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Resolution 07503
CITI OF ALAMEDA RESOIUTION NO. 7503 RESOLUTION OF IDE council, OF THE; ciaci 08' AIAMEDA DESIGNATING NUMBET OF AND PROVIDING FOR THE CUKPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFF10E6 B ABS OTHER EMPLOYEES Of' THE 1 II7 OE' ALAMEDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY IHE COUNCIL OF THE OILY OF ALAMEDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 The following salary rates, salary- ranges and salary steps are hereby designated as the rates of pay applicable to the respective classifications La the service of the City of Alameda, effective :idly 2, 4368. Code No. of Range STEP Nc. Clare TBtle Positions ho. A 1 ADMINISTRATreE AUDITOR AND ASSESSOR 1000 Auditor and Assessor J ffm - - - - 13C0 1700 Deputy Assessor I 77 549 0213 827 97h 1022 1683 Deputy 21 (r 77 849 255 ,527 974 2023 1580 Account:ng Bacb1oe Operator 1B 60 ,”e, 554 663 644 676 L)55 Deputy Field Aboe:.;uor (F.T.) f/11 56 3.07 5.22 3.75 3.55 5.72 15/0 Intermediate Typist-Clerk 2 53 469 497 517 543 570 CITY ATTORNEY 1010 City Attorney 1 104 1626 1707 1792 1883 1978 16E2C Legal Secretary-OlorD 1 64 693 644 676 213) 745 1535 Legal Stenographer 1 67 597 543 570 598 625 CITY =a 1030 City Clerk 83 974 4023 1074 1127 1184 590 Deputy City Clerk I 64 613 644 676 7910 745 CITY MANAGER 1040 City• Manager 1 Stra - 1050 Assistant City Manager 1 94 1274 a338 1405 9475 1549 1645 Administrative Secretary to City Manager 1 66 644 676 780 745 782 4555 Senior Stenographer-Clerk 1 57 517 543 576 598 628 CM PFANh-FiG 656o Planning Director 51a 1274 1338 1405 11175 1549 3935 Aselt. Planning Director 1 974 1523 1674 71 J124 508 Assistant Planner 1 74 722 821 862 WOE 955 1605 7, 11, Secretaxy 62 'I84 613 644 676 710 PERSONNEL 9576 Personnel Director 60E0 Personnel. Analyst 620 Personnel Clerk 1540 Senior Typist-Clerk B040 Examination Proctor 3005 Student Aide (P.1.) PURCHASING 92 8283 1274 1338 4405 1475 55 905 9E0 99S 10h8 1100 0 59P 628 665 693 727 57 517 543 570 598 628 8/h - 167o 1-79 1.58 1662 3nyrr 72 745 782 821 262 995 15ao fatermedjato Typist-Clerk a 53 469 193 517 '217'3 ETD SOCIAL ShRBEIS 1520 SoclaT er.ATIce STcretary 1 59 543 570 588 628 66o IB171 0dER AHD 'ILK 00612E20B 1021 0 Irsesarar and Tax Odlledtor 1 am - - - ;dee 1690 Deputy Treaserer-Taw Gollec.,or 1 W7 &I 883 827 )71, 1E23 1650 Assistant Dt,pty Oreafaror- Tam Coil. 1 67 66o 693 727 76E 801 1565 Sleld Represensative (Revised) 64 692 644 676 710 7h5 1510 intermediate Typist-Clerk - 53 4,69 4513 517 543 370 Code NO. Class Title No. of Range STEP Positions No. 1, EMBLIO WORKS BUILDING INSPECTIONS 3190 Chief Building Inspector 1. 89 1127 1184 120 1306 1371 3110 Plumbing Inspector 1 77 841 . 333 927 974 1023 3100 Building Inspector 1 77 842 ss3 927 974 1023 3060 Ass!t. Embldhng Inspector 2 74 732 82j 862 905 950 3000 Building Permits Examiner 1 60 556, 387. 613 644 676 CITY HALT 2040 Auto and Building Maimtenanceman 1 CC 370 628 660 693 2030 Garage Attendant 59 843 570 598 620 660 5oo Telephone Operator-Recept. 53 469 483 517 543 570 ENGINEERING 11: 1090 City Engineer 1 -204 2.707 2792 225 1626 3180 Assistant City Engineer 1 94 1274 1338 1405 1545 3150 Sr. Civil Engimeer a 89 1127 224 2243 .12-12:3g 3240 Associate Civil Engineer 2 84 999 883 1043 nos 1155 1221.3 3120 Assistant Civil Engineer 1 79 927 974 1023 1o74 3075 Sr. Construction _inspector 1 77 87:: 2 527 974 1023 3o90 Survey Party Chief 2 77 842 927 974 1023 PGPO Junior Civil Engineer 2 75 801 841 ! y27 974 3070 Construction inspector 2 74 821 905 95G 167o / Works Office Mgr. 1 74 782 821 905 950 3C20 Senior Engineering Aide 1 69 693 727 763 801 841 4 Senior Engineering braftSa. 2 7 693 727 763 301 8h: 3065 Engineering Technician I 1 69 693 727 763 801 PILL 3010 Engineering Aide 4 64 2 64/2 376 710 745 1610 Principe] Clerk, Dent, of Public Works 1 64 613 (544 676 710 745 .162,0 Senior Stenographer-Clerk 2 57 527 2.7 543 570 59s 62e interm Acc 5 1550 ediate ount-Clerk 1 57 543 573 588 62s 3060 Jr. Civil Engineer (P.T.) f/h '( 4.62 4.85 5,09 4739 5.62 3010 Engineering Aide (P.E,) 0/' 64 3, 3.72 3.90 4.17, 4.30 3so5 Student Afde (P.T.) 1/ - - 1.70 1.79 1.88 POUND - PARKING METER 2175 Poundmasuer-Parking Mote,- Repairaaa 64 2 Lid, 676 7:0 745 2055 Asst, Pounexaster-SarHing Meter Repairman I 61 5 r7: 623 66o 693 STREET 3160 Public fiorks Maintenance 17,', 7C,,4,, 1 89 1127 1181 1243 1306 1374 2370 Street and Sewer Maintenance Supervisor 1 76 821 802 905 950 998 2270 Tree Ihreman 1 74 782 821 862 805 95c, 2320 Equipment Mechanic Foreman 1 72 745 732 821 86,2 905 2290 Maint, dareenter Fcman 1 7. 745 782 8-Mi 862 905 2280 Concrete Foreman 1 72 745 732 821 862 935 2310 Maintenance Plumber 1 72 '714:: 782 S21 862 905 2330 Sewer Maintenance Ibreman 1 72 745 782 821 862 905 2240 Equipment Mechanic 1 69 683 727 763 sel 813/ 2230 Maintenance Carpenter 2 69 693 72'7 763 801 47. 2220 Maintenance Fainter 1 69 693 727 763 SOT 841 2190 Sewer Maintenance Leaddaan I 69 693 727 763 801 841 2200 Concrete Worker 1 67 66G 893 727 763 801 2160 Street Sweeper Operator 2 65k- 628 66c 693 727 763 2130 Ireci 6' 5 64 613 644 676 716 745 214c Tree Maintenance Worker 1 6L 613 6N4 676 70 743 2117' Truck <6 '1' 1 63 59s 628 66o 693 727 2100 Light Equipment Operator 1 63 598 623 66o 6,23 727 2090 Assit. kquiement Mechanic 1 63 59F, 628 526,2) 693 727 2110 Skilled Worker 6 62 584 2 644 676 71C, 2120 Laborer 14 59925 543 570 593 622 660 2020 Laborer (Part-Time) f/h. 9, 3.13 3.2 3.4.5 3.62 3.81 Plus full. step (5%), when. scheduled four or more hours between 4:CC p.m, and. 8:00 aim. km In addition to normal compeneation„ the one position of' Laborer responsible for the maintenance of City Mall and Library- grounds as w0 ll.. as traffic islands and. other landscaped areas, shall receieo a one-step (5%) salary differential 1 hdTh so assigned. Code o. Clean Title TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 2210 1Maffio Control Paintar 2110 Skilled Worker FLEE No. of Range Positions No. PUBLIC WORLS (Pont.) STEP 47 460 693 727 743 801 62 584 613 644 67( 710 PUBLIC SAFETY 1100 Fire Chief 1 98(C-E) _ _ 1549 162D 1.9c7 4750 EcsastETIE Fire Chief 3 28(4-E) _ _ 12i3 1274. 1358 4540 Battalion Chief - FiTO Prevention Offioer 1 83(C-E) - - 1074 2.129 1184 453o Battalion Chief - Training Officer i 83 (G-E) - - 1C74 1229 1184. 4520 Fire Captain 9 79(E-0) - - - 1023 1074 4.510 Fire Lieutenant 43 76(6-E) _ _ - 950 9(3D 11.505 Apparatus Operator 24 747 E) - - - 4500 Fireman 46 72(0-E) - - 821 862 905 2240 Equipment Mechanic a. 69 623 927 763 801 841 1600 Departmental Secretary 1 42 524 623 644 676 Tic 1510 Intermediate 'p -€r» 1 53 469 493 527 543 570 In addition to norrmi compensation, positions in classifications of Fireman and Captain on regular assignmont to the Rime Prevention Bareau shall receive one additional stop (54) pen 1100 whilo so engaged_ POLICE 51 1110 Police Chiof 1 98(G-FO - - 6: 1707 4040 Police Captain 1 - 1371 144C' 91(C-E) 1274 4030 Police Lieutenant 4 86(C-E) 4010 Police Sergeant 13 81.(C-D) - 1C23 1074. 1127 4000 Police Officer 64 73(9-E) 841 927 4006 Policewoman-Stenographer 1 69(0-8) - - 763 841 4008 Police Commuriration Dispatcher 3 644 E 710 62(c-E) _ - 4E07 Identification. Techninian I 62(C-E) - - 676 710 1530 Sr. Stenographer-Clerk F 57 317 543 774 798 62 Cier 2 540 Senior Typiet-k 2 57 72,7 644 770 598 622 4050 Crossing Guard (F. T.) f/h - 542 4060 Security Aide (F.1%) f/h - - - - 2.48 In addition to normal compensation, positions of Police Officer on regalar aseigrant to Juvenile Division ao Juvenile Officer shall receive an additional step (2M,%) per month while so r' -»l, RECREATION, PARKS ALB GOLF RECREATION 1140 Director of Recreation, Parks and R.E. 1 95 1306 1371 1440 1512 1587 5120 Recreation Rupervieor 9 a 75 80i 841 S83 927 974, 51424 Recreation Leader III '3 66 62 676 910 745 982. 2600 Departmental Secretary I 62 584 613 644. 676 710 1540 Senior Typiet-Clerk 1 77 517 543 770 792 628 2010 Janitor 2 54 421 53' 530 556 584 1710 Intermediate Typist-Clerk ' - 73 462 493 517 542 570 5090 Recreation Specialist (R.T.) f/h - - 2.98 8.18 3.29 5060 1,1000 03r Leader II (P.T.) f/h 2.34. 2.43 2.58 2.71 2.24 5040 Recreation Leader I (PET.) f/h - - 2.12 03 22 2.84 501.0 Recreation Aide (P.T.) f/h - - 1.66 1.74, 1.23 2010 Janitor (P .I.) f/h 74 2.78 - - SWIM GEF1ER 503; Swim. Pool Manager (P.T.) f/h - - - 3.29 3.45 5080 Aquatic Specialiat (POE.) f/h - - 2.98 8.E3 3.29 5070 Senior Lifeguard (P.T.) f/h - 2.84 2.98 3.13 5045 Aquatip instructor (P.T.) f/h - - 2.58 2.71. 2.84. 51)50 Lifeguard (P.T.) f/h - - 2.45 2.58 2.71 5010 Canniar-AttenUant (R.I.) f/h - 2.22 2.34 2.) 6 2.58 5000 Locker Attendant. (P.T.) f/h - - 1.46 1.74, 1.03 5020 Instructor Aide (F.T.) f/h 5010 Janitor (P.T.) f/h 54 2.72 - - - - PARKS 2340 Park Maintenance Supvr. 2100 Light Equipment Operator 2060 Park Caretaker 95 801 841 883 927 974 63 592 623 664 693 727 51 570 598 628 10 o 693 Code NE. of Range STEP No. Class Title Positiona No. A. REGREATION PARKE AND GOLF (cont.) PARKS (cont.) 2080 Gardener 61 570 59B 628 6612 693 2020 latorer 59 543 573 598 62B 66c 2020 Taborer (6.I.) f/h 59 3.13 3.2.9 2-45 3.68 3.81 844/17 2550 51c12 Course Maintenance Mareriatondant i di e27 974 to23 1074 1827 2260 Ass,t. Golf Course Maintenance Sop,t. t M4. 8:52 S21 862 905 5'50 2855 Golf Course Maintenance Poreman 1 72 745 752 821 862 905 2250 Figat Water Leadman ( 69 693 727 763 801 841 22/0 Equipment Mechanic I 69 693 727 748 801 711 2d05 Neavy Eqbarmont Operator 1 69 69% 727 765 801 841 2100 light Equipment Operator 4 63 598 628 660 693 727 2090 Ass't. Equipment 'Mechanic I 63 59e 628 66m 693 771 2410 Swilled Wboker I 68 534 6e3 644 676 714, 2065 Coif Course Section Man 9 61 57C 598 628 660 633 2020 Laborer 3 59 543 57o '3 62/ 671 2010 Janator 2 54 481 505 530 556 524 2020 taborer (R.I.) f/h 59 3.13 3.,' 3.45 3.62 3.83 In addition to normal compensation, Gulf Course Laborers engaged bn night watering for four or more hours between 4400 p.m. and 5:00 a.1 . shall receive a one step (5%) salary dlfferential while so unployed. LIBRARY 1130 City Librarian 1 90 1135 1283 1274 1338 7105 3550 Librarian III 73 763 go 841 883 927 3540 :librarian II Fl 4o 4, 693 787 7o3 801 841 377 Librarian 1 / 45 628 668 693 727 763 1.600 Departmental Serretaby 1. 62 584. 613 644 676 714 5520 Library Assistant 3 4- 3 c... time 57 517 543 570 598 626 2cao Janitor 2 54 481 5c5 530 556 584. 352c intermediate Clerk 3 + 1 (4 time 71 469 453 517 543 570 3540 Iabraraan 11 (P.I.) f/h 69 4.0c 4.19 4.40 4.62 4.85 353c Librarian I (PET.) f/h 65 3.62 3.81 4.00 4.29 4.44 3520 Library• Assistant (P.T.) f/h 57 2.28 3.13 3.29 3.45 3.62 2010 Janitor (P.T.) f/h 54 2.78 3,71 3.2,6 3.21 3.37 351.0 (/4 71 CleOW (PUP.) f/h 53 2.71 8.84. 2.98 3.13 3.29 3503 Student Aosittatt III (P.1%) f/h 42 - - 2.28 2.39 2.52 3502 Student Assistant II (P.I.) f/h ±6 - 1.97 2.07 2.17 5501. Student Assistant I (P.T.) f/t, 30 - - 1-70 1.79 1_88 FIRST' AID 1150 City Physician (P21.) 77E) 642: 6c0o Registered Nurse 5 64 413 641. 676 710 745 6c2o Relief Steward (PTE.) 471 3.43 MIKCEJILAIIMOUS VACATION RELIEF. 8IIIK nEAVE UGLIFY, IT -EUTI FUMMICADWENT Any of the above Misted classes, subject, to the availability of InIdgeted funds, may be filled en a temporary or part-time basis for vacation relief, sick leave relief, and authorized. part anplopntnt Also, sunject to the availability of budgeted funds, when. a permanent position is to be vacated and it, is necessary- for the incumbent to train a replacement, one addat1anal position any of the above classes may be filled by Cdyil Service Appointment, subject, to the approval of the City- Manager. iRAJNI150 INCENTIVE AKARD Each oworn :umber of the Polibe Department below the rank of Police Sergeant, including the ranks of Pelibe Officer and. PolicetToman-Stenographor, who qualifies for a Train: Ling incentive Award in ',,00'000 '0 with the administrative directive entitled, (Regulations Governing the TraEning Incentive Program,N shall receive, so long as such cualifibations are retained, an award in the amount of 540.00 per month. 4, the undorsigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assanbled on the at day of duly, 1969, by the following vote, to Wit: AYES: Counci]mer Fore, Levy, Longaker, and President la Croix, Jr., (4), NOES: Hone. APO:ENT: Councilman McCall, Cid, IN WIIVESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aft:diced the official seal of sale. City this 213 day of July, 1969. (sEAL) IRMA I— NELSON. City Clerk of the City- of Alameda I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "City of Alameda Resolution No, 7503, RESOLUTION OF TIRE COUNCIL OF 1HE CITY OF :ALAMEDA DESIGNATING THE NUMBER OF' AND P1104I013G F.CR THE COMPENSA.TION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS 1010 OTHER EMPLOYEES OF CITA' CM. ALAMEDA," introduced ar.d edopted by the Council of the City of Alameda on the ist day of duly, 1969. smesc nkb--6:2 de Pity Clerk of the City of Alameda