1518 BlAJWAS AND 2615 SANTA CLARA AVENUE, - WHEREAS, pursannt to Section 11-119.1 of the Alameda Municipal Code, there 8as been presented to thiv Council. n Parcel map, designated Parcel Mup SA. 439, and iteret) fore conditionally approved by the Planning Eoard, being a diviuion of the property' located. ut 1.t18 ana 1518 Broadway and 20,15 Snrta. Clara Avanpu, in the City. of Alameda, by Edward. J. Murptiy; and WHEtS_FAS, raid approva . by the Planning Board 13 conditioned upon. the execution by subdivider of an a'Atreement to construct nnd complete certain publiu improvements on said. propariy; and EiTiEREAti, said subdividur has entered into such an amreement and. Las posted. his bona Fuuranteeing full and faitnful performance 1 said work, all. in accordance with said section; and WiESEAS, it ArUll be to the bane:lilt of the City to have said work puiatAimied An accoraancu therewith.; NOW', SHETETiAAA 3E IF RESOLVED SY 7HE CCUTACII OE TEE CITY ON' AJESPEDA tant the a7reemunt for the construction. and completion of the intpTovements in the division of property located at 1E16 and 1518 Broadway. and 262LE Santa Clara Avenue, designated as Parcel Map No. 430, by Edward j. Murphy, be, and. the same hereby ia, approved, and. the Citm Manager is authorized. and directed to uxmcuto, ant t he City. Clerk to attest, said '3 '1'''l on begalf of tne City; and BE IT ATIESSER RESOLYED that the bond 1' the sum of '81,CE0„00, guaranteeing ful'3 . arta faittfra. performance et said contract, is hereby appraved ps sufficient in amount. * * * * * * * * * * the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Reanihtionw as dilly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alamedg in. regular maeting assembled on the lEth day of April, 1969, by the following vote, to wit: AYES Councilmen Fore, Levy, 1' 3, McCall and President La 0reix„ (5.). NOES, Nona. ASEAN-Pa Nona. IA .17NESS WilEFArj, I have hereunto. set my hand and affixed. the official seal. of .said. City this 16th. day of April, 1989. TEMA (SEAL) City -.lurk. of y of 7177.7 * * * * 3 * * * * hereby certify that the forn8oing is a full, trua and correct copy of "City of Alameda Resolution No, 7;EAS, AIJIA.SEAltiiiti EXECUTION OF' AsEERPFFNA YON STRUOTION AND CO.M.ELEFION OE IMPt'M..VETAENTS3 IN CONNECTON WITH PARCEL MAP NO 439 AND APPROVINS FAITHFUL FEREOSEANCE SONS AS 20 SUFEIFISATCY (DIVLSION OA' PROPERTY AT 1E16 AND 1.58 RROADWAS AND 2619 SANTA CIAAA AVENUE, - EITSAAD J. YEAttE88-:)," introdnped and. odppted. by the Council.. of the City of Alumada on the iStn Pay of April, 1969. ,„ Eas7a, y 63.A3' 1 1 y --c7f7 A J 33r d a