Resolution 08077„03.113.T115.41 C(MealtaCI«' ShafirIT. CITAe5f...a1
OTO C0135024ITI NON: ANTIIRT7.3731T ?FT FI.SC:a; 7,',[17):12,SG
the flaroaa Chairer of Cancleree Sc 'sal:In.:7.E to ureertait hho world of advertising
t4s «tifts of alausan and to carss- as ail the necessary cullisity for can.If Oita arnMose hha
tees esdir Jsre 3f, ISN45 and
'int. id, the eroorcestion en' tech atesesainfora and era ;:..r :sec-Ian:Yee reams:len, Cr'
a snofecaloval mad Occhriesi astare anst c-secia1 hoc:mans: shill an1 facihihins;
5a5'47, 7,14deNT97t, 74h 7T CiftTdiffi TY TICE 001317077, fa TNS CI144 4T all1T7M. Vase « On Of
flasscaa ahn -« fhto a contract witr ins ilaanda dhamser of 'ay.:sores for the casel7fma or ty sato
Giesler of' CC:7,-,QTC,O. of all necessary .:sornlivit are MYertfnirg or 3shadf cf the City of 1.1amoda
for has fiscal saftssa; Sass ?1, 1974«
Tddiedi.T.N.N that a lona of contract to re enhorcel :Into cer L he
ni assent Cineantra Tammaerce and 14ne City .e.)f PaaraCie LTLihirdtt tO the Commod.1 arid filed sitar: tr.e
Citm Cdostk of tile .0:Lty of ralaracels en :71:0 .3 973, .',,,.sracz,..e.:11tE.1 and.. provisions,
thereof be, and the same 45se hereby• am:Toyed,
nr ININataid dreSO:531.1) that tie narair of dime City of «15145.5aede is hereby antheradme.d and
directed to arection, and. the Ititry. Cie:5i: to attest, or bells:12 of ths City of Adaroada5 a contract
andetarAnzhhao tna fus5a and conteinemE the sovenamtn5 agreements ard. provisions set forth in
TO: IT' ft3ITITEla 1IND that.. prremest to Ordimsone No. 141 NfMTSOfir,S, se amended. 'to
arcoMmases ..pa2 dam SUlla 9 200 or 5.5 Iiir,(7.11 nere 02 as soar 15e required, irs,.
and, is horsey avvroprtated out of tle General 'Strad of the City to he used for rnaldvity or
adlomeintaft for Said City for the fiscal tear esSlog Jose 305 1914, ill the masmer and for tNe
purposes vrovideed dm cann fretsarao 61.!.] :Vow Seatce, arendede
I, tno undensigned, Memory.- certify t4at tale fore5dmicre Nesoistion can cl...J.Ly. omd reieslaany
dntroduced amd. admpted Ter the Conrail of the City. of Alameda in resslar mestins asesemdated on tMe
.19t1.5 day of fuss, 1.9T 1i, ire tads feattoord,:45; eves, 40 5,1555
Couseflmet Teaks:al, Coadca, Nsvelham LeCall van fresidomt ia J2., (5)«
af.433719 Iinas.
cita lahaa 4:14NITTITS55,5T. )7e701271.t0 3C1.1, ny arN effinsi the officrna of :sena
Deamty rja7 Clark of one tiny 01 ..120000U0
Ihereets certiedy OMat the foreanfas an a true and. correct cosy of flOity df ennneaa
Reasittdan 7c« TC3O, ISTODI5371II15151=CUTIVI1 CF. co7nvn' 5.427fH 111101Se. 01P107.4e. OCN.ITO.353.02. .1.03705s«
1713.Ted fen 1151 fle15:534 NITSING «N.I355 j.:;"/4, .L;.a) THE:azoil TIE z;un
lajcp; TI-LgH12;cF taidyedzioed arm anomence -ere Corns:11 of the City of Alsesseia
an the 19th. dads of June, 1973.
nal:say Ist Cher15 0 f Gni CT -ay of areas