Resolution 07492Gill OF ALAMEDA RECOLUTION NO, 7492 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR SERVICES OF' A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNIAN1 FOR, THE FISCAL YEAR 1969-1990 WIERFAS Section K-9(c) of the Charter of the City of Alameda requires the designation of a certified, publio accountant te ihnvestigate and audit accounts of the City, etc, and WIIEFEAD, a proposed contract for the fiscal year :069-1970 with tho firm of Hacklekan, Iartelere, McKenna & von Kaschnitz, Certified Public Accountants, has been submitted to the Council and the Council is fully informed and aware of' the terms and. conditions thereof, said contract beiht filvt FFEA ti, HALE Clerk 'ked "Filed June 17, 1969," 4 11, DLEPETODE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF' THE CTITY OF ALAMEDA that the Mayur of' the City' of Aliameda. is hereby authorixed and directed, to execute for and on behalf of the City of Alameda that certain contract referred to above try and between the City and the firm of Hack] emart, Lartelere, MeKerna & von Kaschnitz for certified public accounting services for the fiscal year 1969-1990. The, City Clerk is hereby-directed to attest to same. I, n hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution. wee duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting 13 13 on the 17th day of June, 1969, hy the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Fore, "Levy, iengaker, McCall and Presideht La Croix, Jr., (5). OES: Nene. ABSENT: None, IR WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and, affixed, the offici'1 l.. seal of said City thio lEth day of June 1E69, (SEAL) IRMA I, NETFEEN City Clerk of the City of Alameda * * * I hereby certify that the foregoing i8 a full, true and correct copy of "City of Alameda Eqsolution No. 7492, AUTHOR:17 1PG THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR SERVICES OF A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCMPTANT FOR TIE FISCAL 'YEAR 1967-1970," introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alam on the 19th day of June, 1969. 1 bus-nye:ER, City Clerk of the City Of Alatneda