Resolution 080795)55=55())55 (17 PUNCYN in beneby zu.3pointea to. the office of mumbor 02 the Cita.- Plaardrq cf thv Ciby of Alseneda fur a teat,. canna:using; July 1, 1973. and ersirin,e on. Jrne 30, 1976., and. tp servo unt1J.. his successor is appointed and. is qualified. I, ace undersigned, hareby certify that the forsquinz Resolution. was aulsb and anadviaufg introduccd. ord. adadied by the Codicil. of the City of aladvia in regular nteeting assembled on the .0::tb day of Jude, 1773, by tie follvadtor vote, to wits juSit; hose. ,:, have hereunto set ay halal cad. affixed. the offisisi.. sca1. of naid City this: 20th fa,-7 of Juha, 1973. r)e.1., pity users: of sue, City ef a:aka:4a a hooses- csaluiCy tbat the foregoing is a fobte, true and correct copy of ',City of alamaaa Reso3ojtiok r.re. 0-777, ifikIdffERR tlila3SR OF THY, CITY IfbiffISIIC duarciused. ani. ulatei by the> Coakoll of Ika Ciabp of nirassia, or. the 13ils day of Joue, 1973. "leyoty. City Clerk of the tity of Ala:77, ascii ... c