Resolution 08094CITY 01 ALAMEDA RESOLDTIGN NO. 174 DESIGNATION INE DUMBER 03' AND PROVIDING FOR THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES OF' THE CITY OF ALAMEDA SE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL 0 THE CITY OP ALAMEDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 Ihe following Position classifications, salary rates, salary. ranges and aalary steps are hereby designated as thos applicable to the respective classifications (4 (4 service of the City of Eiamesa, effective July 1, 1.973. The salary rates shown herein are for the most part from, or derived from, the uniform salary schedule incorporated. in Resolution 6232. Ranges are approximately 2.5% apart, with an approximate spread of 587, to ,n steps. Code No. of Range Step ;Stop Step Step Stop No. Class Title Positions No. 3 2 .4. ADMDFISTRATIVE AUDITOR. AND ASOMSSOR 1%00 Auditor and Assessor I - 1500 16575 165C 1725 1700 Deputy Assessor 7 E6(a) 1D48 1100 1155 1213 1274 1685 General Accounting Suov. 1 86(a) 104E 1100 1155 1213 1271, 158C Accounting Machine Operator* .11!- (37(a) 693 727 763 301 314S 1510 intermediate Typist Clerk 2 62(a) 584 613 644 676 710 Accounting Machine Operator. The one employee in this Classification whose primary duties involve the operation of the DCR 40C Accounting Machine shill receire an additional one full stop (5%) while so assigned in such Resiman capacity. ATTOHNEY 1010 City Attorney 1020 Assistant '7 Attorney 1630 Legal Secretary 1535 Legal Stenographer CITY CLIFF_ 1030 City Clerk 1590 Deputy City Clerk ciaT MANAGER 1 113(a) 2027 2130 2238 2349 2466 1 1 73(a) 763 001 5543 883 927 1 66(a) 644 67O. 71C 745 782 1 92(a) 12(4 1274 1338 1443 1475 1 7347) 763 871 641 883 927 1040 City Manager d f/m 3351 1050 Assistant City Manager 1 105(a) 1666 a749 i727 -1.9c 204, 10.40 Administrative Secretary to the City Manager 75(a) 801 841 8E3 9327 974 510 Intermediate Typist Clerk 1 62(a) 584. 613 644 676 710 1 CDT PLAINITING 06o Planning Director 3135 Asstt. Plamning Director 8130 Associate Plchner 309(8 Assistant Planner 1600 DepartEental Secretary PESED;OHNEI 03 (a) 15E7 1666 1749 1837 8938 9)(0 1243 1304 1371 1440 1512 DN(4) 1187 1184 1243 1306 1373. E4(a) 998 8,048 rico 1135 1213 (4 (a ) 727 763 601 841. 885 leqo Personnel Director 101(a) 1512 1587 1666 1749 1837 605C Personnel analyst 1 S9(a) 1127 114 1243 1906 1371 899ic InteEmediate Typist-Cierk 62(a) 3'!, 613 044 676 710 61040 Examination Proctor (P.I) PURCHASING 1660 Assht. Purchasing Agent 83(a) 975 1023 1074 1127 1184. 1545 Purchasing Clerk DOW 644 676. 71C 745 7118 15ao Intermediate Typist Clerk 62(a) 584 C5.3 6.44 670 710 SOCIAL SERVICE 1520 ,Social Service Secretsaw 1 656(47 o77 710 745 821 Code No. Class Title TREASURER AND RA2 COLLECTOR 1080 Treasurer ane ler6 Collector 1690 Deputy Treasurer-Tax Collector 16522 Assft Deputy Treasurer.- Tam Collector 1565 IIcerse and Tax Aszdt. 1510 Intermediate Tnist-Clerk Range Step Step Step Step Step Positiers No. ' 9 4 5 ADMINISTRATIVE (cont.') - 1500 1575 1650 1745 671) 104E 1160 12.55 2121.3 1974 821 o,, 905 950 9, 73(a) 763 801 641 883 927 ' 62(4) 584 623 644 676 710 4 PUBLIC WORES 62111LNIUG IPSPEUT1OFO 5176 Chief Building Pdspector 98(a) 2405 1(75 1549 1646 1709' 311C Denier Plumbing inspector 2 3o(a) 21GO 1155 22.T2 8274 /388 3100 Senior wilding bnopector 68(a) 11CC 2025 1225 1874 1338 306C inidding lmsdecttr 2 2571) 1025 1074 2129 1184. 2245 3000 Building and Plumbing ) 71 (a) '717 963 8(n 841 5723 Po/mite htmider 094T BALL 2040 Auto-Building Serviee Fan 1 71(a) 771 763 8C1 8E1. 5R5 2030 Ass,t Auto-Glen. Serv, Fan I 68(a) 636 710 745 982 821 1500 Telephone C(er.-Recept. 1 62(a) 584 613 644 676 710 ENGINEERING 1090 Ci37 . Engineer 1. 113(a) 9027 2130 2238 4349 2466 3180 Asswt 115p Engineer m 12,71.- 8,)8( 1666 t749 4839 1930 3150 Sr. CkVil Engineer S. 14C5 1495 1549 1626 170? 3140 Assoc- Civil Engineer" ' 2 93(a) 1243 1306 2371 1440 2512 3126 ass,t Civil Engineer 5 2 86(a) LOA) 1155 1213 1274 1338 88(a 077 Surv. 0. Const. Inspu Supv. ) 1100 1155 1213 2274 1338 3090 Surrey Party Chief 2 (1O(o) 1048 1100 1155 1213 1274 3080 Jr. Civil Engineer 5 8471) 998 1048 1100 1155 275E3 3070 Construction Inspector 2 83(o) 974 1023 2094 92,99 1184 2690 Admin. Serv, Supervisor 2. B4' (a) 974. 1023 1M 38-1:2-279 It 3020 Sr. Engineering Aide 1 B0(a) 862 905 862 905 3030 Senior Draftsman 2 38(a) 862 3065 Traffic Engineerin g Tech. 1 78(a) 905 950 998 1048 950 998 1: 3010 Engineering Aide 4 73(a) 763 eca 929 1610 Prin. Cik., Dept. of 3., Works 1 763 801 644 :2 7 745 782 '-t19 1530 Sr. Stenographer-Cierk 2 760 644 696 6 6 1550 Account Cl h erk 66(a) 44 76 3000 71 745 Jr. Ci ine vil ,13. 1/311 (P.T.) 694(a) 0 782 6.14 6.45 6.97 73(a) 7.11 7.46 3010 Engineering Aide (P.T.) 4.70 4.93 5.28 5.43 7170 3 2 4 3005 Student Aide ((.I.) .26 .37 3149 Eihose regular full-time civil.. service employees in the classification of Assoc. 3.3.7 3. Engineer, Asst. Civil Engineer, and Jr. Civil khgineer, mho are listed as being Registered Civil Engin- eers in the State of Calif. shall be eligible to receive $35 per month in addition to their regular gross monthly salary. POUND 21TO Poundmaster 2050 Asstt, Foundmaster 1 73(3) 763 501 844 883 927 7' (3.) 710 745 782 821 862 s9REE2 3160 Public Works Maintenance Superintendent 98(a) 1405 1475 1549 1626 170? 2370 Street & Sewer Maintenance Supervisor 2. 85(a) 1043 1t)74 1171 2184 1243 2380 Equipment Maintenance Supv, 4 65(a) 1023 1074 1122 2104 1243 2335 Tree Maintenance Supervisor 83(a) 974 1023 1074 1127 1184 2290 Naintenance Carpenter Foreman 1 ga(k) 927 974 1023 1074. 4.3,7 2 Concrete Foreman $22(a) 927 974 2023 9094 9229 2310 kLintenance Plumber 1 21(a) 927 974 1023 4094 1227 4530 Sewer Maintenance Foreman 1. 81(a) 929 974 1023 1094 1127 2240 Equipment Mechanic 4 78(a) 842 5(15 950 998 1048 2230 Mkintenance Carpenter 2 78(a) 862 905 551 998 1048 2220 Idadiatenance Painter 78(a) 862 985 950 998 1048 2200 Concrete Worker 4 76(a) 821 E62 905 713 998 ,0011 o Class Title No. of Range Step Step Step 8tep Step Positions 1710 1 '2 4 PUBLIC WORKS (C(nt.) STREET (Cont.) Sle0 Street Sweeper Operatorl 2 74(a) 782 821 862 905 950 2125 Equipaent Operator 74(a) 782 821 26'. 905 950 2150 Tree Trimmer 4 74(a) 982 821 862 905 950 2140 Tree Maintenance Han '73(a) 763 801 841 883 927 2115 Fuhlic Works haintenance Man 15 72.(a) 745 782 821 862 985 2090 Asst. Equipment Mechanic 7 72(a) 1)5 782 821 862 905 20871 Gardener 1 72(a) 745 782 821 862 905 a9120 Laborer 13 68(a) 676 710 745 782 221 1" Plus 1 full "to" (5%) when scheduld 4 or more hours between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 2210 Traffic Control Painter i 78(a) N62 -7.5 950 998 1048 2215 fkbliB Works Msintenance Ban 1 72(a) 745 782 821 862 905 PUBLIC SAFE= FIER 122 Fire Chief 10B(a) - 1978 2071 2183 44550 Assistant Fire Chief 71 9('4.) 1580 1658 1740 4540 Battalion Chief 9 93(t) 1371 1440 1.512 4520 Fire Captain 11 89(i) - - 1332 i moo 4510 Fire Lieutenant 12 86(i) a - - 4,26 4505 Fire Apparatus Operator 24. ■34(e) - - - 1225 4500 Fireman 49 82(r9) - - 2048 4400 2455 660 Departmental. Secretary 71(a) (21 763 SO3 S41 435 2510 intenmediate Typist Clerk s 62(a) 584 613 644 676 TO Ia addition to normal compensation, positions in classifications at the rank of Fire Captain. or Fire Lieutenant on regular assignment to Inc Fire Prevention Bureau shall receive a salary differential of one full step (51) per month while so assigned. Positions at the "71 of Fireman shall receive a salary differential of 61 while on such assisnment. Battalion Chief - included for pension purposes only. POLICE IIIC Chief of Police 1 108(a) 1978 267S 2685 4U1.0 Police Captain 3 1C1 (a ) - - 7.101 1749 4937 4030 Police Lieutenant 5 94(0) 1485 1475 154T 4010 Police Seggeant 19 29(a) 1243 1306 101 400(. Police Officer 09 81(a) 1.023 1 71 74 Cl27 4006 Policewoman _ C1(a) - 1023 1C74 027 4009 Police AiMe II t9(a) - 763 SOI S44, 1530 Sr. Stenograpter-Clerk 3 66(6.) 644 696 710 745 782 9548 Sr. Typist-Cierk 2 66(a) d7) 676 714 745 722 1510 'ate Typist-Cierk 2 52(a) 584 623 644 676 948 4058 Crossing Guard (P.T.) 3.09 4040 Security AiMe (P.T.) 3.09 RECREATION PARKS AND GOIN, 140 Director of Recreation and Parks 7 104(a) 91,,6 499 1992 2883 1998 5120 Recreation Supervisor 3 84(a) 998 1048 1100 1155 1213 5110 Senior Recreation Leader 3 75(1) Kl 841 803 927 974 1600 Departmental Secretary 1 71(a) 727 763 601 841 SS3 540 Seufor Typist-Cierk 66(4) 644 676 710 745 782 2010 , Custodian 2 63(a) 598 628 660 693 4519 intermediate Typist-Eferk 1 12(a) 584. 618 '/1 696 710 5990 Recreation Specialist (0.1.) - - 3.72 3., 4.10 506o Recreation Leader II (P. T.) 2.91 3836 3.21 3.39 3.94 5048 Recreation Leader I (p.T.) 2.64 2.78 2.94 51 Recreation Aide (P.T.) 2.07 2.17 2.29 20IO Custodian (P.T.) 63 (3. ) 3.45 ERNIE CENTER 5100 Swim, Pool Eanager 9080 Aquatic Specialist 5070 Senior Lifeguard 5845 Aquatic instructor 5050 Lifeguard 5030 Cashier-Attendant 5000 i•cker Attendant 5020 instructor Aide 2010 Custodian. - 4.10 4.30 3.7e 3.80 4.10 - 3.54 3.72 3.90 - 3.21 3.37 3.54 - 3.06 3.24 3.37 2.78 2.94 3.86 3.2a - 2.89 2.17 2.29 - 2.52 2.64 2.98 Code No. Class Title Range sitions No. RECIGITION, PARKS AND GOLF (Cont„)); Step 3ter Step 0ter A_ :MARLS 8f40 Park Fidintenance Sumervisor 1 '0,4(a) 998 994s 19oo 8955 ]213 2925 Equipmenb Operator 74(a) 712 862 905 95c, 06227/ ana Park 00 1(C Man 8 72(c) 745 Tea 821 Bbe 905 L020 Laborer e be(a) 676 710 745 782 ea 202E Laborer (2.T.) 3.90 4.10 4 4.51 4.74 0.99r., 235E Golf Course Haintenance Supt. 1 00(a) 1155 1213 1874 33 1485 L255 Golf Course LainLeuance Foreman 1 81(a) 927 974 J923 1074 1827 825o Golf Course irrigation Leaman l 78(a) REf 905 958 999 ic4L LeRC, Equisalerus rechanic I (a) /02 905 95E 998 co45 2145 Heavy Equipment Operator ; ( 8(a) 0b2 905 950 998 1225 3. 11(00 Craftsman 7(a) fda 9(15 95o 998 8444 2125 8quiement Operator 4 7(4(4) 72'd 8b1 862 905 958 2C90 basistnet Equipment becfanic 72(a) 748 782 98,1 262 305 NO65 Godf and Park rdint. Ran 6 72(a) 845 782 N2f Oba 9C5 0020 LaCorer . ou(a) 07b. 710 745 782 e2: 2o10 Cmsbonian b 4 7/(a) 579 598 6ee 410 787 aCNO Laboren (P.T.) bb(a) 3.9R 4.10 4.30 4.5= 4.74 La addition. to normal compensation, Golf Course Laborees enga3ed dm. night watering for four or more hours between 4:CO p.m. and 8:00 a.m, shall receive a one step (3%) salary differential while cc regularly and continuously employed. LEBRARIR 1130 City Librarian 99(a) 1440 L5:_2 1587 a000 1949 3553 Supervising Librariaa S R2(a) 950 993 dO4R aaco 2495 954o Senior Librarian 1 78(a) 852 905 950 996 1Cab 3530 Librarian 2 .7227/) 712 ea. 062 905 950 600 Departnentai Secretary 1 71(a) 727 763 801 041 883 3585 Libra's; Technician (7 + tie) 1 66(a) 644 676 790 745 782 2010 Custodian (2 = 1 R .; time) 63(a) 598 628 660 69.3 727 3512 o0,,0 3(71 Library Clerk time) 62(s) 514 613 eicA. 676 790 3548 Senior LiErarian (F.T.) 4.97 5.22 5.48 5.70 6.05 3530 Librarian (P.T.) 4.51 4.74 4.97 5.22 5.49 5595 Library Techoician (p.T.) 3.72 3.90 4.49 4.38 4.51 2010 Custodian (132.) 3.45 3.62 3.41 4.4C 4719 3512 intermediate ILbrax7 Clerk (P.T.) 3.57 3.54 3.72 5.90 4.40 3504 Jsc Library Clerk 42.1.) 2.9: 3a6 3.21 3.37 3.54 7)595 Student Assistant III (9.T.) - - 2.34 2.98 3.13 3502 Student assistant II (P.T.) - - 2.45 2.57 2.71 3501 Studodt Assistant I (P.T.) - 2.12 0.22 2.34 VACATION RELIEF Jr. Typist-Clerk GP.T.) 2.91. 3.96 3.29 3.37 1 ' Custodian. Ono pooition each of Ousteeian is the Golf amd in the Library. Departments wi-0 ol. are regularly assigned and exercise Leadran duties and responsibilities, as certified in :writing by tbe respective Depastment head involved, shall receive a salary differential of 1/2 step (2.5%) while so regularly and continuously assigned. I, the Luviersigned, hereby certify titet the foregoing Resolltion was duly and regularly introdU(+ d and atheitaftby the Coteacil of the C1 of Alameda in special meetLeag assembled on the 10th day of JILly, 1973, by the follow:LI:1g vote, to wit: Councilmen I'3eckars, Hurwitz, YioCall and President La Croix, Jr., (4). NOES: None. Ag3TINIDG: Cr uncitemar: Corica, (1). ABSENT: Done. WITNESS EINEM017, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed. the official seal of sone City this lith day of July, 19'73. ETNEEL E. PIET Deputy City Clerk of the City of Alameda I hereby certify that -.hie forego:D0g is a full, true and correct coliwe of "City -of A.:Luileda Resolution No: 8094, DESIGNATING '112 NUMBER OF AND PROVIDING FOR TITE CCEPEDSETION OF CERTAIN ONDISERS ANS OTHER ENDLOYEES THE; CITY OF nrideSSE.,o fultroduced and adopted :cy the Council 0:E. the city of iu.,,Loiecia on the 10th Say of jely, 1713. Deputy City Clerk 0 the CAT of A110ed0