Resolution 07556CITY OF AILEITEDA RESOLUTION NO. 7556 AMENDING SALARY REIT0InIoN Dm. 7503 BY Of EkIII,T,C, ONE (1) NEW POSITION OF ASSOCIATE PLANNER AND ELDIABLISH1NG sALARY THEREFOR; TEE CREATING ONE (E) POSITION OF INTEERmagthmang Tydrwat_ CLETE AND BY DEIEMENG ONE (1) PCSITION GF SENIOR BE IT DESOIZ71 o 1313 COUNCIL OF THE CITE OF ALAMEDA that Resolution No. 7503, adopted July 1, 1969, be amended: (A) 15 creating, one (1) new position of Associate Planner in the Planning Department and establishing the salary therefor, as follows: Code No, of Range STEP No. Class Title Positions No. BCDE PLAIMEING 3130 Associate 79 883 927 974 1023 1074 Planner By creatdng one (1) position of Intermediate Typitt-Cierk and 13 13' one (1) position of Senior Typist-Cierk in the Personnel Department, e follous: PERSONNEL 1510 Intermediate ist-Slork 53 469 4133 51'7 51363 f770 Senior Typist-Clerk (Classification Eliminated) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the effective date of this Resolution shall be Octuber 22, jeoe. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, the 313 10., of this Resolution shall supersede these portions of Resolution Mc. 7503 and of any othsr resolutimn in conflict herewittu and all mesh conflicting provisions are, to the extent of such conflidt only, hereby repealed. 11, the undursigned, hereby certify that thm foregoinm Resolutimn was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 21st day of October, 1.969, by the following vote, ts vMgd AIMS: CauncTimen Fbre, Ievyu Tonganer, McGalf and Presirient La Crsik, Jr., (5). NOES; Nhne, AIMENT: None. IN =TESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto aet my hand and affixed, the official seal of said CiRy this 22nd day of October, 1949. IRMA L. NIELSON City Clark of tile City of Aldneda * * * * * * * * * nereoy certify that tne foregolnm le a full, true and correct copy cf "City of Aliamoda Resolution No, 7556, 1, 4' SAJARY SEEDIETION NO. 7503 BY 13 5'- ONE (I) NEL POSITICN OF ASSOCIATE PLANNER AND ESIARLISHING THE SAEMEN THEREFOR; BY CREATING ONE (1) POSITION OF INTERMEETATE 1P1Sl-CIEBK AND NY DEAR11NO ONE (1) POSITION OF saaTali TYPIST-CLERK,' introduced and adopted 1 the Council of thc City of Alameda en the klst day of October, '96,9. 7,7 Hity Clerk of the City of Alameda