Resolution 07533CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 7533 APPROVING PARCEL MAP 01 FOR DIVISION OF PROPERTY AT THE SOUTUNEST CORNER OF WIIILM STREET AND SANBCREEK WAY, AND PERMITTING RECORDING INEREOF (DYAD comsaRucaaoN & MINING CO.) EE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL Of' THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that pursuant to Section 11..-319.1 of the Alameda Municipal Code, Parcel Nap (Property Dixision Map) No. 47i, heretofore accepted and approved by the Planning Board, and intNivine: no public improvements, ls hereby approved_ and permission given to subdivider to record dame, sub-jest to the condiLiend det forth in the City Engineer's report to the City Planning Board of the City of' Alameda dated Auguat 6, i96, . I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duaT and regularly intixduced a d o dopted by the Council of the City. of Alameda in regalar meeting assembled or. the 16th dAy c September, 1MCG, by the following vote, to wit: AIES: Councilmen Fore, Levy, Iongaker, McCall and President La Croix, Jr., ()). NOES: None, AEGENIM None. IN WITNESS NERREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and. affixed the offigial deal of satd City thad 17th day of Septemer, 1R69. ERMA L. NELSON City Clerk cf the City of Alameda hereby cortify that the foregoing iu a fel], true and correct cow of "City of AlTneda 00 (0 No. 7533, APPROVING PARCEL MAP 47i FOR DIVISION OF PROPERTY AI THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF' WILLOM STREET AND SANDCREEK WAY ANS PERMITTING RECORDING THEREOF' (UTAH CONS/MCI= & YINING C(2)," introduced and addpted by the Council of the City of Alameda on the 16th day of September, City Clerk of / ett the City of Altdneda