Resolution 08074EROViliUN FCR THE ANOUdi PER Mal 14'(7).a C(EFICMCE HST URIICEtill _____CiftETNCITY CT' ATANIEDA 7GN ENEFEAS, Section 22—C' of the Charter of the City of Alameda. requires that Council LK the par dlam allowance for traveling expenses of officers ord employees of the City; SUET, 7,ENTETERE, NE IT ETZCIRENN NY TER deffERIL OF TEN CITY OF ALARRDA as foiloge; ihnt Phu gor item allotexce fur all officers aad empIdeed of bled GIty of !Emboli while a,vothdug to offa.c.ia), uties ooth esd withort She City of Elaneda, brall lot, emceed the andent of tne acTual omperlde iahurrad ear diem ly stoh offices' or emglogse, in addiilon to the of trarenoetation aetualTy dratrred",: aro EE IT FURTHER RESORTED that such expandAteres shall be reraid to such off:Sopa' or employee tne tfe NiST of Alameda Immo. submisaion oT a statement of such expanse in, ford satisfactory to the Auditor oE the City of ilameda„ CE IN' FURTHER TRESTAERD ttat ala.-311 allowance henein fixed. stall be effective diming the firoal 'goer ifT3HillW,, f, the oxdorsigned hosEles eoldiif) thas the foregoing dec.:dirtier was edix and repelarlr dninadreed and adopted '7 the Cornodi of the Cizr of Alameda in reolian meeting assembled on the iftf day of juro 1973, by the Ecliowing mote, to inivi AUTRX Councilmen Reohnsa, Condom, Hurwitz, hteall oEd President La (drain, 6±„, (5), RUCH None. ACENUT: Etre, in NTTINEE UMECNCE, I have intrlerte sat Ey broE and affixed 'Med: offiodal goal of said City adz REST" day June, 19,73_ (.5E AL) I hereby certify tTet the foregEing dd o 2.1A23, true atd corroct copy of ',City of AlHoode Negolution. No. :7(374 PRET:FE-EEG FCC, THE pECEhlt HEN DIEN( Fca ETEDifidil AND EETTCHENS OF TEM; CITY EN NENE:CNA ENR 7FAVETINT) intnednced and adopted by the Connell of the City df fiamoUti tho 15ft. day of June, 1773.