Resolution 08096CITY OF ALIKEDA 'RESOLUTION NO. SODS RESOLUTION OF DETENTION TO APPROVE All AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT EMMEN TEE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYR= AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALANENA hIERIAS, the Public Employees' Retirement Law permits the participation of public agencies and their employees in the Pandic Employees' Retirement System Cy the execution of a contract, and sets forth the procedure by which said puliaio asenuies soy eieot do subjeet themselves and their employees to amendments to siiel law; and DIMMERS, one of the steps required in the procedure to amend this contract is the atioption by the legislative body of the public agency of a. resolution giving notice of its intention to approve an amenUnEnt to said contract, which resolution shall contain a summary of the changes proponed in said contract; sua WHEREAD, the following is a surzury of the proposed change: Provides upon the death. of a miscellineoun meriber yips his retired for 010110 0. clis- ability for the continuation of the post- retirement survivor allowance to certain survivors. POT, TUEREICESS, 3B IT RESOLVED, thpa the CITI CAREE: lah CY:: the CIIE OR dIDNU'i elven, and it does lerehy give notice cf inasitiox to approve an amelampat to contract Let:mom, saii CITY OCULUIL ias the Board of odnitrentyitior of the litatid Emptoyees' Retirement Oysters, a ccpy of sole amenn- neht eeiis attached hereto, marked Tilthibit A' aah By trim refereice 3aacie a part herevf. CITY' COMORE OF THE PITY or fLil..aa', TER.R.Y. Terry La Croix, jny, Mayor o'S the City of Allamede (Daie huopied ana approve, I, ihe uadtareivasI, yoreay DertEly, ehac tho ioresolis Hascuution gas uuiy and regularly agercnice- a-h atopteu hy tho Go-spoil of the City cf tlanteoi in regular noeting aosemited or the 17th day cf 1973, 1„.75. the foliowlas vote, to vim: AIDE: CoulmilLer a-i3ka2.21, Turici, MilwitR, alio President La Croix, jr., (5). UCXX: nap, AITEDE: Hone. TB hi:LEHNER WHEREOF, I have herexnto set my hand and affixed the official seal. of said City this 18th day of Judy, 1973. IXPEL R. PITT,. DepEtTo t- of tie City of Disraeli hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "City of Alameda Resolution No. DODS, RESOLUTION OF INT:BETIDE TO APIRODE AU REPIEDRENT TO CONTXACT EDIERDN TIE BOARD OF ADDINDHIRAIION OF TEE PUBLIC:it:IP:IDS:DES' PETESIEBER' SEOUL AND THE CITY COUNCIL OH SITE CITY DI' ALIHEIDA," introduced. and adopted by the Council the City of Alameda on the 17th day of Juipt,15(15., , - Deputy City 011..e1k 1 0 ity 1 f ,:l P.1.10,:i